I need you for the rest of my life

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A/N: hey everyone, im really sad that this story is ending but i promise im gonna do a bit of justice to my ships, and to all my favourite characters. this chapter is not as long as the others, as this will involve limited storylines and characters. i do not own any characters or songs from Glee used in this chapter.

1 month has passed, since the opening night of Rachel and Blaine's show (Lalaland), the show was so successful that it will run for the rest of the year. All the new directions have gone home a few days after the show premiered. Sam had found a Job as a music teacher, coaching football and Glee club at a prestigious private school in the city, which he will start working at in the fall. Sam and Rachel are now celebrating their 1 year anniversary and those he asks a few friends to help him with a surprise.

it was mid-morning on very warm Saturday in July , Rachel had gone to the park with Kurt and Dalton. Sam knew that by the end of the day he will come home engaged. He was so anxious to celebrate his 1 year anniversary with Rachel, he knew what he was going to do, but as nervous as he was, he needed some guidance from his friends.

Sam's POV:

Sam dialled Blaine's number.....

S: hey Blaine!!

B: hey dude whats up?

S: can you come over i need to talk to you.

B: ok....I'll be there in a few....

a few minutes later, Blaine arrives, Sam opens the door and they sit and talk in the living room with coffee.

B: so what do you wanna talk about man?

S: how did you get over the jitters?

B: ohh you mean proposal jitters?

S: yeah, i mean when you proposed? where you this nervous? i mean im literally losing my mind here!!

B: ok Sam, calm down.... the jitters will go away once she says yes!.... and i guarantee you she will....

S: are you sure?

B: yeah man trust me, if you want a straight guy's perspective, call Artie, or Puck or Mike ask them how they got through it.

S: im just so anxious to get this over with.

B: i know man its really nerve wracking, but you have the place, ring, and the song, and the perfect girl. what more could you ask for?

S: a beer?

B: hahhahah your funny!, don't worry man once this proposal is over and she says yes im gonna get you as many six packs as you like.

S: thanks man....

B: as much as i'd love to stay and chat, your girlfriend and I have a press event for the show tonight so, i gotta go.... but I'll see you tonight

S:ok see you later Blaine

Sam was still so nervous and he needed a straight guy's perspective, so just like Blaine said he called a friend who helped him get through it.

Sam dialls Artie's number.....

Artie: Hey Sam how's it going?

S: not great man! i need some advice?

A: ahh let me guess the classic old proposal jitters?

S: yeah that.... anyways dude how did you get through it? i mean im literally losing my shit here!

A: dude just take a few breaths, look man as nervous as you are it will all go away once you get down on one knee and ask her.

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