Chapter Four- Part One

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Chapter Four.

“Who’s file would u like to look at first?” Chief Bob asked as they walked over to the police station.
“The first victim" Claire answered and Bob nodded as he held the door open for her and she smiled politely before walking in.
“That would be Mary Scather" Bob replied as they walked into the reception/main office area, there were only a few small desks with very old computers and a busted coffee machine shoved in the back corner.
“Hi you must be Claire it’s nice to meet you, well it’s not nice after everything that has happened to you and you having to come back to a place where you must have terrible memories but it’s nice to actually meet you in person, I’m really sorry, I’m going to be quiet now" a young man blurted out nervously as he awkwardly went to reach out his hand for Claire to shake before pulling it back considering if it was still a good idea after what he had just said.
“This is Peter Lewis my second commanding officer, you’ll have to forgive him, he stutters and talks without thinking a bit when he gets nervous” Bob explained and Claire nodded before looking back at Peter.
He looked to be in his late twenties, he couldn’t be older than 30, he was tall and thin but you could see where he had been working out to slowly build up his body, he had black hair with side swept bangs, blue eyes and strong cheek bones.
“I’ll show you the files in the interrogation room, it’s more quiet in there for you to think clearly" Bob said as he began walking towards the left of the building down a hallway.
“It was nice to meet you" Claire said kindly to officer Peter before she followed Bob, Peter smiling shyly at her.
“Sorry about him, he means well, he just gets terribly nervous and talks without thinking, I’m slowly helping him with it" Bob explained to her.
“Why did he want to become a police officer if he gets nervous around people?” Claire asked curiously as they reached the end of the small hallway where the interrogation room is.
“His father was an abusive drunk, used to beat him and his mother, one night Peter stood up to him, this huge man against this small 8 year old boy, he was beaten to near death by the time we got the call from the concerned neighbour’s and had arrived, now his father’s in prison for life and he wanted to help make sure that no one else goes through that, he can be a great officer once he builds up his courage" Bob explained as they entered the dark room, Bob turning on the light.
“And his mother? What happened to her?” Claire couldn’t help but ask, her curiosity getting the better of her.
“She works as a nurse at the small clinic we have here, it was hard for her, but Peter helped her get by" Bob said as he left for a moment before coming back with a box labelled ‘Missing and he placed it on the table in front of her.
“Here is Mary Scather's file" he said as he opened the box and took it out for her and she smiled lightly at him.
“Thanks" was all she could say as she looked in the box to see the files with her parents names on them.
“I’ll leave you to it, the copies of the letters that everyone received are also in there" he told her before he left, closing the door behind him and Claire let out a sigh of breath she hadn’t even known she had been holding as she plopped down on the chair and looked at  the case files.
Mary Scather was first.

Case File 1.
Victim- Mary Scather.
Scene of the Crime- Victims Bedroom.
What appears to have happened? Kidnapping.
Age- 37.
Gender- Female.
Occupation- Seamstress.
Physical Description- Brown Hair, Shoulder Length, Blue Eyes.
Family- None, Mother- Deceased, Father- Unknown.
Background- Born and raised in Meadows Ville, has received letters written in blood from a stalker, no witnesses or suspects.
Letters have been tested, come back positive as animal blood, deer, no fingerprints.
Has received 3 letters, the night of the 3rd letter she disappeared, no traces, no evidence, no suspects.
Case left unsolved.

Claire sighed as she finished reading Mary’s file, Bob had been telling the truth when he said they had no evidence, it frustrated her and she could only imagine how Bob had felt back when he started working the case having nothing to go to on but dead end leads.
The next file was her father’s and she gulped nervously before she took a deep breath and opened it.

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