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I walk around the museum, the reflection of the yellow dress I'm wearing in all the displays.

I stop to look at a Victorian display, a woman and her dog. The dress is beautiful and her partner is stood next to her. I smile and walk to the next display about LGBT famous people from the past, it starts with Alexander Hamilton who might of been gay. Who can be sure though?

I continue walking around alone, walking past a kissing Ellis and Molly and a lonely Ollie who's staring at a model war plane. I go to stand next to him and almost instantly he walks off. I watch his back before starting to do more reading.

"Do you guys wanna get diner?" Ellis asks. "I'm getting bored here," he mutters.

"I was just gonna get takeaway tonight," Ollie responds and walks to another display. 

"Hey, that means we can watch another film," Molly mutters and wraps her arms Ellis. "If you're okay with that, Elle?"

"Yeah, of course! I'll order a pizza and watch Friends," I laugh, my dress swooshing around me. Molly mouths thankyou at me before we leave to the giftshop.

I look around the different aisles until stopping at a small snow globe of the museum. I lift it up and shake it. The small glitter speckles fall around the museum which sits at the top of the cliff, the sea underneath it.

I walk to the counter and pay for it, putting it in the small brown bag and head outside of the museum. The museum is situated on a cliff, I walk to the railing at perfect timing as the sun is setting over the sea and the waves crash against the white cliff.

"You ready to go El?" Ellis's voice says as his crisp footsteps get closer to me. I glance up at him and his blue eyes are looking forward.

"Yeah," I say, leaning back.

"You good?" He asks, causing me to walk back to the metal railing.

"Yeah-" I start to respond.

"Is this about Ollie?" He mutters.

"What?" I stutter.

"How he's changed on you? I wouldn't worry, he's just like this," he whispers before walking off back to Molly. I stand there in shock for a second before following him.

I lay in the cold hotel room bed as the shower runs in the next room. I should order pizza instead of just lying here.

I force myself out the double bed and to my phone, no messages. Molly must be on her final holiday date.

"Ollie, do you want anything?" I ask through the door of the bathroom. The shower stops running.

"Hawaiian pizza and fries," he shouts back before the shower starts again. I walk off and nervously dial the pizza number, fuck anxiety.

Soon, a young voice answers the phone.
"Hi, Pizza Hut. How can we help you?" She chirpily says.

"Hi, can I order a small Hawaiian pizza, small a meat feast, large fries and raspberry Pepsi Max please," I respond, matching her cheerfulness.

"Okay and that comes to £23.50, are you paying by cash?"

"Yes please."

"Your order will arrive in about 45 minutes," she says before hanging up. I place my phone down on the desk before picking up my purse and leaving £25 on the desk too.

Whilst I'm waiting I turn on the TV and put on Friends.

Soon enough, the phone rings and a blunt Oliver picks up the phone and responds with one word before looking at me.

"Your order is in the reception," he responds. "I'll go get it."

"The moneys on the desk," I respond. He nods and picks up his own wallet before leaving.

A few minutes later he comes back in and places the food down on the desk.

"I'll sit here and you can pull a chair up," he says and gestures to a chair near the kettle. I nod and drag the chair to the desk, opening up the pizza and being greeted by the amazing scent of pizza and fries. He smirks himself as he pours the drink into two mugs we have in the hotel room.

We eat in silence and sit there for about an hour before he starts to clean up and I wash the mugs in the bathroom sink.

"Do you want money for the food?" I ask and he ignores me. "Ol-"

"What?" He spits. I grimace. "No, I don't."

"What is with you?" I ask, stepping closer to him before walking to the large window and staring out at that ferris wheel. 

"What?" He says, his voice laced with that anger I haven't heard in ages.

"You, we spent a night close to each other and then suddenly you're like this! As bad as your awful friends!" I say, my voice getting louder and louder.

"We are not close!" He shouts back.

"Then what was all that last night?" I shout, the anger completely taking over me.

"It was just one thing Elle, don't over think it like you always do!" He shouts back as his arms fling around at me.

"You initiated it!" I scream at him, taking a step closer to him.

"It was one night!" He roars back. I feel the anger starting to make me shake and I notice his fists clenching and unclenching.

"You made a move on me and then spent all of today hating me," I cry and run a hand through my dark hair.

"Do you know why?" He shouts, his voice not as loud. He takes a step towards me and I take a step back.

"Because you're just like all of your dickhead friends," I shout, my hands making all sorts of angry gestures.

"Because since I made that move on you all I've wanted to do is this," he says, his voice a loud whisper.

"What?" I whisper loudly back in confusion.

Abruptly, he darts towards me, his arms wrap around my waist and suddenly his lips are pressed against mine. I stand there, my lips instinctively moving against his and my arms moving up to around his neck. His hands slide up my back as he holds me closer to him. In that moment I forget everything that's going on, all of his friends, our argument, the future, and all I feel is my heart racing and the buzz that I've never felt before, only read about.

Slowly he pulls away and his brown eyes meet mine. There's no smile on his face but his eyes are wide. He looks at my lips again before back at me. I arch my head more to look at him, both of our breathing slowing down.

"What now?" I finally whisper.

"I'm not sure," he responds with a soft voice. "Right now I just want to kiss you," he continues before leaning down and pressing his soft lips against mine again. I feel a smile against his lips, quickly that feeling of the world falling away comes back until he pulls away again.

As he does, I slide my hands down from his neck to his shirt collar and hold him closer to me. His hands move to the side of my neck and he rubs my jawline slowly. I smile as he presses his forehead against mine.

"Fuck," he mumbles against my lips.

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