Chapter 1- Here We Go

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A/N: Thank you to everyone who's been reading my stories lately! I really needed support and when my friend () told me that I was starting to get views, I was ecstatic! So please enjoy my Ninjago Next Gen story!

Lloyd's POV
If there's one thing I learned from being a ninja, it's that you can always count on your friends. People leave. Lives change. But your friends will always be there. Well, most of the time at least.
"Get back here right now!" I said
"You'll have to catch me first!" Liam yelled
I finally caught up to him and picked him up.
"Dang it!" Liam said
I sat him down on the couch and helped him tie his shoes.
"I don't wanna leave the house, I wanna stay and play outside!" Liam protested.
Liam and Aiden love the outdoors. They got that from their mom.
"I know you don't kiddo, but we gotta go to the store and get some groceries." I responded
"Aiden, get off your phone and come downstairs, we're going to the store!" I called
"Fiiiiiiiiine." Aiden shouted
They were stubborn for sure. Though I wasn't surprised. That they got from me.
We got in the car and drove off to the store.
"These kids are so stubborn. I'm hoping she gets back as soon as she can." I thought to myself.
A little while later, we pulled up to the store. The boys and I got out of the car and headed inside. We ended up getting a box of cereal, a few fast-bake meals, and a pack of juice boxes. I let the boys pick out a toy and we went to check out. We came back home and I let Aiden and Liam play outside. I picked up my phone.

[{on phone}]
Lloyd: R u there?
L: hello?
L: the boys and I are doing fine but they miss you a lot. And so do I. Please text me back soon.

"Guess she's busy. I hope she texts me back soon" I said to myself.
"Daddy can I have a snack?"
I looked over to see Liam looking at me. Aiden was next to him on his phone
"Sure." I got up and grabbed him some GoldFish. "You two having fun outside?"
"Mm-hm" Liam said with his mouth full
"Great. You boys want to watch a movie tonight?" I asked.
"YEAH!!" They shouted.
"Alright then. Go bathe and put on pj's. I'll turn it on and make us some popcorn. Sound good?" I said
"Okay daddy!" "K dad!" They replied and ran off.
I'll admit, it's not easy right now but I know it'll get better. It had been a few months since I'd heard from her and things were difficult sometimes, but I was doing my best and that's what mattered.

Aiden's POV
Liam and I took our baths and came back downstairs. The movie was set up and the popcorn was on the table. Everything was ready. Except for one thing.
I looked at the couch and saw Dad sleeping. Oops. Guess we wore him out again.
It's just been really hard since Mom left. I haven't seen her in a few years and the last time we texted was a few months ago. Im actually not sure if Liam even remembers her.
I saw the wallpaper on Dad's phone. It was a picture of our family. Dad has his arm around Mom, who was holding two-year-old Liam. 10-year-old me was standing in front of them with the biggest smile on my face.
That was one of the best days of my life. My hamster had died the day before and I wouldn't stop crying. So Mom and Dad decided to take us out to Ninjago city. We spent the whole day shopping and having fun. That was right before Mom left. I sighed.
"C'mon Liam, we can watch a movie tomorrow. Let's go ahead to bed." I told my brother.
"Awwwwww. Okay" he sighed in defeat.
It was difficult to get him to listen, but I knew how to do it.
We headed upstairs and I tucked Liam in. Then I went to my room and hopped into bed. I quickly glanced at my phone. Still no messages from her. I'd try again in the morning.

It was 11:00am. I still couldn't sleep. I pulled out my phone and texted my friend Ember.

[{on phone}]
Aiden: You there?
Ember: it's 11:00
why r u still up?
A:I can't sleep
Well, what's the problem?
Something on your mind?
A:Well you see, I tried texting my mom today but she didn't respond
E:Oh, I'm so sry.
Anything I can do to help?
A:No I don't think so, I just wanted to tell someone
E:Okay well if you still
can't sleep later,
text me again.
A:Will do. Thx
E:No prob. Bye!
I put my phone down. Ember doesn't always understand when I talk about my mom not being around. Both of her parents are always there. Plus she has a brother. But even though she can't always relate, she still listens. Ember's for sure a great friend.
I yawned.
Finally I was getting tired. I put my phone down and went to sleep. I couldn't wait until tomorrow. According to my dad, there was going to be a fun surprise.

The next morning...

Kai's POV
The girls were pretty mad at us. Kayden and I had broken the pottery Ember gave Skylor as a Mother's Day gift. We didn't get why it was such a big deal. She can always make another one right?
"THIS is why we don't play football in the house!!" Skylor shouted.
"Do you know how long it took me to make that? THREE WEEKS!! Do you hear me?! THREE WEEKS!!" Ember yelled.
"In our defense, we were just trying to have fun." Kayden stated.
Kayden was always more like his mom. Calm and controlled. He always had a plan. Ember on the other hand, not so much. She took after me. Short-tempered and kind of a hot-head. Even though they were twins, they seemed like complete opposites. They fight a lot too but when things go wrong, they are always there for each other.
After another 10 minutes of scolding from Ember, things calmed down and we decided to go for a walk.

Ember's POV
We walked for about 15 minutes, then Kayden got another one of his headaches. He's been getting a lot of those lately. It worries me sometimes. We decided to head back to the house. But on our way back, we ran into Jade and her family.
"Jade!!" I shouted
She, (along with her dad and my family) looked at me
"Hey Ember!!" She shouted back. We ran and hugged each other. Jade and her dad came over to my family and we all said our hellos. We ended up spending about 15 minutes talking. Jade and I walked up to our parents
"Can we please please pleeease go to the park?" We both begged. Sure we were a little old for it, but that didn't matter. We were just glad to see each other
"I don't know. We were gonna go visit your mom later, Jade." Her dad replied
"He's right," my dad said, "we have to get home before your brother's headache gets worse."
I shot Kayden a look. He seemed intimidated a bit. I don't know if my mom saw or not but she immediately said, "alright well I think we better get going now. It was nice seeing you Cole." My mom said to Jade's dad.
"You too!" He replied. "We should meet up again soon"
"YEAH!!" Jade and I both shouted
We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.
Jade's POV
I was really happy to see Ember again. She and I have been best friends since... actually, I don't know. But since our parents used to work together, (kind of) I'm pretty sure we've known each other our whole lives.
I didn't want to leave but what my Dad told me changed my mind. We were going to see my mom! She has to travel a lot to help her dad(my grandpa), so I don't see her much.
But now we were going to meet up, and it will be so much fun! We're going to eat lunch, then go rock climbing, then-
"Jade!" My dad called
"Huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts
"I called your name like 5 times."
"Oh, sorry, Dad."
"It's fine but come on, it's time to go." He told me
He and I hopped in the car and drove off to where we'd meet mom. We drove for a bit and pulled up to the place. Then Dad got a text.
"Hmm?" He looked at his phone"Aw man."
"What's wrong?" I asked
"I'm so sorry cupcake," he began
"She can't make it can she?" I interrupted
He nodded his head
"It's fine," I told him. "It was a long shot anyways. If she has work to do then we have to except that."
I was so sad but I tried not to show my dad. We've always been a tough family, so I DEFINITELY didn't want to be the weak link.
When I was young, I was bullied by a bunch of boys because of the pink tips on my hair. It lasted for a few years and when I was 6, I decided to cut the tips off. That was when my mom showed up. She came in my room right when I was about to cut it.
"Wow there, Pebbles, what are you doing?" She said, taking the scissors from me.
Pebbles was a fun nickname she came up with for me
I started to tear up. "All the boys are making fun of my hair."
"I know what that feels like." She said, "When I was your age, my dad was worried about my hair. He said that I should try dying it a normal color like blonde or brown, then I would probably make more friends."
"What did you do?" I asked her
"I listened. I died it blonde and regretted it so badly. Once my natural hair color began to come back, I promised myself I would never die it again."
I sat there in shock. I had know idea that Mom had ever died her hair. Much less listened to her father!
She noticed how surprised I was. "The point is, you need to ignore what others think about you. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters." She told me
Ever since that day, I've worked as hard as I could to drown out the negative stuff people would say about me.
"Listen cupcake, I know this is hard with your mom being gone, but we have to work hard and stay positive." My dad told me. "I know, let's go to the movies!"
I snapped back to reality. "Um... okay sure" I said.
"Great! I'll buy us tickets."
My dad pulled out his phone and started looking at movies.
Once my dad found one, we hopped in the car and drove off.
A little later......
"That was a great movie, Dad" I said. "Yeah you're right! But we should probably get home soon, it's getting pretty late." He replied
We left the movies and drove home. I took a shower and went to bed. It had definitely been a long day and I was so relieved to get some shut eye.

A/N: BOOM. Hope u enjoyed this chapter and I'll be posting as much as I can!

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