Chapter 2- a Lil Bit of Love

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Jasmine's POV
"Mom, I still don't see how this will help with any sort of social interaction at all!" Nathan protested
"Please, just trust your mom." My dad said.
"But you could've at least let me bring my computer!!"
"That computer is why you're here. You spend every second on it."
"Not every second!"
They continued to fight but that didn't really matter to me. I just looked out the window of the car and listened to the music from my headphones. Those headphones were my world. I only took them off for emergencies, important stuff, and to sing. I know it's weird, but listening to those things was kinda my only hobby, besides singing along that is.
Suddenly the car stopped and I turned off my music.
"We're here! Everyone behave." My mom said.
"That's right kids." Dad agreed
"That goes for you too, Jay."
My dad didn't respond, we just got out of the car. I looked around to try and figure out where we were. I saw my parents walk up to the house near us and ring the doorbell. I immediately ran over to them along with my brother, who looked just as confused as I was.

Nathan's POV
"Jasmine please take off your headphones." My mom said. My sister just stood there, listing to her music though, so she had no idea.
I elbowed her and pointed to my ear. She looked at me a bit confused.
"Headphones" I mouthed
"Oh" she mouthed back and put her headphones down to rest on her shoulders, but didn't take them off.
She was obsessed with those things. Like me and my computer.
See, both me and my parents are inventors. I've entered and won more contests then you can guess. I have an entire trophy case in my room that's full of prizes from all of them.
There was only one contest I lost. Some guy built a robot that could talk, move, and even eat. Though I showed him who was boss the next contest by building an environment-friendly car. But I was still stumped on how he built that robot. I've tried a hundred times to figure it out, but each time I get the hardwiring wrong.
"Who's house is this again?" My sister asked as I snapped back to reality.
"An old friend and his wife told us to meet him here yesterday. He has someone he thinks you should meet." Dad replied.
"Well whoever "he" is, is taking their sweet, precious time." I said impatiently to my dad.
He was about to respond when the door opened. My jaw dropped as I saw who opened it. The person we were supposed to meet was a ROBOT?!
"Sorry about the wait, I was playing chess with my daughter." He said
"No problem, Zane! We're happy you invited us!" My mom said
"I'm happy you could come! Please, come inside." He replied with a smile.
We went inside and saw a woman robot come into the room.
"Nya! Jay! It's so good to see you again!" She said excitedly
"Hey Pix!" My mom replied
I heard my parents talk with the robots about boring grown-up stuff. Jasmine just put her headphones back on.
"Mom, Dad, are the guests here yet?" I heard a voice say.
Then a girl came down the steps. She was a robot too, but this time, I completely froze when I saw her.

Bianca's POV
I came downstairs ready to meet the guests. There were two adults and two kids, a boy and a girl. They both looked about my age, too. The girl just seemed to stare off into space, listening to the headphones she had on.
But the boy on the other hand, was kinda strange. He just stood there, staring at me. It began to get awkward as I went to stand by my parents, while looking at the boy.
"This is our daughter, Bianca." My mother said. "We had Borg build her for us a few years ago."
"Oh I see." The man said. He then looked at me. "Hi there, I'm Jay. It's nice to meet you!"
"You too." I said shyly. I've never been the best at meeting new people
"I'm Nya. These are our kids, Jasmine and Nathan." The woman said, gesturing towards the children. The girl, Jasmine I guess, was still listening to her music and the boy just stood there, frozen solid.
Then the woman took off her daughter's headphones and she snapped out of it.
"Hey! Mom, please give them back!" She begged.
"Jasmine, don't be rude, say hi!" The woman demanded.
"Huh?"The girl turned to me. "Oh hi! I'm Jasmine! Nice to meet you!" She said smiling.
"Uh yeah. You too. I'm Bianca." I replied quietly
Then Jasmine turned to her brother.

Jasmine's POV
I could tell something was up with Nathan. It's not like him to not talk. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's almost all he ever does.
"Your turn" I said to him, crossing my arms. I knew that if he was really fine, he would talk like crazy.
"I-I'm N-Nathan. N-nice to m-meet you."
He said.
"Um... hi." She replied
Now I knew something was wrong. And I was going to figure it out.

Nathan's POV
The rest of the night was pretty boring. All that happened was adults just talked as we sat in silence. It got pretty boring and I had so many questions.
How do we know them?
Why are they robots?
Why can't I talk?
When are we leaving?
Can I have my computer?
Wait..... can robots even HAVE kids?
Jasmine kept listening to her headphones and Bianca just sat there, probably waiting for us to leave.

Nya's POV
Time flew by fast. We had such a great time and it was nice to see Zane and PIXAL again. I had a feeling the kids didn't enjoy it so much though. The car ride home was pretty quiet. Jasmine on her headphones, Jay driving, Nathan just staring out the window, and me on my phone. I began to get bored so I spoke up.
"So.... did you kids have a good time?"
"Yeah sure." Nathan replied. Jasmine was still listening to her music.
I waited to hear more, but we pulled up to the house before I could say anything.
"Alright, it's pretty late already, go ahead and put on your pj's kids" Jay said
"Okay Dad!" The kids said.
We all went inside and the kids went upstairs.
"Jay." I said
"I'm worried."
"About what?"
"The twins. They're always on their devices and I tried to get them to make a friend today but I don't think they had a good time."
"I just don't want them to grow up without many friends. Seeing Zane and Pixal was nice and all, but I just wished they could have enjoyed the visit more."
"Nya listen-"
"What are we doing wrong? I feel like this is our fault they don't have many friends." I began to get teary-eyed. "I just.... don't know what to do anymore."
I felt Jay pull me into a hug.
"Nya listen to me," he began, "these kids are kind, caring, and loyal. They take after us so much and I promise, when they are ready, they'll have plenty of friends."
"You think so?" I asked, sniffling
"I know so."
"Mom? Dad? What's going on?" I heard a voice say.
When I looked over, I saw Jasmine and Nathan at the top of the steps, in their pj's.
"Nothing kiddos." Jay said. "You don't need to worry."

Narrator's POV
Jay and Nya tucked the kids in for bed and they left the room.
"Hey Nathan," Jasmine said to her brother
"Yeah?" He replied.
"What do you think was wrong with Mom earlier? She seemed really upset."
"I'm not really sure. Maybe just stressed?"
"Maybe. Well, I'm going to get some shut eye."
"Same here. Night sis!"

A/N: My views are rising? YES! THANK U ALL SO MUCH!! Also I should have another chapter up in an hour or two.

These Elements We Hold (a Ninjago Next Generation fan fiction) Part 1Where stories live. Discover now