Chapter Nineteen- Part Two

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“Nice to meet you, I’m Claire" she replied as she shook his hand that he reached out.
“Hi I’m Harvey" said the last man, he looked to be in his early thirties, he had longish blond hair, with blue eyes, his chin was a bit long for his face and his cheeks were thin.
All three men had strong builds which made it very easy for them to carry their big packs.
“Alright now we all have a walkie talkie, just clip it onto your pants, try not to get separated but this way you’ve got them just in case something does happen" Ranger Tony said as he handed two over to Claire and Bob who both clipped them onto the hook where the belts go on their pants.
“Alright let’s head out" Ranger Jared said, he looked a little too cheery about them going out then he should be given the circumstances but Claire tried to push the negative feelings away as they headed down the small hiking trail.
It didn’t take long for them to get to the area where they had found evidence of Helena, Claire instantly looked up to see the memories haunting over Bob’s face.
“We’ll be coming up to the river in about an hour, we’ll see then if you were right Miss Claire about if someone has found a way across" Ranger Tony said to her, remembering her idea that day they met.
Slowly onward they trekked, getting deeper and deeper into the thick trees, Ranger Tony had been right about the trail getting rough, tree roots were starting to make it awkward, stepping over one just to get your foot stuck in the next one, it also made it nearly impossible to keep an eye on the trail.
Thankfully Bob had been lending her his hand to make sure she didn’t trip, he had hiked more than her but was still having himself a tough time.
Claire stumbled over one root that had twisted it’s way around another and nearly fell face first, the heaviness of her bag on her weighing her down, but thankfully Ranger Jared caught her backpack and pulled her back up right.
“Careful Miss Claire, you don’t want to get hurt out here" Ranger Tony said and she gulped before offering Ranger Jared a grateful smile.
A few trees had even fallen down onto the trail, with the three rangers with them they managed to move them off to the side, that way they wouldn’t have to deal with them on their trip back to town.
It took about an hour and a half actually before they made it to the river, Ranger Tony had estimated time for if there wasn’t anything in their paths.
Claire watched as the river rushed down stream, it was quick, if someone were to fall into it they would easily get swept away.
“Let’s look around for a way to cross" Ranger Tony said as they started to make their way up stream a little, it didn’t take them long before they came across a fallen tree, it was huge and just so happened to make a perfect bridge across the river.
“Looks like you were right Miss Claire" Ranger Tony said to her as he inspected it, checking to see how safe it would be for them to use it to cross.
“Okay one at a time, I’ll go first, then Miss Claire, then Chief Bob and then my two rangers, I just want to make sure you two get across safely first, my rangers know what to do if something else happen" Ranger Tony said as he climbed up onto the massive tree truck.
They watched as he made sure he was perfectly balanced before carefully making his way across the tree, he made it look easy as he jumped off the other side, his feet hitting the dirt heavily.
“Okay Miss Claire, your next, before to get your balance before you walk across, the pack can easily pull you down" he warned her and she took in a deep breath.
“Here let me help you" Ranger Harvey said as he jumped up on the stump of the tree and offered her his hand.
Taking a gulp she reached up and took his warm, rough hand and he held pull her up onto the tree.
“Thanks" she said as he made sure she wasn’t going to fall back down.
“Watch your step" he cautioned her as she began slowly making her way across the tree.
Ranger Tony had been right, balancing carefully over it she could feel the weight of her bag that could easily tilt and make her fall, step after step she took, the water rushing underneath her, she knew it was stupid to look down but she couldn’t help it and she felt herself shake slightly from the adrenaline.
“Miss Claire careful now, you’ll fall, just look straight at me and slowly make your way across" Ranger Tony spoke loudly to her, he had to so she could hear him over the water, he had noticed her body start to tremble slightly, he knew it was from an adrenaline rush and he knew it would only get worse the longer she stays out there and that could cause her to fall.
He had to help her get across, and now.
Slowly she looked up at him, taking small step after the other, seeing Ranger Tony reach out his hand for her as she got closer before finally she made it, taking his hand he helped her off the tree.
“Have a drink, it’ll help" he said as he pulled her bottle of water from the side of her pack and handed it to her.
“Thanks" she said, her voice trembling slightly and she began taking small sips of her water.
She couldn’t bare to watch the others make their way across, it had been bad enough watching Ranger Tony do it and then having to do it herself.
“You know we’ll have to do it again on the way back" Ranger Jared chuckled at her as they made their way back down stream to the trail.
“Don’t remind me" Claire groaned, her stomach churning at the thought, as if just the thought of walking over that rushing water again was making her feel seasick.
“You did very well Miss Claire" Ranger Harvey said to her, trying to make her feel better and a bit more confident.
“Please just call me Claire, there’s no need for the miss part" she smiled at them all as she realised they all seemed to call her that in this town, except for Bob and Chad.
“Okay and there is no need to call us ranger before our names, we’re all equals here and friend" Tony replied and she nodded.
“We should have something to eat, it’s nearly noon already" Bob said as he stopped for a moment, making them all to stop walking and watch as he took out some snacks from his backpack then they all followed suit.
“Here Claire you have these" Bob said as he handed her some crackers while he pulled out some mixed nuts.
“Thank you" she said before they all shrugged back on their packs and continued down the trail, it was smooth at the moment so the best time to eat something.
They all made sure not to eat too much and save some as they knew it would be a few days that they would be out here.
Claire noticed as they walked that the cold weather had caused the trees to lose most if not all of there leaves, leaving there branches bare, it made them only seem more creepy though, like hands reaching out for them as they wandered further into the woods.
Slowly the trail got rough again, big rocks all everywhere, shrubs making there way over them, tangling their feet in the vines, it was more exhausting then Claire had realised it would be and part of her wished they didn’t have to do it but she knew she did, that she couldn’t just turn around and go back now, not after they’d already come so far into the forest.
“Oh god" Tony said suddenly, his voice filled with disgust as the ranger suddenly stopped in front of them, causing them all to stop.
“What is it?” Claire asked as she peered around him, gasping at the horrendous sight that met her eyes.
It was a kangaroo, laying dead on the trail, it’s guts and intestines hanging out all everywhere.
Claire whimpered, having to look away, blood was everywhere, the poor animals eyes were still open but pale and faded now.
“What could have done this?” Claire gasped out, keeping her eyes away from the gore as the rangers walked up to inspect it.
“All sorts of animals but.... hang on, Jared take a look at this" she heard Tony say, disbelief in his voice and Claire’s curiosity peaked.
“What? What is it?” Claire asked but still kept her back to them, her eyes scanning the area for any animals that might come into view, looking for more food.
“This wasn’t an animal" Jared speculated and Claire’s stomach lurched.
“What do you mean?” her voice trembled, her body tensing, she wasn’t even sure if she wanted to know but she had to.
“This was human, meat has been carved out of the poor thing, it would have had to been a knife" Jared answered.
“Well didn’t you say people love to go hunting in this town?” she asked, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation.
“Yes but they never use this trail and if they do get something they kill it and then take it back home, they don’t just leave it on the trail like this for other animals to find, this was sloppy" Harvey explained and Claire cringed when she heard them dragging the dead carcass off the trail.
“Let’s keep moving, it’ll be sunset soon and we still have to find a place to set up camp" Tony said, his voice tense, his eyes scanning the trees, Claire could tell that he was getting a bad feeling about this, they all were.
Finally they came across a small clearing, a very small one, barely enough to fit their tents and a fire in the middle.
“Shouldn’t we keep moving? Find a bigger spot?” Bob asked as they all sat down around the warmth of the fire.
“No, this is the best we’re going to get, we’re not going any further tonight, we may risk not getting a spot at all, I won’t take the chance" Tony stated, there was something in his eyes that frightened Claire, maybe it was the way they kept scanning the area, looking for any sign of movement, or the way that they held an uncertainty, either way it made her feel unsteady.
“Here Claire, let me warm your soup up over the fire" Harvey said as he took Claire’s can of soup, it was beans and pork for the night.
The sun seemed to set quickly as they ate, the light fading away, the night falling upon them, darkness closing in around them, it sent shivers through Claire’s whole body.
The only noise was that of the crickets chirping and the wood from the fire crackling, they had gathered enough to see them through the night, Tony had made sure of it, he wouldn’t have them wandering around in the dark looking for more twigs and kindling.
“Crickets always creep me out when we’re out in the woods" Jared admitted, throwing another couple of sticks on the fire.
“Crickets are good, they can chirp for me all through the night, it’s when they go quiet that you worry" Tony spoke with an eerie vibe to him and it sent chills down Claire’s spine.
“Why is that?” she asked curiously, hoping to clear the mood of the tense pending doom that seemed to loom over them, only asking that didn’t help, the answer to that question only made it worse.
“Because Claire when they are chirping we are safe, when they go quiet then we worry, when they go quiet... that means that something is out there, something bad" he cautioned.

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