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A/N Hey everyone,e this is my first story about my favourite glee ships..... as well as my opinion on how their stories should have ended..... if you don't like any of these ships, don't read this lol... 😂 ....... anyways, Enjoy!!!........p.s. the title of this story is based on a song called This Town by Niall Horan...

I do not own any glee characters or songs.............

Rachels POV:......

Here I am lying in bed, barely able to sleep in my New York apartment Penthouse, next to my husband Jesse st. James. he and I have been married for a few years now; he is a successful Broadway producer and Tony winner, just like me. We got married right after I graduated from NYADA, and I went to star in a musical called Jane Austin Sings. this is when we reconnected and eventually fell in love.

But why do I still feel empty inside? Why do I still feel like something is missing in my life? I have my husband... My 2-year-old son named Dalton Braden Anderson-Hummel, who I share custody of with my two best friends Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson. But after all these years of being married to Jesse, why do I still feel this way?? why do I still feel like I'm not in love with my husband, or that after Finn died, he never fixed my broken heart?

Rachel got up from bed after thinking about many things.... she headed to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee and some breakfast before getting ready for Blaine to arrive with Dalton so they could take him out for the day. As she slowly sat down, drank coffee, in walks Jesse with a tired look on his face.

R: "Good morning Sleepyhead; want some coffee?"

J: "no thanks, I'm gonna just get some at work," he said as he planted a little kiss on her temple and raced to the shower to get ready for work.

R: "Ok",, she had a sad look on her face as she was thinking about how she was unhappy in her marriage. Minutes later, Jesse, who was completely ignoring her, was out the door and off to work without even saying goodbye. she then heard the doorbell ring, she stood up to open the door, and in walks, Blaine with a very excited 2-year-old with Blonde Hair and Green Eyes came in and said .... "Mommyyy I mwissed yoo!" the little boy ran into her arms as she bent down to hug him.

R: "Hey, Sweetie. Ready to go to the Zoo?"

D: "Yes, mommy, I wanna see pwenwins."

R: " Ok, sweetie, Just let Mommy get ready, ok; you and Dada wait here". she kissed Blaine on the cheek and let him in, giving him a cup of coffee. At the same time, she hopped in the shower to get ready for her day out.

Blaine's POV...........

Dalton had his own room in Rachel's apartment, so he picked him up and brought him to his room to play while he stayed outside, waiting for Rachel. As he walked around her apartment looking at photos around the house of Jesse and Dalton, he couldn't help but wonder why there was never any photos of her friends... he thought that maybe Jesse didn't like having them around, so she never put one up. Except for maybe one photo of her with Kurt, Blaine and Dalton, that was it; it was like the memories of her past had been erased... no photos of nationals, glee club or even NYADA.

As he continued to look around, he came across a photo album that she had compiled after her childhood home move. He quickly opened it and saw all the photos he had expected to see around the house.. photos of the good times in her past.... the first picture he came across was a photo of his best friend in tight sparkly gold shorts during the time they did Rocky Horror. He looked at it with a small grin on his face; then it hit him; why did the guy in the photo look like his son? he then heard the door of Rachel's bedroom open an saw her walk into Dalton's room, picking him up in her arms. Without her knowing, he put the album back and stopped thinking about what he saw.

R: "Hey, Blaine. Ready to go?"

B: " Yeah, Kurt told me he would meet us there."

and off they headed to central park zoo. when they arrived, they saw Kurt there waiting on a bench. " Papa", the little boy ran into his arms ", are we gonna see penwins today?"

K: " Yes, Buddy, we are!" He kissed Rachel on the cheek and kissed his husband before walking off with Dalton to the penguin exhibit.

While Kurt walked off... Blaine and Rahel stayed back and talked...

B: " Hey Rach, why is it that whenever I come to your apartment, I never see a single photo of any of your friends, well unless you look for the album on the side table next to the fireplace?"

R: "well, Jesse doesn't like having them up; he says it reminds him of what happened from years before?"

B: " Oh, the one where he told you he was in love with you and used you for you to reach out to Shelby, then broke your heart and threw eggs at your head?" he said sarcastically.

R: " Blaine, you know he's changed, right? he's not like that guy anymore who was jealous of me and Finn's relationship and would sabotage our performance to get with me."

B:" Yeah, I know he's a good man now, but I still don't like him."

R: " ok, I'm ignoring your comment, but what brought this on Blaine? why are you all of a sudden asking about pictures in my house?"

B: " Sorry, I was just curious because I look around your house, and all I see are photos of you and Jesse and Dalton, not one from your past. the one where you were happy."

R: " ok, Your point?"

B: "my point is that I can see it in your eyes, Rachel, I know you; I've known you for so long; you think you're happy with him, but your not, your only happy when you see Dalton, me or Kurt. For the past five years, I've never seen you smile the way you used to smile when Finn was still alive when you were truly happy. look, I know it took some time for you to move on, but I thought having Jesse in your life would, but clearly, it didn't."

R: " look, I see your point, but I honestly don't know anyone in my love life who made me truly happy the way that Finn made me happy, and probably no one will."

B: " you sure bout that? I mean, just out of curiosity, like, didn't Sam make you happy at one point?"

R: "I mean yeah, for a short period of time, he did when he tried to fix my broken heart after Finn died, and I came back to Mckinley to run the glee club."

B: " Yeah, I know about that short-lived romance you guys had, but can you honestly tell me that you haven't felt the same way you did with Sam as you feel right now with Jesse?"

R: " Yeah, maybe? I mean, yeah, I do, I guess."

B: " Yeah, right", Blaine said sarcastically, " Come on, let's go get Kurt and Dalton and head to Lunch",

Rahel's POV:

R: "ok", as she was walking to find Dalton and Kurt, Rachel was deep in thought about what Blaine said; she just quickly put it at the back of her mind and went off to spend the day with her son.

Everything Leads Back to You (Glee fanfic | Sam x Rachel)Where stories live. Discover now