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After I left Charlie and my mom, I walked to Sophie's and Brandon's apartment. It took about five minutes to get to there I shoot Sophie a text saying that I was almost there.

When I arrived, I knock on the door.

"Quinnnnn" Sophie says opening the door partially so I can only see her.

"Hey Soph.. are you gonna let me in or what" I laugh.

"Oh yea sorry" she opens the door and I walk in.

"SURPRISE" roared throughout the apartment and out jumped so many people.

"OMG, Sophie you did this all for me" she nods smiling.

"It's your going away party, I know I told you it was just going to be the two of us but I thought I'd surprise you" I give her a hug.

"Thank you"

"Here have a drink and these" Brandon says handing me a glass of champagne and bouquet of flowers.

"Thanks" I say. Sophie snaps a picture of me and I decided to post it.

@quinnmonroe: two posts in a day, I'm know I'm crazy but @sophiedyl threw me a surprise going away party ilysm <3 Sophie, Brandon, and I all head to the kitchen and meet up with Megan and our other friends

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@quinnmonroe: two posts in a day, I'm know I'm crazy but @sophiedyl threw me a surprise going away party ilysm <3
Sophie, Brandon, and I all head to the kitchen and meet up with Megan and our other friends.
Liked by: 128,643 people
@sophiedly: I'm gonna miss you!!!
@harry4life: how much you bet she's going somewhere with Harry
+1,364 more

Brandon, Sophie, and I head to the kitchen where our main group of friends are.

"Meg" I give her a hug.

"Hey hot momma, hows that little girl of yours?" She asks.

"Charlie's great she's getting bigger each day" I smile.

"And how are you and Mr. Styles doing?" She smirks. No one knew that the baby was Harry's except Sophie and Brandon. Since the news broke out that I'm the mother of just child everyone I've known is so shocked or they treat me differently.

"Um Harry's fine, that's the reason I'm moving to London" I state.

"I figured" she nods. "So how did you get yourself knocked up by Harry anyway, I mean he's famous and.."

"I'm not," I laugh, "I know it's so strange how the world works.. but I meet him at an opening of a club and the rest is history"

"Well, cheers to what life brings to you" she raises her glass as I do mine then we both take a sip.

After about two hours of talking later.

"Hey Soph and Meg I'm gonna go the bathroom" they nod and continue to talk.

After I use the bathroom I hear someone call my name. I found it kinda odd since most of the people here are just Brandon's and Sophie's friends who came for the free booze. The only people people I really know were still in the kitchen.

"Quinn, hey" I hear my name again, this time the voice is more recognizable.


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