Chapter 5- "Super" Stressed

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Lloyd's POV

We all heard about what happened to Jade. It was kind of a party crasher though. I was going to have our families meet up again so we could tell the kids about our powers. But when Seliel showed up, that all changed. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad she's back and all, I just wished we could've told the kids.

Then I had and idea

I picked up my phone and texted the ninja, telling them about my idea. They all agreed to it and we went back to our families.

Kayden's POV

I paced back in fourth in my bedroom. The suspense was KILLING ME. I heard about Jade and now I can't stop worrying. I've always hated not knowing what was going on. But this..... felt worse.

Wait? Why do I care so much?

My mind was racing back and fourth between thoughts and worries. I felt my heart pounding in my chest as I panicked.

I ran to my nightstand and opened the drawer, digging through the junk. Then I found it.

A pack of gum.

I threw a piece into my mouth and began to chew rapidly. For some reason, it always helped me relieve some of my stress.

Except this time.

Not feeling any better, I dropped to the floor and did some pushups. The rapid use of my muscles in my mouth and arms would wear me out and make my stress go away a bit. It always worked as a plan B.

Except this time.

I couldn't believe it, but I had gone to my last resort. I picked up my phone and pulled up the site. I found the video and pressed play. What was I watching you ask? One word:


Jade's POV

I opened my eyes and saw myself lying in a hospital bed- wait, a HOSPITAL BED?! What was I doing here?!

"Jade are you okay?"

I looked around and saw Mom and Dad sitting by my bed.

"Uh yeah I'm fine I just- ow!" I looked at my arm in complete shock.

There were a bunch of bandages rapped around it. I could see a lot of blood through them.

"W-what happened?!" I said fearfully.

"You passed out in the living room and landed on the glass table. According to the doctor, you broke your arm and have some marks from where a few glass shards stuck in it." My dad explained.

I couldn't believe my ears. This had to be some sort of dream. No, a nightmare. Whatever it was, I wanted to get out of it!

Cole's POV

"What's gonna happen to my arm then?" Jade asked me

"Well, I don't think you want to know right now."

"Please Dad!"

"She has a right to know, Cole." Seliel agreed.

"*sigh* I guess you're right. Just promise me you won't over react Jade?"

"I promise!"

"Okay well, the truth is-" I was about to tell Jade something when I got a text from Lloyd.

"On second thought, how about you find out for yourself later?" I asked

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!" She complained.

I knew Jade was disappointed, but she would handle it a lot better when her friends were there.

Ember's POV

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