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Harry's POV

I wake up to sound of the home phone ringing. I slowly get out of bed and head to the front of my loft and answer the buildings intercom call.

"H-hello" I say groggily.

"Hello Mr. Styles, there is a woman here to see you. She insists that she knows you" I roll my eyes. I love my fans I truly do, it's just that they are all so smart and probably knew that I'd be here since the Met was last night. I just don't get why fans think it's ok to come to my home and force me to see them. I'm still a human being trying to live my life.

"Uh if it's some fan can you please tell them I'm not here or something like that?" I ask.

"Sir, she said she isn't a fan," but don't they all, "she said her name is Quinn, Quinn Monroe" I know I've heard that name before. "She also said she's the one from the club." Oh god I remember her now. She was one of the first girls I actually enjoyed sleeping with after Camille.

"Ohh yes I remember her, you can send her in. I'll be down in a few minutes"

"Will do Mr. Styles." He said as I ran into my bed room and threw on some grey sweatpants and my treat people with kindness hoodie.

Quinn's POV

A big beep sound made me jump as I turned around and noticed that the door unlocked. I took that as a sign to come in and if not then what are they gonna do, kick me out.

"Ms. Monroe," I turned to my left and noticed a man in his forty's.

"Hi" I say shyly.

"Mr. Styles will be down here shortly." I nod, Harry is coming. Shit there is no way getting out of this now. I was standing in the lobby looking at the incredible architecture.

"Quinn" I heard that British voice once again. I slowly turned around to see him again.

Harry's POV

"Quinn" I say cheerfully. She turns around slowly and I meet her eyes. She was gorgeous her dark brown eyes glistening in the sun.

"Um hey Harry" she says.

"So what you doing her it's been what 5 months" I laugh. Her face looks as if she was going to get sick. "Hey Quinn are you ok?" I asked.

"Yea, I'm fine." She assured me. I noticed he move her hand to her stomach. "Who's the lucky guy?" I ask gesturing to her stomach. Part of me was sad that she moved on but it's understandable.

"Harry.." she looks down at her stomach then back at me.

"What?" I'm confused now.

"That baby.." is she about to say, no it can't be, "the baby is yours" shit, no fuck.

"W-what, your kidding right?" I ask.

"God, I'm so stupid.." she mumbles to herself.

"Quinn please tell me this is some kind of sick joke and that you aren't actually carrying my child" I get more serious this time.

"I shouldn't have come here" she say as she leaves the lobby and out into the street.

Quinn's POV

I left the lobby and I didn't look back. I just kept walking, just trying to get out of there as fast as I can. I can hear heavy footsteps behind me gaining speed. Until I feel a hand on my wrist stopping me.

"Quinn stop" Harry's voice says.

"I'm sorry, you clearly don't want this baby and it's fine her and I will be fine by ourselves" I hold back my tears.

"Her. It's a girl?" I nod. "Quinn, I'm sorry it's just not every day that you find out your going to be a dad"

"Harry I get it, honestly if you don't want to be parent that's fine" I push his hand off my wrist.

"No. Please come back to my place and we can talk" I nod as we walk back into the lobby. We stay quiet the whole way up to his loft. When we enter Harry sits down on the couch and gestures for me to sit next to him.

"Do you want coffee or tea or water or anything?" Harry asks.

"No I'm fine" I decline.

"Um ok then" he says as he looks down at his shoes.

"Harry are we gonna talk or just sit here because I can go" I say breaking the silence.

"Sorry I just don't know what to ask first.." he sighs.

"I just want to let you know I'm not using you for your money or fame I could give two shits about that, I'm here because my daughter deserves to have a dad"

"Why? Why did you wait so long to tell me" he looks up at me.

"It's not like I have your number and your not really easy to get in contact with" I explain.

"When did you find out, that you were pregnant?"

"Right after Christmas. I finally decided to try to contact you on New Years but you were in Tokyo or somewhere and then I didn't know when you'd be back and the one time you were that I knew of, I wasn't allowed because I wasn't on your guest list or knew your apartment number" I explained.

"Oh" is all he can say. "How far along are you then 20, 25 weeks?"

"24" I correct him.

"And it's a girl" I nod.

"I'm due mid August." He nodded. He kept playing with his rings. I could tell he was nervous. "Harry has if you don't want to be a dad yet or your afraid it'll ruin your career. I'll understand if you want an out I'm giving you one right now, take it or leave it"

"What no. I want to be a dad it's just all so much. I need some time to process it all" I nod and get up.

"Here is my number call me whenever you're ready to talk" I said writing down my number on a napkin in my purse. "I'll leave"

"Wait how did you get here" he asks.

"I took a taxi" I say confused of why he asked.

"I'll drive you home" h says grabbing his keys.

"No it's ok"

"Don't be stubborn just take the ride and save your self the cab money"

"Fine" I agree. We both head to his car which was a black Range Rover. I the directions in on his gps and then we headed to my apartment. Neither of us said a word, the whole drive.

"Is this it?" Harry asks.

"Yep than-" I get cut off by feeling a small stab in my stomach. "Shit ouch"

"What? Are you ok? Do I need to take you to the hospital?" Harry asked looking very concerned and scared.

"No I think she was kicking, here" I grab his hand and put it down where I felt the kick. When she kicked again Harry's eyes got so huge and he had the cutest smile.

"Oh my gosh I felt that, has she done it before?" He asked.

"No never, that's why I was so startled."

"Our first firsts, together you know with both of us here" he says and I can't help but look down and feel so sorry.

"I'm sorry, I should've tried harder to tell you"

"No it's fine, I know now and that's all that matters" he squeezes my hand in reassurance.

"Ok well I guess I should go now" I say unbuckling.

"Goodbye Quinn" Harry waves goodbye.

"Bye Harry"

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