Ch 5: The Hunters Of The Sun

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That was her magic, she could still see the sunset, even on those darkest days - Atticus.

They reappeared at the base of Half-blood hill.

Percy could just make Thalia's pine and the golden fleece in the distance.

Suddenly the full impact of what happened slammed into him. Hard.

They had nowhere to go. They had no idea where to turn to, and he was quickly regretting the mess that he'd taken his friends into.

Maybe they could go to his mom's?

Percy knew he would be putting his parents in trouble if he did go to them in Upper East side. Being in a house with a son of Poseidon, a son of Jupiter, A son of Mars, a daughter of Aphrodite, a daughter of pluto, a former oracle, and a satyr would definitely boost his mom's popularity among the monsters.

No, he was not going back to the apartment with the others.

Then another annoying detail forced it's way into his head.

They had no food, shelter, and he was even weaponless.

A great start.

Percy turned from the camp to face his friends, who had risked their lives and protection for him in the throne room.

"What're we going to do?" Jason asked.

Before Percy could answer, the hairs on the back of his head stood. His eyes flitted from left to right, and his muscles tensed.

"We're being watched,' Percy muttered.

He barely noticed the others draw their weapons.

Suddenly their seemed to intensify, and a flash of golden light caused Percy to avert his eyes.

When the light died down, he found himself in the presence of seven Olympians.

Seriously, couldn't he have a life?

They just thought they could butt in, unannounced and give stupid advise, which no one wanted? They'd already had him exiled. What more could they want?

Percy scanned the faces. Hermes, Poseidon, Apollo, Artemis, Hestia, Demeter, and Aphrodite.

Percy's glare softened when he saw the faces. These were actually gods who cared about his wellbeing.

But all the same, he snarled," What do you want?"

The gods looked mildly surprised by his tone, but then Artemis broke the silence that was threatening to take over.

"We wished to see you before your departure into the mortal world, and also hand you some gifts, but if you think that you are above our sympathy because you managed to challenge Zeus and live, then think again, boy."

Percy felt his cheeks flush, but then Hermes saved him from utter embarrassment.

"Where will you go now?" He asked Percy.

Percy could only shrug.

Poseidon sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

" Zeus has succeeded yet again to exile another of my children."

He seemed despondent and overcome with grief so much that Percy found himself trying to reassure him that they would be fine.

Demeter seemed annoyed, and said, " It is obvious that Zeus collaborated and schemed with the other Olympians, and had Iris fake that image."

Percy nodded in agreement.

"But you guys aren't gonna stand by and let us die off, are you?" Piper spoke.

"Of course not," Aphrodite scoffed, while applying sixty layers of lip gloss." That's why we're here, Piper."

'Just get this over with," Apollo sighed. " I need to talk to my former oracle. In private."

Hermes nodded in agreement.

"Well, then," He said." I, Hermes, Bless you all with increased stealth and speed."

Percy caught the god's eye, and a silent agreement passed through them, as a ripple of power flew through the air.

Hermes disappeared.

"I, Demeter, grant you the power over teleportation," She nodded briefly to Percy, and was gone in a flash.

Hestia walked forward until she was level with Percy.

Without meaning to, the demigod crashed Hestia in a hug.

"Thank you," he whispered into her hair." Thank you for everything, lady Hestia."

Finally, they pulled away.

"I, Hestia, grant you all the power to heal, summon meals, and clothes, and give you control over the flames of the hearth."

"I relinquish my power over the Ancient Flame of Amarog to Perseus Jackson."

Another surge of power flew through them, and Hestia was gone.

" I grant you all physical health, and beauty," Aphrodite flashed a seductive smile percy's way, then she was gone.

Artemis was the next to bless them, with increased stamina, enhanced archery ability, and enhanced senses in moonlight.

Poseidon said his goodbye to Percy, and disappeared in a flash of blue.

They all turned to Apollo, who was the only one left.

"You wanted to speak with me?" Rachel stepped forward.

"Nah," Apollo smirked." That was my cover up story."

Everyone wore a puzzled expression.

"How would you guys and gals love partial immortality, new gear, new weapons, a new job description, and new identities?"

Percy cast a glance at his friends. Then Jason nodded.

"New identities as what exactly?" Percy posed the question they were all thinking.

Apollo grinned broadly.

"How does 'The Hunters Of The Sun' sound to you?"


This isn't much, but, it'll do. Please vote, comment, and show your support. I really need them.

Word Count: 802

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