Chapter 6- A Bit of Bad and B A R F

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??????'s POV
My brother and I stood behind two trees, our backs to each other.
"Three... two..... one!" He called
We both jumped out from behind trees and attacked each other with our powers.
So far he had dodged all my attacks, but I had a plan
"Hey, Andrew! What's that?" I shouted as I pointed behind him
"What?" He said as he turned around
I took this opportunity and tackled him to the floor.
Then, being the annoying older twin brother he is, he used his powers to slow me down before I could reach him.
But me being the genius younger twin sister I was, used MY powers to go back in time and dodge his attack.
I grabbed his arm before he could slow me down and flipped him behind me. Then as he tried to attack me, I paused him in time and looked at my wristwatch.
It was a few minutes until he unpaused. "Took ya long enough." I said when he finally unpaused
"Yeah well you're getting better at this. Dad would be proud." He replied with a smirk
"Don't act like you know where he is! And besides, we need to move on. Those stupid ninja are gonna pay."
You see a long time ago....Narrator's POV
Acronix and Krux fell straight from the sky and landed hard on the ground. A few hours later, Acronix woke up.
"Ow. When are we?" Acronix asked as he looked at his brother. He was unconscious on the ground. "Krux? Krux! Krux, say something!!" Krux remained silent. Acronix checked his brother's pulse. Nothing. He sat there in utter shock.
"Um... can I help you?" A woman's voice said.
Acronix looked up at her. "Uhh......" he was stunned
"Are you okay?"
"Huh? Oh yeah. Two things, 1: what year is it?"
"Um....(5 years after the ninja defeated them)"
"Oh I see. And 2: can you help me? My brother's in pretty bad shape."
"Of coarse!" She said helping him.
Acronix and the woman took Krux to the hospital.
(A/N: I'm just going to say this now. He didn't make it. I really didn't want to put this but then I realized how much better the story is with this part. I really didn't like typing it though. )
"So what are you going to do now?" The woman asked Acronix.
"I-I'm not sure. My brother was always there for me." He began. "He waited for years just to see me again. You have no idea how hard this is."
"Actually I do."
"Really how?" Acronix asked, surprised.
"My twin sister past away when I was 7."
"I had no idea, I'm so sorry."
She sighed."it's fine, you did nothing wrong. It's just really hard saying goodbye sometimes." A tear rolled down her face.
"I know." He replied sadly. Then he had an idea"Hey, why don't we go to the movies or something? It's on me!"
"Um... s-sure" she replied, blushing.
Acronix and the woman instantly fell in love and after a few years of dating, they finally got married. They had two children, Kelly and Andrew. Though due to the time blades being lost to time and most likely destroyed, (A/N: full disclosure, I'm pretty sure that didn't happen, I just needed it for the story to work) the two had something.... special about them. Their father had told them the stories of the ninja and how powerful they were. They knew they had to face them one day. The twins begged and begged their father to teach them how to fight. And he finally agreed. Sadly though, one day when they were only 8, Acronix decided to leave and hunt for the time blades. Then his one goal would be complete, and he could finally live with his family in peace. Years past and he hadn't returned. When they were twelve, their mother died, leaving them all alone. The anger raged inside them. "If those stupid ninja had just left the time blades with Dad then he would still be here. Happy. But now he's gone to who-knows-where and it's all their fault." The energy began to flow through their veins as they unlocked their powers.
(A/N: sorry that's so cheesyAndrew, inheriting the powers of Acronix, and Kelly inheriting the powers of Krux, set out to find the ninja and get revenge.

These Elements We Hold (a Ninjago Next Generation fan fiction) Part 1Where stories live. Discover now