Chapter 8- A Voice too Afraid

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Narrator's POV
Jasmine woke up and put on her headphones.
She played her morning playlist and got dressed for the day. Before she knew it Jasmine found herself singing along while making toast.

Nya's POV
I came downstairs and saw Jasmine singing while making her breakfast. She had always been a great singer but for some reason, always afraid to join any sort of choir. It made me sad because I knew she loved it. When Jasmine was 5 she even told me she wanted to be a singer when she grew up. I wasn't sure if she still had that same dream, but if she did, I'd support her 100%.
"Legends never die
When the world is calling you
Can you hear them screamin' out your name?
Legends never die
They become a part of you
Every time you bleed for reaching greatness
Legends never di-"
She stopped singing and looked at me, embarrassed.
"I was just uhh... making toast!" She said, shoving a piece of bread in her mouth
"Relax, I saw you singing." I told her "you know, I'll bet they have a choir at your new school. Maybe you should join it."
"You think so? N-no way! I wouldn't be any good anyways. They'd kick me out the first meeting." She stated glumly
"Nonsense! They'd love you, Jasmine and you know it!"
"My answer is no, Mom!"
"Okay okay. But if you change your mind let me know. Okay?"
"Whatever" she moaned as she went outside.

Jasmine's POV
I stepped outside and stood on the porch. The words Mom said to me kept echoing in my head.

"They'd love you"

I've heard people say that to me a thousand times and I always denied it. Truthfully though, I wanted to believe them.
Becoming a famous singer had been my dream since I was little! But my dreams were shattered thanks to Regan

A/N: I'm naming all the teachers after characters in cartoons, don't judge me!

8-year-old Jasmine sat in the music room, about to try out for the school choir.
Ms. Puff: all right students, next up is Jasmine Walker! Please come up to the mic and sing the chorus to a song
Little Jasmine: yes Ma'am!
Little Jasmine walks up to the front of the room and stands behind the mic

Little Jasmine: here we are don't turn away now
We are the warriors that built this town!
Here we are don't turn away now
We are the warriors that built this town
From dust

Everyone in the room cheers except for Regan
He just looks at her and sticks out his tongue
Ms. Puff: okay I want our two finalists to come up. Regan and Jasmine!
The two went up to the front of the room and behind the mics
Ms. Puff: okay now I want you two to each sing the chorus of your favorite song, okay?
The kids: yes Ma'am

Regan: Some legends are told
Some turn to dust or to gold
But you will remember me
Remember me for centuries
Just one mistake
Is all it will take
We'll go down in history
Remember me for centuries

Little Jasmine: Legends never die
When the world is calling you
Can you hear them screamin' out your name?
Legends never die
They become a part of you
Every time you bleed for reaching greatness
Legends never-

The mic cut off
Little Jasmine looked over and saw Regan pull the plug to the mic. He smirked and walked away
Little Jasmine: Ms. Puff!! Regan unplugged the mic!
Regan: what? No I didn't! You're lying!
Little Jasmine: no I'm not! I saw you!
Regan: liar!
Little Jasmine: are not!
Regan: are to!
Little Jasmine: are not!
Regan: are to!
Ms. Puff: enough! Jasmine, you don't need to lie to me, it won't change my mind and Regan, please don't yell.
Little Jasmine: wait- does that mean I didn't make it?
Ms. Puff: I'm sorry but no. I don't want a liar in choir. We sing for peace and truth.
Little Jasmine: but but-
Ms. Puff: no buts. *class snickers* I don't know if you lied or not but the way I see it, you would have been more likely to do it than Regan. Please come back and try again once you've learned your lesson.
Little Jasmine runs out of the class and into the bathroom as she hears Regan say, "oh no, she's crying! I hope she's okay! So Ms. Puff, when do I get my first performance?" She spent the rest of class in there and had a meltdown at her house.
Flashback ends

I remember her words "I don't want a liar in choir." They echoed in my head as I turned off my music
"Somebody shine a light
I'm frozen by the fear in me
Somebody make me feel alive then
Shatter me" I sang to myself quietly and teary-eyed
"So cut me from the light
I'm dizzy spinning endlessly
Somebody make me feel alive then
Shatter me" I heard a voice say.
"Looks like you're still not over it, huh?" They asked
"Regan, for the the THOUSANTH time, I'm over it. Now would you mind telling me what you're doing here?" I told the voice as I wiped my tears
A boy with caramel brown hair and dark brown eyes came out in front of her.
"I just came bye to say hi and-"
"You want a ride to the junkyard, don't you?" I interrupted
"Yeah." He admitted
"Fine just let me ask my mom"
I went inside and told my mom about him. She said to give her 10 minutes to get ready and she'll take him. She also told me to wait with him outside to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. I went outside and told Regan this.
"Okay. Thanks." He said as I stood with him outside
"So.... what do you want to talk about?" He asked me
"Nothing." I replied sternly as I turned on my headphones.
He looked at me like I was crazy but shrugged. Then he just sat in the grass, probably plotting his next steal. Regan was what you'd call a.... how do I put this lightly........oh! A no-good-two-faced-thief. Yeah that was it!

Regan's POV
I sat in the grass and thought for a moment. I knew that unplugging that mic a while ago was just a joke, and I didn't think she'd take it so seriously, but I hate to think about how much it impacted her life.
All I wanted was to hear her laugh. See her smile. I've gotta admit, her smile is kinda cute.
"Alright, Regan, lets get you to that junkyard!" Jasmine's mom said as she walked out the door and into the car
Jasmine and I got in and drove off with Mrs. Walker to the junkyard.
If I'm being completely honest, I didn't really need or want to go, I mainly just wanted to see Jasmine again. Her smile made me smile.
I got out of the car as they dropped me off.
"Now if you need us to come pick you up just call okay?" Mrs. Walker told me
"I will and thanks again!" I replied as they drove off.
Then I had an idea. I texted Nathan to ask for a favor and thank goodness he agreed. I began looking for the supplies I'd need in the junkyard. Ed and Edna helped me too, which was nice.

Jasmine's POV
As we drove away from the junkyard, I couldn't help but think about why Regan was like that. Nice to adults, but a bit rude to kids. We were never good friends, but he needed to be relatively "nice" to me in order to get to my grandparent's junkyard where he could grab metal scraps and build stuff with his Dad.
To be honest, he's never real mean around me, more like rude. He'll sometimes pull pranks on me at school, but never really bullies me or anything. Sometimes I wonder why.

(A/N I know I keep switching between point of views, so sorry if this is confusing)

Nathan's POV
I got the text from Regan and was so excited! It would definitely be hard to build, but I had confidence in myself!
I sat down at my desk and got out a pen and blue print. I began to sketch the designs

Ember's POV
Kayden was feeling a lot better today. He finally got off the couch and ended up just running a small fever.
Mom and Dad got aunt Nya to take me to the mall with Jasmine while they kept an eye on him.
We had just arrived and I was really excited. This was my chance to buy some clothes for 8th grade! Jasmine was a year older than me though, so she was starting high school. I knew about the whole choir situation, so I wasn't going to bring it up, but I knew I'd have to ask her about it at some point.
"Okay so we've been to 3 clothing stores, 2 makeup stores, and 4 jewelry stores. Can we go eat lunch now?" Jasmine complained.
"Just one more shop then we'll do whatever you want for the rest of the day!" I bargained
"Fine but this better be quick. Just find an outfit and let's go!"
"Jas, I've saved up all my allowance from the ENTIRE SUMMER for this shopping spree! I'm going to find every perfect outfit I can."
Jasmine was never really a girly-girl. She hated shopping, jewelry and makeup, but every once in a while she'd go to the mall with me as long as I bought her lunch. I called her "Jas" for short sometimes, just to bother her. It's what cousins are for.

I came out of the store about 15 minutes later with two more shopping bags in my hands. It had been a long, tiring, fashion filled day, and I was ready to eat.
We ended up grabbing two hamburgers and fries. It wasn't the biggest lunch, but it was still delicious.
After about 30-45 minutes of talking and eating, we decided to go home. It had been fun, but we knew are families would want us there. So Jasmine texted aunt Nya to pick us up and take us home.

Time skip

We pulled up to my house.
"Thanks for the ride Aunt Nya!" I said, getting out of the car
"Anytime!" She said
"Bye Jas!"
"See ya!"
They drove off and I went inside. Mom was in the kitchen, eating a snack, while Dad was sitting on the couch, yelling at the football game on TV
I smiled and went upstairs to my room. I set out all my clothes on my bed and began organizing them.
"Okay so this shirt with this pair of pants for the 3rd day. Then um... oooo this romper for the 2nd. And these shorts and this t-shir- no wait! THIS t-shirt for the 4th day. Shoot, I still don't have anything for the 1st. Wait- I know!" I said to myself.
I ran to the closet and pulled out an old dress. It was always way to big for me so I had an idea. I cut off the long sleeves and the frilled skirt. But I made the cut on the skirt diagonal and another cut between that. I tied the two sides together so I had a cute shirt.
"Wait-" I told myself, "something's not right.... aha!"
I added my signature "logo" on the shoulder: a cursive E in flames. I thought it looked cool and I knew how to sew it on just right.
"Perfect. Now for the pants...."
I grabbed a pair of old jeans and cut them. Then after some sewing and stylizing, I finally had the perfect outfit for the first day of school.
I looked at the clock. It was 5:30 so I had a few minutes before dinner. I decided to go through my jewelry and makeup to see what look would go with each outfit. I couldn't wait until school started in a month.

These Elements We Hold (a Ninjago Next Generation fan fiction) Part 1Where stories live. Discover now