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sorry for the flood of updates but I've left this book for ages and I wanna finish it to make up for it ♡ (and also so I can work on my new book☆).

The sun shines through the thin curtains and I smile, until I remember last night and worry he's changed on me again.

I turn around to see him, his eyes open slowly and he looks down at me. He doesn't say anything but his hand slowly moves to my back. Slowly, his lips turn to a smile.

"You're pretty," he laughs softly and leans forward, kissing my forehead softly. "Can we keep us a secret?" He continues whispering, against my forehead.

"Us?" I question.

"Sorry, I mean-" he says, getting flustered and stuttering his words. "I mean don't tell anyone about what we do," he whispers softly, kissing my lips very softly and delicately.

"Okay," I whisper back against his lips. He smiles and kisses me once again.

"Can I take you on a date tonight? Before we leave at nine? I wanna go on the ferris wheel one more time with you," he smiles. I smile back and nod.

"I'd love to," I mumble and kiss him softly once more before rolling ontop of him.

"Hi," he laughs as his hands slide down to my waist.

"Hey," I laugh back and lean down to kiss his cheek softly. "I should call Molly and ask her the plans for today," I continue, really not wanting to leave being alone with Ollie.

He sits up, his face close to mine."Or, you could stay here with me," he whispers near my ear biting it softly.

"How I wish I could but unfortunately we can't," I smile.

"I bet I could change your mind," he mutters, his kisses trailing down to my jaw and to my lips.

"I know you could," I mumble and kiss his soft lips, to which he smirks at me.

"I'm glad you know your place," he jokes, laughing.

"Go shower," I laugh and climb off him. He pouts at me before rolling off the bed and leaning against the wall.


"Ollie, don't you dare finish that sentence. I need to call Molly so go," I laugh. He rolls his eyes, walking through the bathroom door and immediately the shower turns on. For a second I sit there and stare at the door as I think about how he's changed for the better.

I can't help but smile as I press Molly's number and listen to it ring.

"Hey gorgeous," Molly laughs.

"Plans?" I immediately ask.

"Woaaah calm down, tell me what happened last night first," she giggles.

"What? Nothing," I respond, shrugging.

"Last night we heard some pretty loud noises," she coos.

"Arguing," I roll my eyes.

"Yikes, anyway plans. Shopping? Then fun fair until nine?" She asks down the phone. I nod even though she can't see me.

"Sounds good, see you at lunch? Don't forget to pack, we'll put everything in the car before we go out."

"Yeah, see you in an hour or so," then she hangs up. I slide my phone onto the desk and wait for Ollie to leave so I can change. Whilst waiting I dig through my suitcase for my final dress: a blue knee-length dress with white flowers. I smile and hold it up to my body whilst I wait.

A few minutes later the shower stops and Ollie walks out smiling. He has his usual after shower look of just a towel and dripping body.

"What are you staring at, Elle?" He whispers, walking towards me.

"Nothing," I stutter back, as my cheeks turn a deep shade of red.

"Sure, Elle," he whispers near my ear, "that's why your face is all red then?" His soft, raspy voice makes the hairs stand up on me.

"I need to shower," I laugh nervously. He laughs too before moving out the way.

"Enjoy your shower," he says as I close the door. I lean against it for a second and exhale. Fuck.

After my shower I pull on my black underwear and wrap the towel around my sopping hair. Fuck my dress is out there. I sigh heavily and open the door, confidently walking out and feeling his eyes on me.

"Elle?" His voice calls.

"Yeah?" I say, not looking at him out of embarrassment.

"You're the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen," he says in the same slow tone. I blush some more and pull the dress over my tiny body.

He smiles and opens his arms to me when I look at him. I smile and dive on top of him. He instantly wraps his arms around me and plants kisses all over my face.

"You're a real softie, Ollie," I whisper as I rest my head on his chest.

"Only since you've brought it out in me," he chuckles and leans on me.

"We have an hour to pack," I groan and climb off him, he doesn’t let go of my hand. I pull him towards me.

He rolls his eyes.

"We can find a better use of time, Elle," he smirks.

I roll my eyes.

"Come on, packing time," I say, kissing his forehead.

We spend all that time repetitively folding and packing, occasionally he stops to tell me a joke and make me laugh. My favourite one he told was:
Why did the blind man fall in the well?
He couldn't see that well.

We're sat on the edge of the bed, his arm around me, when there's a loud knock at the door. His reaction is to shove me on the floor and laugh. I lie with my head on the floor, staring up at him as he walks to the door and opens it.

"Oh, Ollie. Where's- Elle. Why are you on the floor?" Molly laughs as she puts her hand out for me.

"I fell off the bed," I respond, giving Ollie a tiny death stare. He smirks back at me.

Molly eyes me down for a second before intertwining her fingers with mine.

"You guys ready to go shopping and unfortunately pack up the car?"

"Ollie and me will take the bags down to the car. You two just take the snacks," Ellis smiles.

Once they get out the room, I tell Molly everything. She's smiling and her arms are very quickly wrapped around me and she's jumping up and down.

"Girl, I'm so happy for you!" She laughs and kisses my cheek softly.

"It's not that easy, after today we won't see each other again, it's not a long-term thing," I frown. She frowns too as we reach where the boys are. Ellis gives me a knowing smile and Ollie just shrugs at me.

"Shopping time!" Molly exclaims and we follow her out the car-park, officially leaving the hotel.

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