Chapter 11- Let's Talk

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Lloyd's POV

I was outside watching Liam play outside while Aiden was watching TV inside. My wife was walking around town, seeing how much has changed since she was last here, before she leaves tomorrow

"Dad, your phone is ringing!" Aiden said, popping his head out.

I walk inside and grab my phone. Realizing it was Jay's number, I told Aiden to watch Liam outside while I took the call.


"Hey Lloyd it's Jay. Have you seen the news?"

"Uh no why?"

"You need to. There's been a.... weird report."

"What do you mean?"

He sighs, "Some people robbed the bank and-"

"Oh that's fine I'm sure the police will catch them soon."

"No Lloyd, listen. They had powers. TIME powers."

I stood in shock. The time twins were BACK?!


"Calm down!"

"You're one to talk!"

"True but still. You're the leader and, well, I think you need to lead again."

"Jay, I don't think I'd be a very good ninja anymore. I'm old. We all are."

"I know. But before you yell at me, think about it. We're old, our powers aren't as strong as they used to be, we'd probably not be good at fighting. Face it Lloyd, we need someone, or someoneS, to take our place. Someone young-"

"YoU wAnT oUr KiDs To Be NiNjA?!"

"Lloyd! Listen! We could all help! Look, if they're the next elemental-"

"Well what if their not?! What if they have no powers at all and we put them out there defenseless?! Then what, Jay? Then what?"

"Well what if they DO have powers? We could teach them to control it! Come on think about it!"

"I'm not sure...."

"Well whatever decision you make, we'll all be right here to support you. Just..." he began, "just make sure you're doing what's best for everyone else. Not just what you. Okay?"

"Yeah okay."

"I've gotta go now. I'd better help get dinner ready so-"



I sigh, "Call Kai, Zane and Cole. Tell them we're all gonna meet up at the park on Wednesday. At 12:00. While the kids are at school."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. It's like you said, 'do what's best for everyone else' This obviously can't be ignored."

"Good choice Lloyd. I'll call the others and let them know."


"Anytime." He replied before hanging up.

I sighed. Although I believed in Liam and Aiden, it was kinda hard to think about. My sons. Risking their LIVES for Ninjago. I thought back to all the times I almost died. I couldn't let my kids go through that! But Ninjago needs protection and without our help- I don't wanna think about that.

Time skip to Wednesday when they all meet up

Everyone started arriving, and now all we were missing were Kai and Skylor.

These Elements We Hold (a Ninjago Next Generation fan fiction) Part 1Where stories live. Discover now