The Conversation

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A/N: Hey everyone, I know that the previous chapter was extremely long, and I apologize for that there was a lot to say with the wedding, and I promise it will all make sense in the next few chapters. This one will be shorter and will feature more characters and relationships...... thanks to everyone please like and comment, also I do not own any characters or songs used in Glee or any songs used here.... enjoy!!

It was the morning after the wedding when everyone was settled in their rooms, Artie and Kitty had left for their honeymoon and, some partied all night till the passed out while others called it a night quite early. Everyone was still dealing with the love fest that happened the night before that for once; there was barely any phone traffic or anyone hooking up with random people.

Rachel's POV:

Rachel woke up feeling sick and disgusting, with her head pounding. She started to wanna throw up, and she looked around her for anything she can use, she turned around to find a trash can right next to her, and she started to barf. After she finished her business, she began to look around, not remembering what happened the night before, she looked down to see herself in her favourite comfy shirt and shorts that she used all the time, there was a pot of coffee the small counter with a post-it that says " drink me". there was also, some medicine and a pair of sunglasses on the nightstand that read, "take me if anything hurts", and " wear me if your eyes are still red." Rachel started to wonder who did all of this for her, feeling scared, she quickly started to get up and speak.

R: Sssaamm?? babe?

there was no answer, she quickly grabs her phone and started to dial Sam's number...

R: Sam? babe?

S: hey beautiful glad your up! did you see all the post-its i left for you?

R: wait that was you?

S: yeah babe it was me. you got so drunk and passed out at the wedding last night, so i took you upstairs to our room and changed your clothes, and tucked you in.

R: ohh thanks babe, that's so sweet of you, where are you anyway?

S: yeah I'm Just out right now, I'm actually suppose to meet Santana and Blaine for coffee at the Lima Bean do you want anything?

R: your at the Lima Bean? Sam!

S: sorry! you were still asleep when i left and i knew you were gonna have a hangover when you wake up.

R: yeah i know that, what time is it anyway shouldn't we be going for breakfast?

S: Rachel its 2 in the afternoon.

R: what?? i slept for that long? what time did the party end last night.

S: i don't know but, you kinda passed out right around 3 am so i took you upstairs by then.

R: and you weren't drunk?

S: no, i knew that You, and Kurt would be drinking all night so me and Blaine decided to not have as many in case any of the three of you needed me.

R: ok, so if your out who is gonna take care of me and this hammer pounding in my head.

S: relax, babe i got you covered... Luckily just like me, Mercedes didn't drink as much and Quinn can't, so they'll be coming in and out to check in with you and Kurt.

R: ok thanks baby... why are you meeting with Blaine and Santana?

S: nothing! I'll tell you about it when your head stops pounding ok?

R: ok..

S: alright go back to bed beautiful, I'll be back before you know it, Love you!

R: Love you too bye!

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