Tight Gold Shorts

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A/N: hey everyone, thanks so much for reading this story; I apologize if it was quite a long chapter hehehe... I do have so many ideas I want to put in for this story...  anyway, if you like this story, please like or comment... I would really appreciate it.... ok, enough rambling...... 

I do not own any glee characters or songs.............

Rachels POV: 

later that day, as she was heading home with Dalton asleep on Kurt's shoulders, they decided that Dalton would stay in her place tonight so Kurt and Blaine could have the weekend off. After all, it was Friday, and even if Kurt and Blaine lived on the same floor,  both of them needed time for themselves. She, Blaine and Kurt were silent throughout the car ride as not to wake up the Toddler...They arrived at her house 20 minutes later.......

K: " ok, he's exhausted. I'm gonna go get this little one a change of clothes and get him to bed."

R: "ok, thanks, Kurt."

B: " Rach, about what I said in the park, I'm sorry I was just thinking about stuff,"

R: "it's ok; I knew you were just curious."

B: " Yeah, it was just cuz I saw a photo of Sam in your album, the one where he was wearing those ridiculously tight gold shorts for Rocky Horror." he said laughingly 

R: " Yeah, I remember that one pretty well" she laughed

B: "I know I was still at Dalton when you guys did that, but I remember Kurt and Sam telling me about it, and then I watched a video that someone took of it, and I couldn't stop laughing."

R: " Me too. I tried so hard not to laugh when we did that, but I had to concentrate on playing Janet... yeah, it was torture." 

Both of them laughed as they continued to talk about Sam and his gold shorts, the glee club, the drama and all the memories. 

B: " See, there's that smile I've wanted to see."

R: " ok, ok, you made your point, " she said laughingly 

B: " thank you." 

R: "I guess not having photos around makes me kinda sad and lonely."

B: " That's true, but you have Kurt and me, and Dalton... oh, and I forgot you have your husband, Jesse..."

R: " That's true, but I miss those days when everyone would come over to dinner on Mondays at the loft, and we would talk about life and stuff. You know, ever since Santana moved to Boston to be with Brittany and Mercedes got married and moved back to L.A., and yeah, Artie moved in with Kitty, and they live here in NY too, but we barely see them because he is always busy with work, and well Sam moved back home. it just seemed so long ago that we got to hang out altogether; I miss those days."

B: " Yeah, me too."

a few minutes later, Kurt came walking back into the living room where they were talking.....

K: " Hey guys, he's finally asleep; I didn't mean to eve's drop but did I overhear you guys talking about Sam and his gold shorts?"

B: " Yeah, babe, we were just talking bout memories and the good old days."

K:" Yeah, I know it seems so long ago when all of us were all here", he said in a daze 

K: Anyway, Blaine, you ready to go? we got reservations at this Italian place tonight..."

B: " Really?!, aww, a surprise date, your so sweet," he said, giving his husband a little kiss and then waved bye to Rachel. 

R: " Bye, you two have fun."

B: " Bye, Rach! kiss Dalton for me!"

R: " will do."

When Kurt and Blaine left and Dalton was asleep, she decided to pour herself a glass of red wine and sit on the couch while waiting for her husband to get back from work. It had been a while since she was on broadway. After Funny Girl and  Jane Austin sing, she starred in other plays with Jesse like "Frozen" and Hamilton. But when she got pregnant, she decided to take the summers off to take care of her son. 

She was sitting there with red wine and thinking about what she and Blaine talked about, about her not being happy with Jesse, how she was happier in the past, and about... Sam Evans. 

Gosh, why did that name always haunt her? She didn't know if she still had feelings for him as she left Lima to go to New York with Jesse and without saying goodbye.... she couldn't help herself anymore, so she took the photo album that was on the side table next to the fireplace, and started to look through it. Rachel couldn't help but smile as she looked through all her old Glee photos. She then came across Sam's photo that Blaine was talking about, and then something she saw hit her; why did her son look like the photo of the green-eyed blonde, buff, 16-year-old in the tight sparkly gold shorts? 

She quickly suppressed what she was thinking about when she got a text from Jesse.....

J: " Hey, Rach, I have to catch a flight to Chicago tonight. They need my help with their production of Jane Austin sings over there. will be back in 3 days,"

R: " ok, no worries."

J: " Cool, i' ll drop by to grab some stuff later tonight, and I'll call you when I'm in Chicago, ok?... Goodnight."

R: " ok good night."

She continued to look through all the photos of her friends and how much she missed them. She finished her wine and got ready for bed; she then went to Dalton's room to give her son a kiss goodnight even if he was fast asleep. She then started to think as to why Jesse never acknowledged Dalton as his son or why he never had a tight bond with him the way that Kurt and Blaine had... he was also in some way Jesse's son after all.... as she drifted off to sleep those thoughts were creeping in her head.... she couldn't stop thinking about all the things she and Blaine talked about... and how much her son ironically looked a lot like Sam.... she couldn't be sure.... maybe she imagined it because she missed him... 

Why did she miss him?? was Blaine trying to tell her something?... 


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