3 months

87.3K 2.8K 9.4K


yeah i would like that :)


current number of subs: 2.6 mil


Three months.

It has been a full three months since i met the dream team.

During those three months, we all grew a strong friendship with each other. They are the closest friends i have. I learned that dream lives in florida and his real name is clay and sapnap lives in texas and his real name is nick. I met all different minecraft streamers like tommy, wilbur, techno, tubbo, and so many more. And i continued to be apart of their videos a lot.

So many special things have happened and today is one of those days. I was scrolling through twitter and i wasn't really doing much. Just vibing and looking at new tweets when I got a notification. It was from dream. He @ me in tweeted. I clicked it to read it.


Dream @:Dream
this is my formal invite for my GREAT friend @:BurningWood. On the behalf of George and Sapnap we would proudly ask you if you would like to join the dream team :)


After i read the tweet i just sat there. Thinking. Nothing else just thinking. Well i definitely know what my answer is through.


Wood @:BurningWood
Dream @:Dream
damn that was so anticlimactic 😔


I laughed and went into the group chat. I saw that they were already texting

yes i will join the dream team

WOO this is great B:)

another person to the team >:)

damn you were so anticlimactic tho :,(

yeah yeah but i should tell you guys more abt me then

things to learn abt Wood? yes pleASE

well what do you guys want to know? you already know my age and what state i live in

can we hear your voice?

yeAH i think that would be cool

alright bet get into the discord call

I left twitter and opened up my discord app. I clicked on our discord group and joined the call. As usual i was muted. They all greeted me with a hi and i unmute myself. I brought my courage up to say something. "hi," the call went silent. Not a peep from their mouths. Damn it, should i have said something else?

"Holy CRAP," Sapnap yelled
"YOURE A GIRL?!" George exclaimed
"nO i'm DEFinitelY a TEn yEAr oLD bOy WHo hAsn'T hIt PuPErtY." I said in a sarcastic voice
"You sound too pretty to be a boy." George said
"Is that a compliment or..." I said
"Just take it as a compliment" Sapnap said
"Aight bet but like you guys are too nice, i sound like a dying frog most of the time." I said
"No you don't, you sound like a swan." Sapnap said
"So you're telling me it sounds like i'm honking?" I said in a fake offended voice
"That's not what i mean!" Sapnap yelled
"Yeah yeah i know but like yes i'm a girl."
"Damn that also sucks because your fans draw you as a boy." George said
"Yeah but i'm used to it by now," I said
"When are you doing a gender reveal?" Sapnap asked
"You're making it sound like i'm gonna have a child, who's the father? Dream?" I snickered
"You know what i mean," I can practically hear Sapnap's eyeroll
"Well probably i'm going to do a voice reveal when i hit 3 mil so i think they'll find out my gender that way." I said
"Hey dream, you've been quiet this whole time, you okay?" George asked
"Um...I-" Dream started
"You good?" I asked
"I just think you...sound very pretty." He said
"Damn what did i do to deserve you guys," i said

We continued to call and talk about myself. All i said was that my real name is Y/N L/N, i'm 19, live with my family and my cat. I then heard a ding from my phone. Sapnap tweeted something on his second account.


twsimpnap @:twsimpnap
guys i'm special now, i know what Wood sounds like
oak @:BurningWood2
omg i'm so jealous


I laughed at sapnap's tweet and continued to talk with the three boys. Mostly it was me yelling at them that if i send them my merch, they would have to send me their merch. We were having a fun talk when sapnap had to leave. We decided to leave the call after that. I went back to sapnap's tweet to see the replies.


twsimpnap @:twsimpnap
guys i'm special now, i know what Wood sounds like
oak @:BurningWood2
omg i'm so jealous
George @:GeorgeNootFound
we're the kool kids who know what wood sounds like
Dream @:Dreamwastaken2
kool kids 😎😎😎😎😎😎


I started to laugh at their stupidity. I decided that I would tweet out to my fans about me now being apart of the dream team.


BurningWood @:BurningWood
i'm apart of the dream team now 😌✨


A simple and straightforward tweet. I got up from my bed and walked downstairs. My siblings were lounging on the couch. My sister was on her phone while my brother was watching something on youtube. I walked up behind him and saw that he was watching dream. He knows that I was a streamer but he doesn't know that i'm the one in their videos.

"Oh i know him," i snickered
"You know dream?!" He exclaimed at me
"Of course i do, i always make videos with him." i said to him
"Wow! Can i meet him one day?" He asked
"Maybe if he ever visits california, then maybe you can." I laughed
"I saw your tweet," my sister said
"You did?"
"Yeah, so you're apart of the dream team now huh?" She smiled and cocked an eyebrow
"YOURE APART OF THE DREAM TEAM?!?" My brother yelled into my face
"It was going to be a surprise to the youtube fans but you'll be the first one to know." I smiled at him
"My sister is apart of the dream team!" He exclaimed

I laughed at him and walked over to the kitchen. I grabbed some sprite and i cracked it open. I took a sip and felt refreshed. I've been in my room all day so it felt nice to be out of the stuffy room. I walked over to the couch and placed my sprite on the coffee table.

I sat down next to my sister and went on to my phone. Our parents are at work so they put us in charge of our brother. I was just scrolling through twitter as usual when i got a text message from dream. He was just checking up on me and we started a conversation. A pretty idiotic conversation. He ended up sending a stupid meme and i could hold my laughter in.

"Who are you texting? Your boyfriend? Did you get one?" my sister snickered
"No, i'm probably gonna die alone anyways" i rolled my eyes
"Are you texting dream?" my brother's eyes lit up
"I actually am texting dream." i said
"Is he the one you have a crush on?" she nudged me with her shoulder
"No!" i exclaimed
"Mhm whatever you say" she smirked and looked back at her phone.

I sighed and continued texting with dream. Soon my parents got home and all my siblings dispersed to their rooms. I said good bye to dream and went on to my youtube to check my subscriber number. Damn it's at 2.6 mil right now. I'm probably going to have to do a voice reveal soon. I went on to minecraft to get my mind off of everything for a bit. My 5 year old self would have probably never thought i would be a famous youtuber.


a/n DAMN this story has grown really fast. Well thank you everyone for voting and reading this story. Right now i'll do a little poll. I'm not sure if you guys would want me to have pre made names for your siblings or S/N and B/N

comment on which ever one you want

Pre Made Sibling Names

S/N and B/N

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