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Ring ring ring

I picked up my phone off my table. I was currently just playing some solo skywars just for some practice when my phone started ringing. I looked at the contact name.

"Dream is calling..."

It was around 12 am in california so that means it was around 3 am in florida. I was confused why he was calling me at this hour. I obviously answer the call and put the speaker on because i was in a middle of a game.

"Hey Y/N" Dream said
"Hey Dream, why are you calling me so late?" I asked as i knocked someone off the floating island
"I just wanted to ask you something." He said
"Yeah sure, what is it?" I asked
"Are you sure about this?" He asked

I was a bit confused on what he was trying to ask. What am i sure about? I tried to think but i couldn't think of anything.

"Sure about what?" I asked
"Well, are you sure you wanna go onto love or host?" Dream asked

Is that what he was worried about?

"Yeah, why wouldn't i be?"
"It seems like a fun experience to be in" I laughed
"But it seems weird because there are 10 people fight for your love" he said
"Dream, not all of them are going to pick love" i rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see
"But what if they all pick love?" he asked
"The only person who ever got all love was Sykkuno and that was because he's super attractive" i knocked off another person from the island
"And they won't even see my face because i'm gonna be wearing the mask"

He went silent for a bit as i continued playing skywars.

"you're gonna be one of the contestants, right?" i asked
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Are you gonna pick love or host" i snickered
"I'm not gonna answer that y/n" i can practically hear him shake his head
"Aw come on why not?" he
"You'll have to find out yourself" he laughed
"You better not pick host" i said in a sarcastic voice

We laughed with each other a bit. When it quiet down, i heard some mumbling from his side. I shouldn't really question it because it's none of my business but my curiosity couldn't stop me.

"Did you say something?" i asked
"Huh, oh uh nothing" he said in a shaken voice
"Anyways what are you doing right now? I can hear clicking from your side." he changed the subject
"I'm just playing some skywars right now to get some practice in" i said
"Can i join?"
"Yeah sure but isn't it like 3 am in florida right now?" i asked
"I go to sleep around 5 am so i'll be fine"

He logged into his hypixel and we both met up in lobby 14. He sent me a party invite and i accepted. We both had visibality players on so soon there was a wave of people who came into the lobby and crowded around Dream and i. I quickly turned off player visibility and we went into skywars.

We played for around 2 hours and it was just continuously laughing and killing other players. Mostly people just asking us for screenies and after their screenies they jump off and let us win. Soon we stopped played and just talked while we did our separate things.

I was editing the wedding video while Dream was editing his manhunt videos. We were talking about the most random things. Like we talked about things that taste good with mayonnaise. It was confusing but was pretty funny. Then the topic of loh came up again.

"You watched George's and Sapnap's loh, right?" Dream asked
"Yeah, George said a total of 3 words in his,"
"While Sapnap said a total of 4 words" i said
"But my goal is to say at least 5 words during mine" i laughed
"I mean i'm gonna be there if that brings you comfort" Dream laughed with me
"That does, at least i can kinda be myself with you there" i sighed
"You know you can always tell Austin you don't want to do it" Dream told me
"But the imagine the clout, Dream" i said in determination
"I can not imagine the clout" he laughed
"Shut up number 1 minecraft youtuber" i scoffed sarcastically

I kept going on about how much clout i could get for this. On multiple occasions he kept telling me i sound like technoblade. I didn't mind though because that was more of a compliment than a insult. We also started joking about how George and Sapnap are so awkward in front of girls.

"Literally the only words George said was no and yes" i laughed
"But his face when we found out Minx chose love," Dream wheezed
"He definitely thought that she chose host" i started laughing harder
"Are you going on loh to find love" He asked
"Eh not really i just want clout" i shrugged my shoulders every though he couldn't see
"I mean you can just go on a minecraft date with me and you'll probably get a bunch of clout from that" he suggested
"True but your stans would go wild" i nervously laughed

We kept talking about random shit and different topics. It soon quiet down when it came around 3 am. I can hear yawning from his side.

"Hey are you tired?" i asked
"Yeah kind of" he said groggily
"You should head to bed then," i suggested
"But i don't want to hang up yet." he sighed
"But you should get some rest because the love or host is tomorrow" i told him
"Can we stay in call?" he asked
"I can just sit here until you fall asleep" i said
"That sounds nice"

I heard sheets move around and i heard him sigh. I started talking about random stories that he could fall asleep to. It seemed like it was working because he was very quiet.

"Good night Dream" i said
"Good night y/n" he said quietly



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