Ch 42: Kick Their Ass

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"Shade,' Skylar's face showed no emotion, but her cracked voice was enough to tell them she was scared. "We need to leave. He's gone. They freed Chronos."

Shade's eyes widened, and he turned to his sister, "Let's go!'

"I don't think so, demi-titan," Artemis snarled, stepping forward, and drawing her dual silver hunting knives. "Percy?"

The son of Poseidon flicked a finger, and orange flames soared into the sky from all the seven doorways leading to the room, and blocking every entrance and exit. 'No one leaves until I say so." He drawled. Percy cocked his head to the side, and his eyes flashed gold for a second, before turning to the new black and purple.

"You think some stupid hearth fire can stop us?" Shade snarled.

"That's the sacred Olympian Flame of Amarog, boy," Artemis sneered. "Touch it, and you'll be sent straight to the Void."

"You do know there's such a thing as teleportation, right?" Skylar asked.

"Yes," Percy sent them his award-winning signature lopsided grin. "But lucky for us, my friend here, Jason, The one you threw into a column, he's a son of Jupiter, you know? And he's been trained by Thor."

Skylar's caramel skin paled.

"He blocked all form of air travel for the night on Mt. Othrys before we got here, so, no one's leaving by flashing away."

"Shist," Skylar muttered.

"Prince Shade," Atlas roared from his little corner. "Free me, and I will kill the pesky goddess and the hero!"

Percy's brow creased. He was getting tired of this asshole. Without looking at the titan, he snapped his fingers, and purple and black shackles wrapped themselves around the Titan's body. A gold gag wrapped around his mouth, draining out his muffled screams and shouts to be released.

"Now," Percy looked up towards the Twins Of Kronos. "It would be wiser to surrender yourselves."

"No," Shade shook his head. "We're not going down without a fight."

"Well then," Percy cracked his knuckled. "I'm sorry, but I'll have to do this."

Even his girlfriend looked confused. She cocked her head to the side, the silent question flashing through her eyes.

Percy smirked, answering with his eyes. Wait, and watch.

"I, Percy Jackson" He began. "Two time hero of Olympus, son of Poseidon, Host of Nepthys, Pupil of Njord, Bane of Kronos, Ex-Praetor of The Twelfth Legion Fulminata, Consul to demigods, Consort of Artemis, Wielder of The Sword Of Chaos, Champion of The Creator, Holder of The Flame Of Amarog, Guardian of The Amazons, and Successor of Chronos, hereby strip you off your powers. I take away your hold over the hands of time, and your semi-immortality."

Shade and Skylar's aura dimmed considerably, and their faces looked like all the color had been drained out of it.

"You seriously need a business card," Artemis said.

Percy smiled, "I know right, spouting this nonsense is tiring. I'll get some made tomorrow."

Artemis smirked back. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, Run that by me again," Shade looked confused. "Consort of Artemis?"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "Seriously? From everything I said, that's the only title you heard?"

"Obviously, she's my wife-to-be!" Shade whined.

Percy rolled his eyes so hard it felt like they were popping out. "Ex-wife-to-be. Plus, she's my girlfriend, not yours." He stuck out his tongue.

Shade looked confused. Whether it was because Percy was acting very maturely or because he didn't understand their relationship status was a mystery to Artemis.

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