Ch 51: 18 Days To The Equinox

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A/N: Hey guys! It's been so long, I know. Life was being such a bitch and I'm sorry for not updating for the whole month. I missed this story 😭. I intended to update two days ago so I went to sleep at 10 to nine so I could wake up at midnight. That didn't work out too well.

Anyway, if you haven't, check out The Dissonant Notes of Fate which I am writing with dwarvess from my joint acc, -TheImmortalWriters. I shall also be publishing a new work on that account. Excidium Troiae, the new book, will be released soon. Fall of Olympus shall also be updated soon when darkarchangel2 isn't too busy. 

Thank you for reading!

P.S - This chapter will be short. About 4k words.

Recap: Percy was pretty banged up from the fight with Riptide and Leto patched him up. Artemis' mother asked him to go to New Orleans and seek out The Mormo because he "knows things." Meanwhile, the others were on their way to Washington D.C and were being pursued by a giant serpent. When they finally got into the city, they realized that Perses had come through. Washington was partially destroyed and in their investigations they found a pub which led to a pocket dimension. Leo faced off against the masked Artemis, and Piper had to pretend to fight Perses so he wasn't captured by the fake. They escaped the dimension and Perses teleported away. In New Orleans the Mormo informed Percy that Artemis had been held at Colorado Springs for a while, but not before taking away Percy's black wings. So he is now a featherless, flightless hunter of Apollo. Percy, weak and battered, is determined to get to Colorado Springs and find Artemis.

Yeah, I think that's about it. On with the story....🏃

Perseus was attacked again when he reappeared in Colorado Springs. He didn't see the monsters, of course, because I was there, and like it says in my job description, I killed them before they got too close. Being in a new timezone had caused him to fall asleep due to jet lag but he had woken a few hours before the start of the new day.

He is now making his way to The Garden of The Gods and I can't help but feel uneasy. I do not know what is wrong yet, but there is a sort of...electricity in the air. I can feel that something bad is going to happen. 

But I have to follow him. I have to protect Percy. Losing his wings took a huge toll on him and even I am surprised that he would go to such lengths to find the one he loves. His injured back still hasn't been treated as he is too busy searching to care. It's a mess of golden blood and black feathers now and an appalling sight to see. 

The son of Gaea hasn't shown up yet, but I am sure he shall be here soon. Or maybe he will just come by with a legion of monsters and let them do all the work. It confused me when I heard they were to use Percy and Artemis as a sacrifice to open a gateway into the Void. I had thought the keys did that. But Khaos had never elaborated on their use and so I had never asked. I hope the others are on the right track. The equinox is in eighteen days and we don't have enough time left.

I must enter the garden. Perseus has been here before; a long time ago, When everything was simple. Daedalus' workshop is somewhere in the hills and if there was any place Riptide would have kept Artemis it would be in The Labyrinth — it is under the earth and underground. His stronghold.

Percy has apparently come to that conclusion too because his hand is on the delta sign now and a doorway is opening.

I must follow him. 

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