Chapter 16- The Last Confession We Made ~ Part 1- the Night Owl

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A/N: omgosh LONGEST TITLE EVER. This will be a trilogy btw (Also I made the art at the top. Wdyt??)

Bianca's POV

Have you ever wondered if technological beings have feelings or emotions? 

I have.

I know my parents have emotions.

But do I?

I think I do.

I mean, what emotions do I really feel?

I've been scared once.

And angry.

And sad.

And joyful.

But those are basic emotions.

What I want to know is;

Can I feel love?

I love my parents.

And my friends.

Holy cow that was cheesy.

I stopped writing a looked at the wall for a second, before turning back to my notebook.

But I mean actual love.


A soulmate.

So, I guess even if I do have emotions,

I definitely don't understand them.

So I shall confront an expert

And see if they can help

I stopped writing in my notebook and got up. It was time to speak to an expert. Or at least, that's what she calls herself. So I picked up my phone...

and called Ember.

Ember's POV





I slammed my hand on my phone and picked it up. It was Bianca. I answered, turned my face back into my pillow, put the phone on speaker, and groggily said, "What?"

"Hello Ember! I just have a few questions for you."

"Bianca, it's 4:00am! This couldn't have waited?"

"Please? It won't take long!"

I moaned, making sure she knew I didn't want to talk.

"It about love~"

I bolted up and grabbed the nearest notepad. I got out all the notes I had taken from romance novels I had read in the past and sat my phone up. 

"Okay, tell me what's up."

Later at school...

"Well, according to my favorite romance trilogy, 'The Wanderer's Only Love,' as long as the person you love isn't a complete stranger, you're more likely to stay friends. Besides-"

Ember was explaining all the worst outcomes of what could happen after I "confess my love to him", but the bell rang before she could finish. 

I sped to class as quickly as I could. I couldn't be late! I have a perfect record to uphold! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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