Ch 13: Uh...hey mom...I died

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Chapter 13

Another year had come to pass. During their stay in Valhalla, their mornings had been spent training with the gods, their afternoons handing out with Magnus and his friends.

They'd gone on several missions for Odin, all around the nine worlds. Like, sending Draugr back to helheim. Retrieving weapons from Musphelliem. Stopping a giant force from entering Midgard, and all sorts of quests, which they'd successfully completed.

Percy had come to terms that the redhead was Thor (especially after he smashed his skull in with Mjolnir when he'd asked him that. It had taken four days for him to heal and come back to life!)

Calypso trained with Odin, who taught her rune magic, and Bragi, the god of Poetry. On Odin's command, She trained with Idun, the goddess of immortality.

Leo trained with Heimdall, the guard of the bitfrost, born of nine mothers.

Piper was with a minor goddess, Eir, goddess of healing, and Freya, goddess of beauty.

Rachel trained with Frigg, the goddess of foresight and prophecies, and Mimir, the god of wise counsel.

Hazel was with Sif, who helped her improve her powers over gold and the other jewelry she summoned from the earth.

Frank trained with Magni, god of strength, and Vidar, god of vengeance along with Odin, as he was a war god.

Jason Grace worked with Thor, who helped him over his powers. (He also got a cute little Mjolnir junior as a parting gift.)

Percy mastered his waterpower with the help of Nerthus and Njord.

Soon, the time came for them to leave Valhalla.

After a year, the squad on floor nineteen was sad to see them go, but they had promised to come back, and to IM occasionally.

After a farewell to the Norse Aesir and Vanir gods, they had left Valhalla, putting the god's gift to a test, by flashing away.

-Line break-

The holiday season had come. It was almost Christmas, and the Hunters of The Sun had split ways as they always did for the holidays.

Jason and Piper had gone to Malibu to see Piper's dad.

Frank and hazel had decided to visit Frank's grandmother in her new mansion in Vancouver.

Leo and Calypso had gone to Indianapolis to see a few friends.

Percy had asked Rachel to come with him, as she was dying to see his parents after three years.

He hadn't spoken to his family in two years, after he got exiled. The last summer, he had gone with Jason and Frank on other missions for Apollo.

Percy and Rachel stood in front of the apartment door of Upper-East side. His hand was stretched to knock, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

What if they were angry that he hadn't contacted them in two years?

What if they didn't want to see him?

"Percy," Rachel said softly, taking his hand. "What's wrong?"

He sighed, and then said, "Nothing."

And then he knocked on the door.

"Coming!" A feminine voice shouted from inside the apartment.

Percy heard the sound of footsteps, and then the door opened up.

A middle-aged woman wearing a light blue dressing gown stood in the doorway.

She looked a little surprised at first, then recognition entered her eyes.

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