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It's been three weeks since I last saw Harry, well in person. We have FaceTimed everyday and we text and call all the time. Since I last saw him I considered everything he said and we've talked and think it's best if I stay in New York at least until the baby is born. After she is born Harry is going to be here for a while to help me out. Then after that we will figure it out as we go.

I have graduation tonight. I'm thrilled. My mom is going to come down. She is so proud of me. Sophie, Brandon, and I just happy to not have school work anymore.

I told Harry how nervous I was about graduation and he calmed me down and told me I'll be great. Him and I have become great friends and I know we will make great parent for our little angel.

"Quinn which dress" she holds up a light blue dress and a white dress.

"Uhh they are both cute but I say the white one"

"Ok perfect I wear that"

I put on a cream dress that hugs my bump and goes down to about mid thigh.

@quinnmonroe: it's graduation day who's hyped

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@quinnmonroe: it's graduation day who's hyped.. me!!!! 🎓
Liked by: @sophiedyl @harrystyles, plus 6,879
@sophiedyl: and me 🥳
@1D4life: why did harry like?
@harryismine7: woah Harry liked it how does he know her
@tpwkhes: guys chill he can have female friends
+1,486 more

"Quinn you know your baby daddy just liked your post" Sophie said.

"Yea I saw his fans are crazy fast on what he does" he literally liked the post five minutes ago and his fans already know.

"Do you think that they will figure out that your pregnant with his kid" I shake my head no.

"I don't have any photos showing I'm pregnant and he just liked it so it's not that big of a deal" I shrug. The truth is Harry is going to tell the world that he is going to have a baby.

"Ok you two are we going yet because I'm not gonna be late" Brandon says as Sophie and I grab our bags and graduation caps and gowns and leave. I sat in the back of Brandon's car while Sophie sat in the front with Brandon who was driving.

It takes about an hour to get to the Yankee stadium which is where our graduation is being held at. The whole stadium is full of purple purple graduation gowns. It's basically three hours worth of standing in the sun cheering. The stadium is sectioned off in what major you are but most people just sit with their friends. Brandon, Sophie, and I all joined our other group of friends. I really kinda stopped hanging out with everyone else besides Sophie and Brandon, but only because he was Soph's boyfriend.

"Look at this hot momma to be" Megan a girl who was in my journalism class.

"Hey Meg," I give her a hug, "I miss you guys so much"

"You should come out with us, Jason's parents are letting him have a party at his place" Megan says.

"I would love too, but being 6 months pregnant doesn't make partying as much fun so I'll probably just pass" I sigh.

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