stream it

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When i woke up, i noticed that i was alone. Everyone was probably awake. I got up and walked over to the kitchen. There i saw the three boys trying to cook something. I continued to listen to them talk.

"How the hell do you work this thing?" George asked
"Just push the power button" Sapnap told him
"Where is it though?!" George exclaimed
"Guys shut up, you're gonna wake up y/n." Dream told them
"What are you guys doing?" I asked

They all quickly turned around and saw me standing there. They froze when they saw me. All three of them started to awkwardly laugh.

"Uh it was Dream's idea" Sapnap pointed at Dream
"Hey! It was George's idea!" Dream said
"What?! This was Sapnap's!" George yelled
"You guys didn't even answer my question and you guys are already blaming each other" I laughed at them
"We wanted to make breakfast." Dream said
"Well that's nice of you but it looks like you guys are struggling,"
"Here let me take over, you three go wait out at the dining table." I pointed out of the kitchen

They all left and went to the dining area. It looked like they were trying to make smoothies so i finished up making them. After finishing the smoothies and bringing it over to the three boys, i went on to make crepes. A simple yet good recipe to make for breakfast.

After flipping the last crepe on the pan, i started to assemble it. I went to the fridge and grabbed some cool whip and strawberries. I finished assembling the last one and dropped it on the plate. I grabbed the plate and went over to the dining area. The three boys looked over and their faces lit up when they saw the plate of crepes.

"Here you go," I put the plate in front of them
"Holy shit y/n" Sapnap picked one up
"These look amazing!" George said
"I bet they taste good as well." Dream looked at it

They all took a bite and their faces filed with delight. I smiled at them and took a seat next to Dream. I took the last crepe off the plate and ate it. Sapnap and George were chomping away at the crepe, while Dream and i were slowly eating so we didn't choke. Dream looked over to me.

"Oh y/n, you have cool whip on your face." Dream pointed out
"Huh? I do?" I turned my head
"Here let me get it for you," he wiped it off with his finger
"DEFFO FLERTING!!!!" George and Sapnap yelled out

The whole room then became very silent. It didn't. last too long because we all ended up laughing our asses off. After calming down, we finished up the crepes and washed the dishes. We went over to the couch and started talking.

"So what are we doing today?" George asked
"We are going to do my voice reveal stream today!" I said
"Oh that's right, are you going to do a face reveal as well?" Sapnap asked
"Nope, maybe at 5 mil" i said
"How are you going to hide your face?" George asked
"Well, you know the fox mask that is on my mc character?" I said, they all nodded
"I have a mask that looks exactly like it, i'll go get it" I stood up and ran upstairs

I got to my room and swung the door open. I went over to my dresser and crouched down to the lowest shelf which held my mask. I opened it up and i rummaged through it for a bit and i found it. I ran back downstairs and showed it to them.

"See, it looks exactly like the one my character has." I said
"So you'll be wearing that?" Dream asked
"Yep, and i'll wear it with my new merch." I said
"I have a spare so you can use one as well" i looked towards Dream
"Great, do you have any equipment like microphone or camera?" Dream asked
"Um about that," i trailed off
"Because i didn't use face cam or have my voice in videos, i never really thought of getting a camera or microphone." I nervously laughed
"Well good thing i brought my camera and microphone with me." George stood up

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