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That night Harry ended up driving me home at around nine at night. He also walked me up to make sure I got there safely.

He was coming over this morning to help me pack up. I already had some things done, but I still had a lot left. I'm not selling my apartment just yet because who knows what will happen. Plus when Anne or my mom come for when the baby's born they can stay here.

I heard a knock at my door and I was too lazy to go get it, "it's open" I yell knowing it would be Harry.

"I could be a serial killer or an abductor and you would've just let me in" Harry speaks as he enters my bedroom.

"I'd be too annoying and they would just bring me back" I laugh.

"You're right your are annoying" Harry smirks. "Annoyingly cute"

"Oh shut it your gonna make me blush"

"Your cute when you blush too" Harry smiles.

"Ok for real stop, and let's get to work" I firmly say.

"Ok ok" Harry sighs, "what first?"

"Well I'm going to sit on my bed and your going to take the clothes off the shelves" I instruct.

"So you expect me to do all the work?"

"No I'll putting it in the boxes" I roll my eyes.

Harry starts going through my closet and grabs the clothes and puts it on the bed.

"Jesus, you have a lot of clothes, not as much as me but still a lot" Harry states.

"That's why I'm making piles of stuff I'm going to bring and keep here"

"About that, don't you find it kinda useless to have a apartment but not use it, you'll just be wasting your money on an empty flat" Harry's right, I will be.

"Yes but what if something happens and I need my own place" I express.

"First of all don't think like that and second, if anything bad were to happen between us I won't kick you out onto the streets, your to pretty to be homeless"

"I know I shouldn't think stuff like that it's just you and I, it's crazy I mean I'm just a regular girl from Jersey" I shrug.

"And I'm just a regular guy from Holmes Chapel" I huff.

"Who's seen the world, has millions of people crawling at your feet, and who I have loved since I was fourteen"

"Yes I have seen the world and I really just can't help that I'm so charming but I am still just a guy" Harry sighs, "I'm just like you, I'm scared out of my mind that I'm gonna mess up but we can't let our fear hold us back cause if I did I'd most definitely not be living the life I do today"

"Your right, and I'm sorry if I made you feel upset" I say truthfully.

"It's ok I mean your not completely wrong I am a lot more lucky than other people" he shrugs.

"If it makes you feel better, you would make an excellent therapist if your singing career didn't take off" I lightly chuckle as does Harry.

"Why thank you. I'll keep that in mind if people decide they don't care about my charm"

"That will never happen, you could be 80 years old and people will still gawk over you" I laugh.

"Will you be someone to 'gawk' at me?" Harry smirks.

"I don't know will have to see" I joke, of course I will.

"I for one will still be gawking over you"

"Well then I guess it's only fair that I gawk over you then" I state and Harry chuckles.


"I think we're done" I say sitting all the way back on my bed.

"Thank goodness" Harry sighs and lays down next to me"

"It's a good thing I only have to bring some of my stuff and not my whole apartment" I laugh. "And I think you're right about the whole apartment thing, I think I'm going to sell it" I explained.

"Okay if that's what you want, I don't want to pressure you" I shake my head no.

"Your not plus my lease is up on the first of August so it works anyway" I shrug.

"Ok, looks like we can check that off the list of things to do" Harry does pretends to sign a check mark. "Now we only have on last thing to do.. we need a name"

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