Chapter 10- What's going on?

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Chapter 10- What's Going On?

Bianca's POV

I woke up in my bed and looked around. Noelle was still asleep. Good. I checked the time. 6:15am. Perfect.

I got out of bed and got dressed in my normal outfit of a white flannel shirt and a long navy skirt. I then pulled my hair into a braid and added a bow at the top.

Walking out of my room, I quietly close my door, and tiptoe downstairs.

When I reach the kitchen, I open the cabinets and pull out what I need. Then, I look through the books I've saved in my database. I turn on the stove, and put on my Dad's apron in case things got messy. "Let's do this."

Time skip

Everything was ready. I quietly top toe upstairs and into my parents's room. I count down the seconds..




"SURPRISE!!" I yelled as they sat up quickly.

I bring in two trays of food (bacon, pancakes, and OJ) and hand them to my parents.

"I got up really early to make these for you two so enjoy!" I smile as they each take a bite.

"What do you think?" I ask hopefully

The suspense eats at me while I wait for their response.

My Mother and Father smile at me and nodd.

Doing a small victory dance, I head to my room and get Noelle.

"Noeeeeeellllllleeee!" I say softly as she slowly opens her eyes. As soon as she sees me, she perks up and licks my face.

We go downstairs and I put on her collar and leash. I step outside and my dog follows, proudly walking out the door in the new collar we got her the other day.

When we go to the backyard, I let her "take a dump" as Ember calls it.

We play outside for a little bit then decide to head back in so I could get ready for school.

Time skip

I put on my backpack and gave my parents hugs. Then I walked out the front door and to the bus stop. Waiting for the bus, I close my eyes and read a virtual book, then stop when I hear the bus coming.

I get on and look for an empty seat. Once I find one, I sit down and look out the window. I can feel eyes staring at me since I'm the only droid here, but I'll just have to get used to it. When we pulled up to Jade's bus stop, I smiled and moved over a little hoping one of my only friends would sit next to me.

Jade's POV

My heart was racing. Me? An elemental master? No way! This can't be happening!! I mean, sure it sounds awesome, but I can't! I'd be called a freak! Just like at my old school.

See, we used to live in Nom- my Mom's home town- and when Mom got the traveling job, we decided that it would be best to come here to Ninjago City with my dad's friends so he'd have a little more help raising me.

But anyways, when I was in Nom, there was only one school. I was shoved in with the older and younger kids, so I never really had many friends. All the other kids there would call me a freak for my hair and.... I almost cut it.

When we moved to Ninjago, however, I made a ton of great friends that I see more often. The only problem is, when we were getting me signed up for school, they accidentally put me in the grade above my actual one. I ended up having really close friends and good test scores, so the school said I could stay in that grade as long as I stayed focused on schoolwork.

These Elements We Hold (a Ninjago Next Generation fan fiction) Part 1Where stories live. Discover now