Chapter 12- More Powers?

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Aiden's POV

It was Mom's last day before she had to leave again, so we wanted to make it extra special. But I don't think it went very well.

"You got the table set up for breakfast?" I asked Liam.

"Yes! And I drew picture for her too!" He replied, running over and showing me his art.

There were two tall stick figures and two smaller ones and they were all holding hands. There was a sunny background and green grass. It was adorable.

"Liam that's amazing!" I smiled, ruffling his hair, "Now, do you wanna wake them up? Or do you want me to?"

"Um...... me!" He laughs, jumping up and down excitedly.

I watch as my 4-year-old brother runs upstairs, laughing. I'll admit, he can be a handful sometimes, but I love him anyways. We all do. And I was glad to have him in my life.

A few minutes later he came back downstairs holding hands with our

half-asleep parents.

"Morning guys! We made you breakfast!"

"Aiden you.." Dad yawned, "didn't have to do that."

"Yes I did! No way am I missing out on Mom's last da-" I started protesting, but stopped as I broke down coughing.

"Woah, Aiden, are you alright?" My mom asked as everyone walked over to me.

I crouched down and kept coughing. "I- *cough* I'm fi- *cough* fine Mom." I lied. My parents helped me walk to the couch and sit down.

"That cough sounds pretty bad, bud. You sure you're okay?" Dad asked

I nodded as the cough died down a bit."I'm fine, it's just a cough" I replied with a now scratchy voice.

Well I lied. My thought had been bothering me these past few days but I thought it was nothing. Guess I was wrong.

I kept having a hard time eating because it scratched my throat, so I've had to eat applesauce, white rice, and soup all day. Which made me so upset! But at least I could do everything else on the schedule for today! Let's see there's; go back to the zoo, go on a hike, and watch a movie! So this shouldn't be too bad!

I was wrong.

Turns out I got a FEVER! So I can't eat normal food, can't go anywhere, and now all that's left is for us to sit here, and watch movies. Great. Just. Great.

Mom and Dad had gone outside to get some fresh air. That's when I had an idea. I was gonna prove to them that I wasn't in bad condition and go outside. So I stood up and began to walk to the door.

Liam's POV

I was playing cars by the door when I saw Aiden get up off the couch. He kept coughing and it worried me.

"Aiden what are you doing?" I asked him

"Liam move, I'm going outside." He told me, his voice sounding scratchy

I sighed, "no you're not."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't let you go outside! You're sick!"

"Well yeah but- oh Liam just let me through!"

"No! Big brother you have to rest!"

"Liam move!"


I got pretty mad and that's when it hit me. I GROWLED! LIKE A DOGGY!

Then I looked down at my hands as they were growing..... fur?

These Elements We Hold (a Ninjago Next Generation fan fiction) Part 1Where stories live. Discover now