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Four weeks later

Over the past month, I've gotten huge. I thought I was big before but no now I'm so big that if something falls to the floor, I leave it there it's dead to me. I won't even try to bend and grab it.

Harry is coming back with his mom today. I'm really excited to see him. We've FaceTimed everyday, but it's not the same. Harry said he got a lot of work done for his album. I could tell he was very pleased about it over the phone. I was also nervous to meet his mom, well in person for the first time.

Harry texted me saying that they just landed and now they are on their way to his place. I'm planned to meet them at Harry's for dinner tonight.

I'm now getting dressed in a white t-shirt then I a black dress over it, I also am wearing a pair on converse because they are the most comfortable shoes to wear.

Once I was dressed and ready, I slowly walked down stairs and got into my drivers car

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Once I was dressed and ready, I slowly walked down stairs and got into my drivers car.

"Hey Philip, how are you today?" I asked.

"I'm good dear, how's the baby today?" He asks as he starts to drive.

"She's good I don't know if there's much more room for her though" I laugh.

"It won't be long now"

"Yep were in the home stretch"

Philip and I talked the rest of the car ride.

"Well we're here" Philip states.

"Thank you"

"I'm gonna miss you, you keep great company while driving" I'm confused of why he will miss me.


"Well today is my last day driving you" Philip explains.

"Oh I see, when Harry got me a driver I was really upset because I'm a New Yorker and we walk or take a taxi," Philip laughs. "But I'm glad that you were my driver and I think you can agree we've become good friends, you've become like a father to me"

"Awww Quinn your so sweet and don't be shy and send me all of the baby photos"

"Ok I will" I give him a hug.

"Now go off I'm sure Harry is waiting for you" I nod and wave goodbye.

Since I was now on Harry's guest list, it was a lot easier to get in. I also knew his codes so that helps too.

Once I get on the elevator I shoot Harry a text saying I'm on my way up.

I still think it's strange how his door to enter his apartment is an elevator. When the elevator opens I enter Harry's home. I can hear footsteps running towards me.

"Quinnnnnn," Harry tunas and gives me a giant bear hug, "I missed you so much"

"I missed you too" I say as Harry let's me go and puts his hands on my stomach.

"You look beautiful" I blush.

"Thank you"

"And your stomach it looks so big" Harry states, as if I didn't know that.

"Way to make a girl feel better about herself" I joke.

"No Quinn I didn't mean it.. ugh..  it that your big, well I mean your belly got bigger... ughhhhh I'm making this worse aren't I" Harry face palmed.

"I was joking, I know what you mean and yes the baby really popped" I say as we walk to his living room.

"Harry are you being rude to this gorgeous young woman" Anne says coming from the kitchen. "Quinn, darling your even more beautiful in person" Anne gives me a hug.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, well officially" I laugh.

"Your so sweet" Anne says releasing me of our hug. "And how's are you and my granddaughter feeling?"

"We're good, she still kicks all the time, which is really cute until my back starts to cramp," I laugh, "I feel bigger than ever, feel like I'm about to pop"

"I get it, but it will all be worth it in the end" Anne rubs my back. "Now I hope you like chicken"

"Like I love"

After Harry, Anne and I ate dinner. Anne was tired from flying so she went to bed. Harry and I were now on the couch. Harry had his arm wrapped around me and my head was rested on his shoulder.

"So I was thinking that tomorrow we could pack up your stuff and then move you in" Harry states.

"That's fine, but um where am I going to sleep?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"Well your mom is in the guest room and the only other room besides yours is the nursery" I state.

"I just assumed you were going to sleep with me but my mum is only here for two more days. She just wanted to meet you in person before the baby came and she has a few friends in the city who she was going to see" Harry says.

"Ok well since I'm only staying here temporarily we can just move some of my stuff here and I can stay at my place until the baby comes" I shrug, Harry's face drops.

"If that's what you want" Harry seems upset.

"Why are you upset, I mean you only want me here because of the baby" I state.

"What no, Quinn I like you, I told you that a while ago and my feelings just didn't go away. I want you here, I want you" Harry turns to look at me.

"You do?" I'm stunned, I know he said he liked me and we kissed but we didn't do anything about it.

Harry didn't say anything and instead he kissed me, it was soft, short, and sweet. "Does that answer your question?" I nod.

"Move in all the way, bring everything"

"Harry we aren't even dating or been on a date let alone" I giggle.

"That's a load of shit, half of time we plan to do stuff to for the baby or talk and plan we end up laughing, eating, and watching movies." He's right we have done that a lot. "I don't know about you but I think we've been on at least 30 dates by now"

"I guess we have" I shrug.

"So before I ask you to move in with me I have to ask you this," he clears his throat and gets on one knee, if he proposes he will most definitely have to get used to me rejecting him. "Quinn Elizabeth Monroe will you do me the honor and be my girlfriend?"

"Well.." I pretend to think, "yes, yes I would Harold, now get up here dork and kiss me"

"Yes ma'am" Harry says, while gently pushing me down so that I'm laying on his couch. Harry hovers above me and kisses me. It was a passionate and gentle kiss. About a minute later he stirs up and I sit up as well. I end resting my head on his shoulder while his hands were in my stomach. I could get used to this.

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