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"Harry I'm not going to name my kid Caroline, you wrote a song about a girl who 'feels so good' called Carolina" I state.

"Shoot they do sound alike don't they" I nod, "Ok then since you said no to my ideas, what do you suggest?" Harry asks.

"I was thinking that we do a name that's not like just for a girl you know, I mean my name is Quinn but I still want it to be cute" Harry nods.

"I have an idea I don't know if you'll like it though.." Harry tells me the name and I actually don't hate it. "So do you like?"

"I honestly think it's perfect" I smile.

"Good, now don't even think about changing your mind" I laugh.

"If I do that just means the baby doesn't like it"

"Don't blame our daughter for your indecisive mind" Harry points are me while I just laugh.

"What do you say we get these boxes in my car?" Harry says.

"Sure" I get up and grab a box.

"Quinn what's re you doing you take the little box not the biggest one, actually never mind don't take any box for a matter of fact" Harry takes the box of my belongings away from me.

"Harry I'm pregnant, I can carry a box down to your car" I huff.

"Fine but only the small one" Harry states. Harry grabs the biggest box, while I carry the smallest to his car. We set them in the backseat of his car.

"Ok I'm gonna go get the last box and then shall we bring them to mine?" I nod.

"Hey can you grab my phone, it's on my bed" I ask and Harry nods then runs back into the apartment complex.

I get in the passenger seat, while I wait for Harry.

After about three minutes later he returns. He puts the last box in the backseat then he gets into the drives seat.

"Here you go m'lady" he hands me my phone.

"Why thank you"

When we get to Harry's, I grab the smallest box again, Harry holds both of the other boxes.

"Harry are you sure you can carry both of them, they're heavy?"

"Babe, I got muscles for a reason" he just called me babe, ugh I can't fangirl every time he says something. "Are you ok what's wrong, your face looks confused and you didn't laugh at my joke."

"Oh I'm fine.. I'm just having a fangirl moment" I look down because I'm embarrassed.

"Don't be shy now" Harry chuckles as we get in the elevator to his home.

"It's just embarrassing" I shrug.

"Don't be you can't help but drool over me I'm incredibly addictive" Harry smirks.

"Your narcissistic side is coming out" I joke and Harry laughs. When the elevator doors open Harry and I get off and bring the boxes to his room.

"Ok we can sort out where you'll put your stuff later, for now let's go make lunch" I nod.

"Thank goodness I'm hungry" I state

Harry and I each make a salad. Once we are done eating we decide to watch some Friends.

"I just realized, where's your mom?"

"She's hanging out with some friends, I dropped her off before I went to yours" I nod

"Do you have to go pick her up?"

"No she's having a spa day and then going out for dinner tonight" Harry states.

"Ok well do you want to take me back home so you can spend time with her"

"I just assumed you were going to stay here.. with me from now on" Harry looks down.

"Oh ok, I just though I was gonna come after the baby is born... but I'd love to stay here" Harry's face shoots up with a huge grin.

"Really?" I nod

"As long as your mom won't mind me staying here, I can always officially move in after she leaves so you two can have some family time" I suggest.

"Quinn my mum adores you, and you are family" I smile.

"I am?"

"Yes your my family, you and our little girl are the most important people in my life.. well plus my mum and Gem"

"I'm honored" I do a half curtsy on the couch.

"Am I yours?"

"Harry of course you are my family"

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