Ch 39: The Spy

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"NO!' Artemis shouted.

"Job's done, goodbye Arty," Shade smirked. "Send my love to our spy."

She pulled back her bowstring, loading the most powerful arrow. Shade dissolved into silver just as the arrow exploded the remaining tent. And he was quickly followed by his sister.

Immediately they were gone, Artemis raced over to Percy's side.

"No! You will not die on me!" She shouted to his inert form. "Wake up, Percy!"

His face was pale and gaunt. His skin was a sheet of white. She touched his neck. Nothing. She was about to move when she felt a pulse. It was faint, but it was still there. Percy Jackson was alive. [Technically he's dead, but then, outside Valhalla, einherji can be killed so...]


Reyna, being supported by Kinzie, led Jason and Thalia to Artemis' tent.

The monsters had been destroyed, and the survivors had retreated. Reyna had seen Percy shoot by the medical tent she was in a while back, and she just knew he had been going to Artemis' tent.

The sight that met them was not what she expected. The tent was destroyed. Ashley, Atalanta, and Diane were sprawled in the rubble. Artemis was kneeling next to a figure in the tent. Then she shifted her weight, and Reyna saw who it was. Percy was unmoving on the ground, blood pooling around his body. His eyes were shut, his face looked lifeless.

"Oh gods," Kinzie gasped. "What the hell happened here?"

They were all staring transfixed at the two figures, and Jason spoke," Thalia, get the medics. Your hunters need help. Find Piper and Frank. We'll bring Percy."

Thalia nodded, leaving.

Artemis looked up at the sound. She was bruised and battered. Her eyes were glistening with tears, and were rimmed red.

"What happened, Lady Diana?" Jason asked. The goddess shifted into her roman form, sighing, "Shade and Skylar."

Her voice was rough, and hoarse, and Reyna had never expected to see the goddess of The Hunt like this. Ever since her hunters had died, she'd been...fragile. Broken. She didn't act like any immortal Reyna knew. Truth be told, Artemis was more...down to earth than the other Olympians. The only other time Reyna had seen her smile was when she was with Percy, and even that might have been taken away from her now.

Diana stood, her face shifting into an emotionless mask. "I want him brought to my tent after you are sure all the poison is taken from him. I assume you can handle this?"

Jason nodded, and the goddess continued, "I will try my best to heal him when you make sure he is out of danger. We shall leave immediately after. We go back to the present."


He was alive, but he wasn't moving. He wasn't waking up. The turmoil of emotions surging through Artemis was unexplainable.

They had gone back to the present, which they had found in a state of unrest. There was no difference between the present and Ancient Greece. Mortals lived in huts, and tended sheep, and Mount Olympus was once again, a mountain. Demigods were in the home of the Olympians, who didn't know what was happening. She had put a barrier around their camp in a forest, to shield them from prying eyes. There were kingdoms and cities, and palaces and royals once again. They needed to stop the twins of Kronos. They needed to make things normal. But then, Artemis wasn't in the mood for that shit. She just wanted him to wake up.

Percy had been brought to her tent after the medics- Piper, Atalanta, Sipriotes, and Calypso- had extracted the poison successfully from his system. He had been placed on her bed, unconscious, in the new tents they had got after the attack. She sat by him. Why did he have to fight when he was wounded? And they had just made up. Why did the fates hate her so much. It was already two days after the attack, and she had sat by his side since the day before, trying to use all her healing powers to wake him up. She had tried to contact Apollo to come tend to his lieutenant, but then she couldn't get to him, or any of the other Olympians. She was so worried, she had gone for three days without food or water, and she had made an invisible force-field around her tent, preventing anyone from coming in, except her lieutenant. She held his hand is hers. His skin was sickly pale, his eyes were shut. If it wasn't for the fact that he was breathing, she would have thought him dead.

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