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After the game

"That was a good game" I smile as I get out of my moms car.

"It was, but I have to get back to New Jersey because I have work in the morning.. my bags are already in the trunk so I don't have to go up"

"Ok.. then this is the last time I'll see for a while" I take a deep breath and give her a hug.

"Bye sweetie and bye Char I'll miss you both so much"

"Bye mom I love you"

"Love you too" she smiles as she gets back into her car. I wave goodbye until her car had left my visibility.

When Charlie and I got back inside I gave her a bath, fed her a bottle, then put her to bed as it was already past her bedtime.

After I take a shower and get into bed myself I call Harry.

"Hey baby" Harry said after one ring.

"Hey Harry, how was filming?" I asked into the phone.

"It was good we finished earlier today and I have to get on a plane in half an hour then I should be home early morning like around five"

"Ok I can set an alarm and wake up when you're home?" I ask.

"No don't worry about it, I'll get home and get right into bed and fall back asleep for another hour or so until Charlie wakes up"

"Okay.. I can't wait to see you, it's only been two full days without you here and I miss you so much"

"I miss you too Quinn you have no idea how much I missed laying and sleeping next to you" I lightly laugh.

"It won't be long now"

"No it won't and I actually have to go now because my flight has just got called"

"Ok bye Harry I love you"

"Love you more" Harry said before he ended the call.

I can't wait to see that man.

6 hours later (Harry POV)

"Thank you" I say to my driver as I grab my bags and hand him a bigger tip than I usually give because I'm so excited to see my girls.

After the quick elevator ride up I finally enter my home. I never used to think of my New York house as home. It was always the pace that I just slept at when I was in the city, it was nicer and better than have a hotel every time I came. Ever since Quinn and Charlie came into my life I can finally call my New York house home.

I quietly walk into my room not wanting to wake up Charlie or Quinn. I set my bags down next to Quinn's in the closet. I can't help but not smile knowing that she'll come with me. I change out of my clothes leaving me just in my boxers when I climb in bed.

I look at Quinn, god she's so beautiful and perfect. How did I get so lucky to have her in my life.

"H-Harry?" Quinn asks as she starts to open her eyes.

"It's me baby.. go back go sleep but first.." I lean in and give her a kiss.

"I love you" she smiles as she closes her eyes and lays her head on my chest.

"I love you more" I say before I drift off into sleep.

A/N: this was short and kinda just a filler

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