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A week later

"Sophieeeeee" I ran, well more like wobbled to my best friend.

"Quinn I missed you so much, it's been like three weeks with out seeing you" she gave me a hug.

"I know it feels like years" I laugh as we sit down at a table at Starbucks.

"I saw Harry's post, do people know that it's you" Sophie asks.

"Some people think it since his mom and sister follow me plus my one post about him not letting me drive, but no on knows for sure" I shrug.

"Are you going to tell people?"

"I don't know, Harry and I have gone back and forth on it over the past week. He did suggest that I lost a picture showing that I'm pregnant but not say if it's Harry's or if it is" I sigh.

"Your life is definitely not easy"

"Ugh tell me about it" I laugh.

"Is Harry here in New York?" I shake my head no.

"Nope, he had to go to LA for three weeks then he has to go to London for another week" I state.

"Why?" Sophie looks confused.

"He has to record almost all of the last parts of the album, so that he doesn't have much left to do besides final touches when the baby's born" I explain.

"It will be cutting it close to your due date" Sophie's right it will be close, but I'm not worried.

"I mean it's close but not like within a week close, I'm thirty almost 31 weeks now and he will come back and I'll be like 35 weeks so I should be fine" I shrug.

"Yea your right," she takes a sip of her coffee, "now tell me are you and Mr. Styles dating" she raises her eyebrows.

"No we aren't, but we had this moment after our graduation and he kissed me and we both said we liked each other but nothing else has happened since. I mean we hang out all the time but that's mostly because of the baby"

"I could tell after graduation, that he liked you," I'm surprised, "the way he looked at you is the way Brandon looks at me"

"I'm not sure about that because Brandon is head over heels in love with you" Sophie smiles.

"Just trust me on this, and when he gets back ask him about everything" I nod.

"Now enough about me, tell me what up with you" I change the subject.

"Well I got an interview with this really cool fashion designer and hopefully I'll be her assistant and then if I do good I could start making my own designs" Sophie grins ear to ear.

"Ahh Sophie I'm so proud of you, your going to be so successful"

"Thanks Quinn."

Sophie and I talked for about another hour before her and I said our goodbyes.

Harry didn't feel comfortable having me walk places so he hired me a flipping personal driver for the next four weeks. I'm definitely gonna have to make sure he doesn't spoil our daughter.

"Hello, Ms. Monroe enjoyed your lunch date?" I nod as I get in the back seat.

"Hi Philip," I smile at my driver, "yes I did and please call me Quinn, Ms. Monroe is so formal" I state.

The drive home wasn't too long only about twenty minutes.

"I'm not going anywhere for the rest of the day so your free to go home" I tell Philip.

"Ok then, have a nice evening Quinn" Philip waves as I enter my apartment building.

Once I'm in my house I notice it's golden hour and it looks so pretty with the sun shining through the windows. I decide to take a few photos.

To Harry: Hey Harry I want to know if you still think I should post a picture showing my bump, because I took some photos and I really like them?

Within ten minutes he texts back.

From Harry: If you want to and are ready for what could happen then do it. I don't want to pressure you into anything.

To Harry: I don't think I'll ever be ready, might as well do it now and get it over with before our little girl is here

From Harry: Ok then, I'll be looking out for your post xx

@quinnmonroe: felt aesthetic <3 Liked by: @annetwist @gemmastyles and 12,718 more Comments: @sophiedyl: hot momma alert 🚨      ↪️ @quinnmonroe: not sure about the hot part but agree with everything else x @harrynews_1d: this basically confirms th...

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@quinnmonroe: felt aesthetic <3
Liked by: @annetwist @gemmastyles and 12,718 more
@sophiedyl: hot momma alert 🚨
↪️ @quinnmonroe: not sure about the hot part but agree with everything else x
@harrynews_1d: this basically confirms that she's having Harry's kid
@harry.is.mine: I hope this girl knows how luck she is to be having Harry's baby
@marcelstylessss: she's probably using him for his money
+ 2,783 more

"Great people already think I'm using him" I sigh. But really I didn't expect people to not think that. I'm just a regular girl and Harry is known as international pop star, singer, actor, a god to some people.

I wish people could see the real Harry the one behind scenes. The one who I've gotten to know almost better than myself.

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