Chapter 3- The Start of Something Evil

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Lloyd's POV 

I woke up on the couch and looked around. 

 "Shoot. I fell asleep on the couch again." I thought. 

I got up and checked the time on my phone. 7:30am. I knew the boys would be up soon so I went ahead and made breakfast. 

 "Lloyd." I heard a voice say. "I know that voice. Is it really you?" I asked, stunned. "Depends. Does it look like me?" 

I turned around and saw my wife standing there. I was shocked. She couldn't have possibly been back already. Whenever she comes to visit, she texts me. Something was definitely off. 

 "Well yeah it looks like you, but how do I know you aren't someone in disguise? I know. What are our sons names?" I said "You don't need to ask questions, I promise you, I'm here." 

"My wife would never avoid a question like that. You are an imposter, aren't you?" 

 "Ding ding ding, give the man a prize! I'm not your wife, but I still know you. And you know me too." They said "Father, don't do this. Coming here, in my home, pretending to be my wife, and for what?" "I'm glad you asked." He said with a smirk 

Suddenly the room went black. I freaked out, hoping the boys were okay "Father, get out here and fight me!" I said, trying to hide my fear. "I would, but I can't." I heard him say. "I just wanted to give you a little gift." 

I saw a small, purple box with a black bow sitting in front of me. "How stupid do you think I am?!" I shouted. "I'm not opening it!" 

"1: very and 2: I never said you were opening it. I just said I would give it to you." "Well you can keep it!" "Nah. I'm good." 

Suddenly the box burst open and a big, black cloud appeared and rushed toward me. I felt it go right through my chest as my heart pounded. I began gasping for air as I dropped to the ground. "What did you..... do to me?!" I asked between gasps He didn't respond and I began to panic. My heart was racing, I was sweating, I could barely breath, and I was on the floor, worried sick about the boys. 

I felt my heart beat slow down....... 

I sat up so quick I felt light headed. I was back on the couch, rapidly looking around for any signs of my father. Nothing. 

"It must have all been a dream." I thought 

 "Dad?" a voice said When I looked at the stairs, I saw Aiden standing there, looking worried. "What's wrong?" 

"I was coming downstairs to get breakfast but I saw you on the couch, still asleep. You seemed freaked out about something." He explained "Nothing to worry bout, champ. I'm fine." I reassured him "Okay if you say so. Can I make myself some cereal?" "Uh yeah, sure" "Thanks!" He said, going into the kitchen. 

I checked the time. 9:43am. Okay, so not as early as I thought..... WAIT 9:43?! I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE UP OVER TWO HOURS AGO!! 

"Aiden, eat that quickly and go get ready, we're going to meet someone today." I said to my son in panic "Uh... okay." He replied a bit confused I quickly went upstairs to get Liam out of bed. When I went in his room, he was already up, playing with his toy cars. 

"Morning Daddy! You want to play cars with me?" He said sweetly "I'd love to, bud, but we gotta go. We're meeting some of Daddy's friends today!" I replied "Oh okay." He said sadly 

"Tell you what, I'll play cars with you when we get back, alright?" "Really?!!" "Really. Now let's get you dressed and ready to go." "Okay Daddy!" He replied with a smile. 

I got Liam dressed and went downstairs. Aiden was putting his cereal bowl in the sink. He went upstairs and I got Liam some breakfast. Today was going to be a long day. 

Bianca's POV  

I was playing chess against my mom. It wasn't going so well for her though... 

"Checkmate!" I said. "Thank you for the game, but I have to go and work on my research now." I work really hard on 3 things; playing chess, making everyone I knew happy, and researching Ninjago history. It was tough sometimes though. I went upstairs to my room and sat down at my desk. "Ready for another day of research, Noelle?"

I turned to my dog who was chewing on her chew toy. I got Noelle when I was 9. Unlike most androids, I was built with a program that allows my body and intelligence to grow as a normal human would. 

When I turned on my computer I realized there were new recent searches like, "how to build modern weapons", "where can I buy vengestone," and "cat memes" 

I always write down what I search before looking it up and these definitely weren't on the list. "I've got to tell Mom and Dad about this." I thought and stood up. I went downstairs and saw my parents. 

"Mom! Dad!" I said panicked "What's wrong?" My father asked "There were some pretty suspicious searches on my computer that I found. I have no idea how they got there either." "What? That's strange." My mother said "What were the searches?" Dad asked 

"Come look." I said as they followed me to my room. I showed them my computer and they thought for a moment. "PIXAL, can I talk with you for a moment?" Dad asked my mom.  They opened my door and stepped outside. 

Zane's POV 

I stepped outside of Bianca's room with PIXAL. "We need to tell the others about this." I told her. 

"You're right. What should we tell Bianca though?" She asked "Let's just try to keep this off her mind. At least until we figure it out." She agreed and we went in our daughter's room 

"Bianca?" "Yes Dad?" "Um, why don't we talk about this later? For now we need to get ready to go." "Okay Dad if you say so." We got ready and into the car. I was a bit nervous to tell the ninja. It's been a long time since we've fought villains. 

These Elements We Hold (a Ninjago Next Generation fan fiction) Part 1Where stories live. Discover now