Ch 40: Three Simple Words

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To all those who have been waiting for them to finally get together- You're in luck! Don't forget to vote!

Trigger warning: Kiss seen ahead. Not the usual, know.

Percy suddenly sat up in the bed. He had done it. He had come back. He glanced around. s A silver tent. It was night time, by the looks of it, but who's tent was he in? He looked down, and he smiled when he saw the girl with auburn hair, clutching on to his hand. Her eyes were shut tight, and she was letting out small cute snores. She looked like she had fallen asleep while watching over him. She had slept in a white simple knee level chiton which defined the curves of the eighteen year of form of the goddess, and her hair was released and spread all over the bed like a sort of rat's nest.

Percy reached out, and brushed her hair out of her eyes.

"Artemis, " He whispered. " Artemis wake up." He shook her."It's me, Percy!"

"Ugh," she groaned. "Five more minutes, fish sticks."

Percy shook her again. "I'm awake."

Artemis sat up finally. Her eyes were blurry and sleepy. "Percy, it's not even midnight."

Then the silver orbs widened in realization. "Percy?! Percy!!! You're awake!"

She flung herself on him, and the force of her hug sent him back on his back. He wrapped his arms around her.

Then she pulled away. "Do you know how worried I was? You weren't waking up. Five weeks, and I thought-"

"It's okay," He hushed her. "I'm here now.'

Artemis nodded. She had him. He was alive. It felt like a heavy burden had been lifted off her shoulder. He was back. Her eyes met his. Artemis blushed when she realized they were holding hands. His eyes began to shift color. They held power, and they settled on a deep hue of purple with a ring of black around it. Raw emotion reflected through them, and Artemis found herself hypnotized again under his gaze.

Percy got lost in those silver pools of the goddess.

"So when are you going to say it, Percy?" Artemis laughed under her breath. "It's been like, 40 chapters already."

Percy's eyes widened comically, and he broke into a grin, "I've had a crush on you since Chapter 19, when you kissed me."

*Start of scene*

Artemis laughed, and reached forward, grabbing the front of his chest. She leaped forward, and her lips connect with his. She poured all of her feelings into the kiss, pressing her lips to his, and fisting his shirt in her hand. He returned the kiss with passion, his hands wrapping around her waist. Artemis hand left his shirt and curled around his neck, while he other hand went into his raven hair, pulling at it. He pulled her closer to her, and she could feel his tongue, asking for passage through her lips. She granted, and she felt his tongue slip into her mouth. They kissed harder as their tongues played a game of tonsil tennis and fought for dominance. She felt fiery, and she felt his hand slide under her shirt, and onto her stomach. She felt his other hand tracing lines down her back, which sent shivers down her spine. Finally, she pulled away for breath, gasping.

*End of scene*

"I love you, Artemis,' He said.

"I love you too, Percy."

He pulled her closer to him, settling onto the bed, and she rested her head on his chest.

"You know what this makes us?" His voice came to her.

She nodded, then said, "Are we going to keep us a secret?"

'Only if you want to," he said.

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