dream making breakfast

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a/n BDHSJXHSJS thank you so much for drawing a panel from this fanfic 💕💕💕 they also drew a second one so you should go check it out 💓💓

credit: __Curious__


Dream POV

I was stirring myself awake but it felt like i was trapped. I opened up my eyes and tried to move my head. That's when i noticed that their were three other people sleeping next me. Y/n was laying on my chest and the two other boys on both my left and right.

I sighed and i kicked Sapnap off the bed and he surprisingly kept sleep. I held onto y/n and scooted away from George. After i got out of George's grip, i slowly slid y/n onto the bed and i quickly left the room.

Yesterday's dinner was a mess. While i was in the room with y/n, George and Sapnap ALMOST burnt down the kitchen. The smoke was the thing that alarmed me so that's why the house isn't burnt down right now. But some how y/n didn't wake up from the musty air but she did find out that we almost burnt the house because of all the burnt food that she saw in the trash.

I wanted to make it up to her so i wanted to make breakfast this morning. I can cook food but it's impossible to do it if there are two other rowdy boys trying to help as well. They both are like fighting children.

I opened up the fridge to find something to make. Most of it was packaged leftovers and sauces. I pushed around some items and saw a box of eggs and packaged bacon. Nothing special but we'll work with what we got.

I went through cabinets trying to find a pan and ended up finding them under the stove. I pulled out the largest one and placed it onto the stove. I lit the stove up and waited it to heat up. Opening the fridge again, i grabbed the butter. I sliced a bit of it off and placed it into the pan.

I watched as the butter melted and sizzled. I opened up the carton of eggs and grabbed one. I cracked it into the pan and i watched the edges bubble up. I cracked 3 more eggs and waited for them to be cooked. After finishing the eggs i went onto making the bacon.


I woke up to the whole house smelling like fresh cooked food. I sat up and looked at my mess of a room. I looked to my right and saw George sleeping. I scratched my head and was about to swing my legs over to bed but was stopped when i saw Sapnap on the floor. I rubbed my eyes making sure this was all real, which it was.

I rolled off the end of my bed so i didn't wake anyone up. I got up and dragged myself downstairs. I almost tripped on air but i quickly caught myself. Now my adrenaline is running so i'm now waking up. I found myself following the smell of the food and it got myself to the kitchen. There i saw Dream cooking food and humming to himself.

I leaned in and heard that he was singing 'Hot Rod' by DayGlow. I quietly tip toed my way over to him. I was now behind him and i leaned in while wrapping my arms around his waist. He jolted for a second but when he turned around and saw it was me, he quickly calmed down.

"Good morning," i said
"Good morning y/n"
"What's for breakfast?" i asked
"Bacon and eggs," he replied
"Wow very american of you," i laughed
"Well obviously, i'm american" he laughed
"You're right, true true"
"Oh sorry about yesterday," he sighed
"About what? The burnt food?" i asked
"Yeah i still feel a bit guilty" he rubbed the back of his neck
"Nah it's fine, if you think that is bad then you should see my sister cook" i laughed

We laughed for a bit and he told me to go set up the table so we could get ready to eat. I finished setting all the plates down and had to go wake up the two other boys. I jogged up the stairs and went into my room. I opened up the door and saw both of them were on the floor sleeping.

I guess George fell off as well. I snickered quietly and i walked over to him. I bent down and slowly shook him awake. He started grumbling and he woke up. He looked around confused to see he was on the floor.

"Why am i on the floor?" he grumbled
"You fell off the bed" i said
"Oh damn my back hurts" he rubbed his head
"Okay old man" i laughed

He rolled his eyes and got up. He left the room and walked downstairs. I walked over to Sapnap and shook him awake. He rolled around and mumbled.

"10 more minutes mom" he mumbled
"Sapnap, i'm not your mom" i laughed
"Huh?" He slowly opened his eyes and saw me
"Oh sorry y/n" He laughed
"It's all fine, breakfast is ready." i told him

He nodded his head and went down the stairs and i followed behind him. We got to the dining room and saw all the food displayed out on the table. George and Dream were sitting in front of each other and were talking. Sapnap walked over to George and sat next to him and i walked over to Dream and took a seat next to him.

"Did you make this?" Sapnap asked Dream
"Yep, as a apology to y/n for burning the food last night" he sighed
"I told you it's fine, but thank you for the meal." i said
"Yeah no problem" he rubbed the back of his neck

We started eating and it was quite pleasant. Eating breakfast all together had a calming atmosphere. The breakfast was also very well made as well.

"Wow this is surprisingly good" George said
"Why is it surprising?" i asked
"I thought Dream couldn't cook," he said
"Well i can it's just that you two are the ones that can't" he eyed George and Sapnap
"Hey don't look at me, George was the one who cant boil noodles correctly" Sapnap said
"Yeah yeah whatever you say mr. i burnt the rice" George said

Dream and i looked at them and then looked at each other. I snorted and started laughing. Dream then started to laugh with me. I started cramping from how much i was laughing at both the arguing and Dream's tea kettle wheeze.

"Oh my god you guys are idiots" Dream said in between laughs


a/n HAHAHAHAHA UMM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING SOONER DJJDJDBS i am going to be uploading a lot more after this arch :))

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