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*2 months later (November 20)*

Two months ago when Harry convinced me to move down here I thought it was so he could work and still be with us, god was I wrong. After about two weeks of getting settled here, Harry had to get to work. He had to film music video, in Eroda. Wherever that is. Personally I think he's either gone crazy and imagined it or I really did deserve that D in geography. Honestly I was very confused when he talked about it. He was like 'babe it's going to be so sick, it's going to be a cool music video'. Charlie and I were supposed to go, but Charlie had got a cold and as her being a baby I didn't want to risk anything. After that it's been go, go, go. He's been flying from here to LA. Nonstop. Like today he's coming home from just filming his last two music videos.

"Baby?" I hear Harry's voice come from the front of the house.

"Harry, look Char, it's dad" I say as he walks up  to us and Charlie immediately reaches for Harry. "She's obviously missed you" I state as I give him her.

"As she should, I'm obviously her favorite parent" He shrieks bouncing Charlie making her giggle.

"If you weren't holding Char, I'd hit your arm"

"Yay Charlie you saved me from the scary monsters" Harry said throwing and catching Charlie in the air.

"Every time you do that I get so scared"

"Why you think I'm gonna drop her" he smirks, doing it again and catching her.

"No, but just don't do it again please" I ask.

"Only because you begged"

"Whatever... anyways how was filming?" I ask.

"Good, everything is set just need edited thought those two aren't set to be released until  after the album".

"Are you going to show me the songs are you going to make me find out just like everyone else" I ask even though he's said he won't tell me anything.

"Nope you're gonna wait"

"Ugh why do you like to torture me" I sigh.

"Because it's fun"

"Aren't you all treat people with kindness and doing this isn't very 'TPWK' of you"

"I think you've corrupted me" Harry smirks.

"Me" I say in awe.

"Yes you, I don't think Charolette would corrupt me"

"How did I corrupt you? Please do tell" I say as I sit down on the barstool.

"Hmmmm" Harry pretends to think. "I think it's your habit of... leaving your shoes out in our bedroom when it takes two more seconds to put them in the closet"

"Seriously, me leaving my shoes out is how I've corrupted you"

"Yes it really changed me into a different man"

"Yeah yeah" I laugh. "You don't have to go to LA anymore for a while now right?" I asked.

"No I'm not going to LA... but we are going somewhere" He says slowly looking at me.

"What where are we going and why did I not know" I ask.

"It's a surprise and I know you've been stressed out with Charlie being by yourself for multiple days"

"That's so sweet of you but honestly taking Charlie to someplace for a vacation would just be more work for us because she wouldn't be used to her surroundings plus we can do whatever you have planned there here" I explain.

"That's why I thought that my mum would come over and stay here for the weekend"

"Anne would be okay with that?" He nods.

"Quinn I've already talked to her and she said she'd love to stay with her and give you a break"

"Really she'll do that for us?"

"Of course" he smiles.

"When do we leave?" I ask.

"Tomorrow... I know it's late notice"

"You think, I need to know where we are going so I know how to pack" I state.

"Bring a bathing suit and a jacket"

"A swimsuit and a jacket?" I ask confused of why I'd need both.

"There's a pool" Harry says and I nod.

"Well I'm going to get packed are you going to pack as well?" I ask.

"No I'm already been packed but I'll help you" he laughs a bit knowing I'll be overthinking everything I consider to bring.

"Well let's get on it Styles"


Hey everyone thank you so much for reading this book. I can't believe this has 14,000 views. That's crazy! I honestly didn't expect 100 let alone 14k. I hope you all like it. Truth be told I kinda wrote this as a joke with my friends so seeing this many people reading it is just crazy to me. Thank you again. Also there isn't going to be much left of the book. I can't believe I'm almost done with it.

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