Chapter 7- When the Elements Appear

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Time skip to the Sunday before the first day of school.
Bianca's POV
I woke up and realized I fell asleep doing Ninjago history research again. Technically I don't need sleep because I'm a nindroid, but I guess Grandpa Borg programmed me to. Anyways, I changed into a fresh set of clothes, pulled my hair into a braid, woke up Noelle, and went downstairs.
"Morning Mother! Morning Father!" I said to my parents as I walked into the living room. My mom was watching the news and my dad was on the computer
"Good morning Bianca!" My mother said cheerfully
"What are we doing today?" I asked
"We don't really have any plans but we can always find something to do." My father said smiling
I nodded and put on a pair of flip flops.
"Okay well, I'm gonna take Noelle outside for a bit." I told them
They nodded and I went outside with Noelle.
"There she is!"
"Should we get her?"
"No you idiot! We gotta wait until the perfect time!"
I heard whispers from the bushes near my yard
Without hesitation I grabbed Noelle and ran inside as fast as I could.

Zane's POV
Bianca came inside, slamming the door shut behind her, fear shining in her eyes.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"T-there was whispering a-and they said they'd attack me a-a-and I got so cold and my circuits froze or something-" she stuttered, falling to the ground, back still on the door
Pixal and l ran over to her and sat next to her. She felt ice cold so I picked her up and set her on the couch.
"What should we do?" My wife asked me. "Call Borg. Tell him what happened and see if we can get him to look at her."
She nodded and picked up her phone, going into another room
"D-dad?" Bianca said between glitches.
"Don't worry, B, we're gonna get Grandpa Borg to see what's going on." I reassured her.
She nodded with a smile and began to power down.

Time skip
Bianca's POV
I opened my eyes to see my parents and grandpa looking at me, worry deep in their eyes.
"What's going on?" I asked, sitting up.
They all sighed with relief as my grandfather spoke, "Well, Bianca, you've gotten yourself something special."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you see.... when I was building you, I knew you wouldn't be able to feel or have emotions like your parents. But thankfully, we found something... special." He started
My father continued, "Your Mom and I were searching through the old tree my father used to live in. When we were searching, we found a small box that said 'to my son, because I know you'll need it one day' inside was another power source just like ours. We brought it to Borg to see what he could do."
"Then the most amazing thing happened." My mother began, "when we arrived, it turns out Borg had just finished building you. We inserted the power source, and plugged you into the computer. But apparently, something was odd about the programming in it. We took it out and looked through it, trying to find out what it was, but didn't see anything. Now we know what is was."
"What?" I asked curiously
"Well, we think you've got my powers." My dad told me.


Jade's POV
It had been about 4-5 weeks since I got out of the hospital. My arm was still sore but FINALLY out of a cast. (A/N: I know when this happens it takes like, two months to heal, but for the sake of the storyline, I had to make it not last that long) I was playing a board game with my parents and so far, I was crushing them, as usual. But now I knew why they were called "board" games.
"Okay, I'm done. Let's do something else please!" I said, standing up.
"What do you mean, Cupcake?" My Dad asked
"This is boring. I want to do something else. Please?"
"She's right, Rocky, this is pretty boring." Mom agreed.
"Okay then, well what do you want to do instead?" Dad asked
We all just sat there an thought.
"We could watch a movie!" All three of said, bursting into laughter
Dad and I played Rock Paper Scissors to decide on a movie while Mom got the snacks.

Seliel's POV
We ended up watching like, 7, and by the time we finished it was 11:23pm. Jade was fast asleep next to me. I was so glad to be home. Honestly, Jade was 16 and I felt kinda bad that I couldn't be there all these years. I saw her first steps and first word, but besides that, I missed almost everything. Her first birthday party, her first friends. Heck, I don't even know if she's had her first boyfriend yet! Thinking about it broke my heart. And I knew.... I would be there.... no matter.... what.....
I slowly fell asleep.

Time skip
I felt someone shaking me awake.
"Seliel! Seliel, where's Jade?" They said.
As I was waking up I realized it was Cole and started to pay attention.
"Where's Jade?"
"What do you mean she's right- Jade?" I said with a bit of panic.
Cole and I searched all around the house for her.
Not in her bedroom
Not in the bathroom
Not in the kitchen
Not in the living room
Not in our bedroom
"Seliel I found her!" I heard my husband yell from a few rooms away.
I ran to where he was and found him on the porch, looking down at the yard.
"Shh. Look." He said to me as he pointed to the backyard
What I saw shocked me.

Jade was doing push-ups with one hand behind her back, of which was holding a 10 pound weight, WHILE SLEEPING.
I couldn't believe it. But what I saw next was even more amazing.

I couldn't believe it. So she DID inherit his powers! And I thought the push-ups were cool, this was amazing! She stood up and immediately dropped to the ground. Her arms stopped glowing and she opened her eyes as Cole and I ran to her.
"Oh my gosh, Jade are you okay?!" I asked, pulling her into a hug
"Uh yeah I'm fine Mom but how did I get out here?"
Cole and I looked at each other and nodded.
"Jade," Cole began, "we think that you've gotten my powers."


Aiden's POV
Mom has been home for a while and this was her last week so we were gonna make it count. Liam and I got up around 6:00am to plan out the day. Here's what we agreed on:
7:30am: go wake up Mom and Dad
8:30am: get them out the door
9:00am: arrive at the Zoo
9:00-11:55am: see the animals
11:55-12:30: eat lunch
12:35: head back home
1:05: arrive home and play outside for as long as we can.
By the time we finished this, it was time to get the day started.
I was going to sneak up on Mom and Dad and scare them, but Liam had other plans.
"Wake up sleepy heads!" He yelled as he jumped onto their bed
"That's one way to do it." I thought
We eventually got Mom and Dad out of bed and downstairs for breakfast.
I already had two bowls of cereal laid out and since Liam wanted to help, there was also a piece of toast for each of them. He put gummy bears on Mom's and Skittles on Dad's. The look on their faces when they ate it was hilarious.
We were already running a bit behind schedule, so I quickly got everyone out the door. We were walking to the Zoo when Mom spoke up.
"Boys, forgive me for asking but where are we going again?"
"The Z-" Liam tried to say before I covered his mouth with my hand.
"It's a surprise." I told her, moving my hand away
"Okay...." She said
We finally arrived at the Zoo. And not a moment to soon.
We checked in, blah blah blah, and went inside.
We saw the Flamingos, Elephants, Giraffes, the Lions, Tigers, oh, and the Bears.
"Oh my!" Mom said when we opened the picnic basket. It was lunch time so we sat down on a bench and opened the basket filled with sandwiches, fruit, and four small cookies. Well at least, there WERE four cookies. I looked at Liam who just smiled.
We ate our lunches and packed up. Though Liam was upset because he didn't get to see the Monkeys. I told him there'd be other chances, but he just kept pouting.
We left the Zoo and walked home. It had been a long day, that's for sure. But it was worth it. I couldn't wait until we got home so we could just sit and relax for a bit.
"That was fun. Don't you guys think?" I asked.
My parents agreed and I smiled.
"Don't you think, Liam?" I asked.
"Liam? Guys, where's Liam?!"
Mom and Dad looked all around for him but he was nowhere in sight. Then it hit me.
"*gasp* the Zoo! C'mon!" I called to my parents as they ran after me
We arrived at the Zoo and saw the trail the Monkey Exhibit.
"I'll go in there, you guys check out the other exhibits." I old my parents as they nodded.
I ran in and saw Liam surrounded by some boys my age.
"For the 10th time I said I was sorry!!" He yelled.
"Think we care?" One of the boys said
"Yeah next time you better watch where you're going, freak!" Another one shouted
They were all about to punch him when-
"HEY BACK OFF!!" I yelled, while running in front of him.
"Well, well, well boys. Look who it is. That dork Iden." One of them smirked
"My name is AIDEN. And if you had any brains at all you would now that!" I shouted.
"Ohh your gonna regret that." They tried to punch me but I blocked it right before their fist hit my face.
I felt a huge well of power inside me as my hand began to glow green.
Then a HUGE blast of energy shot out from my hand, pushing the kid back.
"What the heck?! C'mon boys, let's go. Leave these freaks." He said with a smirk as he and the others ran off.
"What was that all about?" I asked Liam.
"Can I tell you at home? I want Mommy and Daddy to hear too." He asked
"Yeah of course. Let's go."
We left the exhibit and met up with Mom and Dad. Though the talk at home was shocking.
"So what happened!" Dad asked us.
"Well you may not believe what I tell you." Liam said.

Lloyd's POV
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Okay so, I was looking at the monkeys when my hand started to feel weird. I looked and saw some sort of white fur on my wrist and freaked out. But then I bumped into a boy around Aiden's age and he and his friends started yelling at me." He began to tear up. "I tried to tell them what happened but then they called me a freak and were about to beat me up when Aiden stepped in and saved me."
We all looked at Aiden.
"Okay now its my turn. *explains what happened from his POV*"
My wife and I looked at each other. We knew each one of them would inherit our "abilities" but we didn't think they'd get them this soon. Aiden I guess is the right age, but Liam? He's only 4! Well either way, I just hope we can help them learn to control it. And I knew just who to talk to about it.

These Elements We Hold (a Ninjago Next Generation fan fiction) Part 1Where stories live. Discover now