Ch 27: Kill The Hunters

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"My lady!" Past Zoe Nightshade shouted. "We have intruders in the camp!"

Artemis' past self was at the archery ranges when the warning was sounded. She had heard the rustle in the trees, but had taken no notice of them.

"Hunters to arms!" She boomed. "Subdue them. I want captives!"

Artemis looked into the trees, notching an arrow in her silver bow. That's when she noticed a faint black and gold color. She shot.

The arrow turned into a net midi, and spun through the trees, weaving itself through the leaves, and around its captive. A male tumbled from the trees, in a cocoon of nets.

Up in the trees, Piper said, "We've been spotted."

"Why thank you, Miss Obvious," Rachel rolled her eyes.

"They got Leo," Frank said.

"We need to find him, and get out of sight!" Hazel said.

'Spread out!" Frank ordered.

Piper found herself in the trees, with Hazel a little ways away from her.

"I can do a memory spell," She called to Hazel. "Wipe their memories with Egyptian magic, so they won't remember seeing us."

"We'll try that,"Hazel answered. "Just-"

"ARCHERS, FIRE WHEN READY!" It was the unmistakable voice of Zoe Nightshade.

It began raining silver arrows.

"Counter the attack!" Frank's voice resonated through the trees.

Piper and Hazel whipped out their bows, and nocked arrows. They released their shots, which collided with the silver arrows, and sent them veering off course.

Piper released several arrows. She heard a scream of pain, and a tumble, down to her right. She heard another yelp, and the sound of someone falling through the trees.

Piper leaped away from her spot in the trees, grabbing an arrow from her almost-empty quiver. She shut her eyes, muttering silently.

Piper heard the whizzing of several arrows. Before the arrows were anywhere near, she leaped out of the trees.

Piper was falling. She grabbed hold of a large vine as she fell. Just like Tarzan, she swung around them.

"Fire!" Artemis shouted.

Piper swung out of range. One hand went to her belt. She pulled out a silver discus with razor sharp points, and hurled it to the hunters.

Piper's disc cut all the bows in the area into two. It moved like a boomerang, slicing through bowstrings and wood. Suddenly, a hand grabbed hold of it.

It quit spinning.

"Surrender, Intruder," The voice of Artemis boomed through the clearing. "We have your friends. And if you do not give yourself up, I will kill them."

They'd come here to protect Artemis. Now they were the ones needing protection.


Percy put his knives at Shade's throat.

He growled lowly, and Percy pulled away. Shade had a bow aimed to his chest, a dagger on his neck, a broadsword at his left side, a large spear at his right, and two knives blocking his escape from behind.

One wrong move, and he would be skewered from all sides.


Jason was ready when Shade let out a roar of frustration.

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