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It's been one week. One week since I last saw Harry. I thought that with blow we left things we were going to figure everything out. I guess not.

I'm currently on my way home from school and the internship. When I enter the apartment building there sits Harry on the stairs.


"Hey Quinn, you weren't home so I waited and well now you are" he smiled.

"Ya I'm here now can you move off the start so I can get up them?" I ask probably to rude, but I don't care my feet are sore and he waited a week to talk to me.

"Oh sorry" I said and then quickly got up. I started walking up the stairs and on the sixth step I miss the step and start to stumble. Until Harry's arms catch me from falling.

"Are you ok?" Harry asked.

"Ya I'm good, I'm clumsy" ugh why did you say that now he probably thinks you can't take care of the baby.

"Ok" Harry nods and has his left hand on my back to make sure I won't fall.

"This is me," I unlock the door, "you can come in" I say as Harry walks in and I close the door behind him. I take off my jacket, which reveals my growing bump.

"Harry why are you here?" I ask.

"Well we need to talk and figure everything out"

"Why did you wait a week to contact me" I ask harshly.

"Look, Quinn you seem like a lovely girl and I've accepted that I'm gonna become a dad, the thing is.." I roll my eyes.

"What the thing is you don't want it to ruin your reputation, your career" I walk over to the couch and Harry follows and sits next to me.

"No I don't care about that, it's just that right now is really tough because I'm working on album right now and I can't be here, as in New York. I have to be in LA in the studio recording and finishing up the album." Harry explains.

"Your working on a new album," he nods, "I don't know what to say, the fan in me wants you to play some of it and the woman carrying your child doesn't know what to think" Harry chuckles.

"I forgot that you were a fan"

"Oh yea sorry," I continue, "mostly One Direction though, your solo music is good I just was like obsessed with 1D back in the day" I laugh.

"How obsessed? Like you are gonna cut my hair and make a Barbie doll of me" I laugh.

"No I'm not crazy, I just had two posters of you in my room and I already I have a Barbie doll of you" I giggle.

"You do?" I nod.

"Yep and Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn"

"So who was your favorite then?" He smirks.

"I don't have a favorite"

"Yes you do everyone does," I laugh, "don't worry I'm a big guy I think I can handle it if I wasn't but as your baby's dad I'd say you chose wisely" Harry jokes.

"Well I went through stages, I guess" I shrugged. "Like I loved Liam the most in the beginning, then it was you" his eyes shot up.

"Me wow I feel so blessed"

"More like frat boy Harry" I joke.

"Is that what they called me?" He asked laughing.

"Yep when you were 19," I giggle, "now enough about you then it was Louis I basically never not liked him he was really funny along with Niall who I liked because he had blonde hair which yes I know isn't natural and I liked him when he wore glasses" I explained.

"Wow" I nod.

"But their was one of you who I always liked, well I like all of you but whenever someone asked who was my favorite I would always say his name,"

"It's me I know it is"

"Well not exactly, I don't know if I should tell you if you guys aren't on good terms," Harry gestured for me to continue, "well it was Zayn"

"I see"

"I'm sorry" I look down.

"Why I have nothing against him. He was and still is a good man, he needed to leave looking back I can see it but in the time it was hard and we were all confused"

"Oh" is all I say, I mean what do you say.

"I'm more upset you didn't like me as much" he jokes.

"Well I never not like you, what can I say when I was asked my 16 year old brain never knew what to say" I giggle.

"Wait that just made me think, please don't say I got a 18 year old knocked up because I would really be mad at myself" Harry gets serious

"Well first of all if I was 16 at any point during One Direction is be older than 20 now so no I'm not 18. I'm 22"

"Ohh that makes my conscience feel better" I laugh.

"I think we got off topic about what we should've been talking about" I say pointing out that we didn't talk about the baby.

"Well we also need to get to know each other I mean we are about to be parents and I don't even know your favorite color or your middle name"

"It's blue and my middle name is Elizabeth, and your right we are going to need to get to know each other" I nod.

"How about we order some food because I don't know about you but I'm hungry" Harry says.

"More like starving," I exaggerate.

"What do you want I can get Chinese delivered"

"No not Chinese the baby doesn't like it" I think back to Christmas.

"Ok well what does the baby like?" He asks.

"Just anything bread or like pancakes" Harry laughs.

"It's not funny" I cross my arms.

"Well what do you want me to make pancakes then" I nod. "Ok well I'm gonna get cooking, I used to work in bakery you know" I laugh, of course I know.

After about twenty minutes Harry hands me the stack of pancakes.

"You expect me to eat off of this, I may be pregnant but I'm not a cow," he chuckles, "here have some" he obliged and took two pancakes as did I.  They were delicious definitely some of the best pancakes ever.

"You like?"

"I love"

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