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"Ms. Monroe.. the baby is having some trouble getting oxygen, we are going to need to get you into an immediate cesarean section." She said that so monotone I can't even how do they handle their emotions.

"She's too young" I state.

"Your 35 weeks which isn't ideal but the survival rate is 99%, we really need to get you up to surgery as soon as possible to give her some more oxygen that's being cut off" I nod.

After that more people came in and I got changed into a hospital gown. It was so chaotic. People were sticking needles in me.

All I want is Harry.

After talking to my doctors they finally let Sophie be with me.

"Harry, where's Harry?" Is the first thing I ask her.

"I got a hold of him, but there's construction and he's getting here as fast as possible, that is what he said the last I spoke to him." I nodded. "I called him but he didn't answer so I texted him saying you were are going to have a c-section"

"The doctors are going to be taking me in about twenty minutes and he isn't here" I start to cry.

"Quinn don't cry, he will get here and in the meantime you got me. I also called your mom and she is on her way as well, actually she said she left the house the moment you got off the phone with you."

"She is" Sophie nods.

"That's good"

20 Minutes Later

"Ok so Ms. Monroe are you ready?" The doctors are more so telling me than asking.

"Harry, the father isn't here yet, can we wait?" I beg.

"I'm sorry but we really can't" I sigh and nod.
I say goodbye to Sophie and get pushed away to the operating room.

The doctors tapped my body making sure I couldn't feel anything.

"Ok Quinn, we are about to start"

"Is Harry her-"

"I'm here.. I'm right her Quinn" Harry's voice say as I hear footsteps come closer.

Harry sits next to me on the stool and holds my hand.

"Harry" I start to cry.

"It's ok.. I'm here and we are going to see our girl, everything will be fine" I take a deep breathe

"Ok.. I'm ready" I tell the doctors.

I know the doctors said that I wouldn't feel a thing but it feels as if my insides are being pulled out.

"You ok Quinn?" Harry whispers into my ear.

"Um.. yea it's just weird feeling"

"Your doing great" he says giving me a kiss on my forehead.

A few more minutes pass.

"Ok Quinn, you baby is.. out," the doctors said.

"Why isn't she crying?" Harry said what I was thinking.

"Just give her a second" the doctor assured us and then two seconds later a soft cry filled the room.

Harry gave me a kiss once our daughter cried. Who knew you'd ever cheer to hear someone cry.

"Congratulations you two, you have beautiful, healthy baby girl" the doctor held up our daughter. She was beautiful. She was ours. She may not have been planned. She may have been a mistake or a fluke but now she is no longer, she is our miracle, our beautiful and precious daughter.

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