Ch 35: A Mission

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Sorry for the crappy chapter. My mind is groggy, and I'm not fully concentrating. But still, hope you like it.

Patroclus died.

Hector died.

No sign of Shade and Skylar.

Jason, Percy, and Frank met in Percy's tent-apartment Hybrid.

'Do you think they led us on a wild goose chase?" Frank asked.

Jason snorted, 'They don't seem smart enough to be able to do that."

"But still, they might have left this timeline," Frank argued. "Its been like, three days."

"What do you think, Percy?" Jason queried.

When Percy didn't answer, he sighed, "You alright? You've been...kinda down lately."

"It's nothing," Percy sighed. "I think they'll attack tomorrow. That's when Achilles dies."

"Yeah, that might be true. We've thwarted all their attempts in one day. They'll try to kill Paris and Achilles."

"Or maybe they'll kill Paris instead of Achilles," Jason said.

"I can't pretend to understand their plans," Percy said. "But we can prevent them. If they keep on messing up the timelines, The future will collapse. The world will obliterate itself."

'We'll need to stop them tomorrow," Frank said. 'Inform the hunters and Reyna."

"We can't...' Percy sighed again. 'Artemis and I...aren't on good terms. Reyna's also avoiding me."

"Wow...tough luck," Jason said. 'Cant Thalia help?"

"Thalia can't do anything without Artemis' permission. We'll have to do it ourselves," Percy said. "The remaining of the seven. Tomorrow night, we strike."


They were waiting behind Achilles tent. It was night, and the greek camp was asleep. Achilles paced up and down in his tent.

As midnight approached, the greek warrior walked out of his tent, slipping on a black cloak over his armor, and attaching a knife to his belt.

Piper signaled to them with a flick of her hand, and they began to tail the hero as he slipped out of the camp. Achilles walked across the plain, and they followed at a short distance, making sure not to be seen. Finally, the hero approached the gate. A dark cloaked figure glided out of the shadow of the gate, and beckoned to Achilles to follow. There were no guards in sight, as they were probably still mourning prince hector. Achilles followed the figure through a side door. A flash of gold and silver on the ramparts announced the arrival of the twins of Kronos. Percy and the others from the 2nd prophecy extended their wings, and Percy led them up the great wall of Troy.

At the ramparts, there was no sign of Shade and Skylar. Achilles was silently following the trail of the figure in the shadows, towards the temple of Apollo.

"Get to the temple, now," Percy's voice rang out. "Make sure you're not seen."

In the temple, candles were burning around the golden altar, and the place was filled with a sweet scent of incense and oil. The lighting was dim.

"Hide," The voice hissed.

"But don't you think Artemis and Perseus will be here?"

"Obviously not," The first voice said. "They cannot function as a team anymore, as due to me, the two leaders are avoiding each other. It was thanks to me that Reyna caught them." The voice was softer...feminine. Skylar.

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