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Last night Harry and I ended up watching two movies before Harry left.

My doctors appointment is at ten in the morning so I need to get dressed soon because Harry was going to pick me up. I ended up getting dressed in black leggings and a white shirt with a grey sweater and black high top converse. I ended up curling my hair and doing a natural makeup look since I had some time to spare.

Once I finished my hair and makeup I got a text from Harry telling me he was here. I then grabbed my keys locked my door then met Harry in his car.

"Ready" Harry chirpily said.

"Yes, are you?"

"I'm very excited to see our girl for the first time.." it's times like these which make me feel like shit, like I've seen her on the screen multiple times before and Harry is just now doing it. "Quinn you ok?"

"Hmm what sorry I blacked out"

"I was saying I'm excited to see her, like I've seen the photos you've shown me but I haven't heard the heart beat yet and I'm kinda nervous at the same time because you know it's gonna make it all feel so real" I think my heart just shattered, I hate me.

"I-I'm sorry, I should've dm'd you, or your mom or even your sister, emailed you management, I could've even tried to contact Mitch" I start to cry.

"Please don't cry, it's fine and I probably wouldn't have even seen your messages either would've Gemma but my mum she probably send back some Snapchat filter, and if you would've tried Mitch I'm pretty sure we would all just laugh about it. You did everything you knew how to do," Harry hands me a personal pack of tissues from the glove compartment. "I know now and that's all that matters, ok?"

"Ok" I shrug.

"Now perk up because today will be a long and gloomy day if you stay sad" Harry points his finger, causing me to laugh.

"Ok, ok I'm all good now"

After about twenty more minutes we arrive at the doctors. When we get inside, I check in and then Harry and I go sit in the far corner of the waiting room. Harry's knee was shaking, I could tell he was nervous.

"Quinn" my nurse Lisa said. Harry and I stood up and followed Linda to the examination room.

"Hi Linda" I say as I sit on the examination table.

"Hello dear, how are you?" She gives me a loving smile.

"I'm good"

"And who is this?" Linda gestures to Harry.

"Hi I'm Harry Styles, I'm the father of the baby" Harry shakes Linda's hand

"That's amazing we finally got the whole crew here," Harry and I both smiled at each other. "Now shall we take a look at your little munchkin"

"Please" Harry beamed.

"Perfect, now you know the drill Quinn lift up your shirt" Linda said as I pulled up my shirt so it wasn't covering my stomach. Linda put on the cool gel then applied the probe. "There she is"

"Wow she's.. just.. perfect" Harry was in awe.

"Everything looks good, length, growth, development seem just right for 28 weeks, since dad your here would you like to hear the heartbeat?" Linda asks.

"Yes, I would love to" Harry held my hand and squeezes it once we heard our daughters heart. We listened to it for about two minutes.

"Still one photo or do we want more?" Linda asks

"Can we have tw-" I start

"Three can we have three?" Harry asks, I shoot him a look confused of why we need three. "I'm gonna give it to my mum when I go see her"

"Ok here you go" Linda hands us the photos. "We don't need you back till your 36 weeks. You're in the long stretch now, you just started the third trimester so it won't be long till you can hold that little girl of yours. Now that's all I have for you so your free to go" Linda says as I get down from the examination table.

"Ok thank you Linda" I say as Harry and I leave the doctors.

When we get into the car Harry starts driving to Brookfield Place mall. It takes about an hour to get there due to traffic. When we enter Harry hired one of the malls bodyguards to stay with us the whole time.

We go into Babesta which is this cool store that has everything you need for a baby. We first started to look at cribs and bassinets.

"Harry, these are so expensive that one crib was 6,000 dollars" I point out.

"I'm not exactly broke and those are the overly exaggerated ones that aren't even your style" that's true.

"Yes but I need to help with the expeensives"

"You know everything will be cheaper if we just bought one of everything, instead of two" I roll my eyes.

"Harry you're right it would be a lot cheaper to get one of everything, but I don't want to seem like I'm using you for your money by moving in with you" I sigh.

"No one will think that" is this man stupid, ugh I would think that.

"Harry once you tell the world that's going to be the first thing they'll think"

"No it won't not from the true fans and who cares what people think you and our little girl is all that matters" Harry gives me a hug.

"Your right" I agree.

"So can we just buy one of everything?" Harry asks.

"Yes we can" I give in.

"Great!" Harry smiles. After we pick out everything for the baby's room, some newborn clothes, a stroller, a car seat, and baby monitors we decide to check out.

"Ok wow we got a lot" I say after we pay and leave. I was holding two bags and Harry was holding four.

"And if we need anything else, we can always come back or order online" I nod. As we walk by Gucci, I can see Harry's eyes glisten.

"Harry I can tell you want to go in there" I chuckle.

"Can I, I know I basically own most of their clothes but I just can't help myself"

"Go ahead, but my feet are sore so I'm gonna sit at that bench right there" I say pointing to the bench.

"Ok, I won't be long." I nod as Harry and the body guard go off into Gucci. While I wait I go onto instagram and check my feed. I quickly get bored doing that. Ugh Harry can shop. I also really have to use the bathroom.

I shot Harry a quick text telling him I went to the restroom, just in case he gets done shopping. I grab my bags and find the nearest restroom. Once I get into the bathroom I relieve my bladder, wash my hands and exit the bathroom with my bags. When I leave the restroom I bump into somebody.

"Oh I'm sorry I wasn't watching" I look up to see who it was. My eyes grew wide. "Dad?"

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