Chapter Eleven- Part One

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Chapter Eleven.
It had taken a while for Claire to get back to sleep but thankfully Sam didn’t come back, Bob had managed to get sleep also but got up a couple of times throughout the night to check on her and have a peek outside through the window.
“Good morning Claire, is it alright if I use your shower?” Bob asked as he came out of the bedroom still half asleep, she had already showered and dressed, she wore blue baggy jeans with a grey top that has gold spots all over it and black converse shoes.
“Sure go ahead” she replied as she walked up to the kitchen cupboard, she was planning on making him breakfast to say thank you for everything.
She made blueberry waffles and when he came out he instantly smelled them, he had brought some clothes in his backpack because he knew he wasn’t leaving her alone with everything going on, it was just a simple black trousers and a black button up shirt but he had on his belt and gun.
“That smells good” he said as they sat down and began eating.
“I just wanted to say thank you for everything you have done for me, I know it has been hectic” she told him and he just smiled at her kindly.
“It’s all fine, we’ll catch Sam and this kidnapper and we will get justice for our loved one” he told her as he dug into the waffles.
Suddenly his phone began to ring so he smiled at her to say sorry for the interruption before he grabbed it and took it into the bedroom, she however finished her breakfast and put the bowl into the sink.
“Claire grab your things, the hunters found something last night” he told her as he came back out and grabbed his backpack, she instantly grabbed her handbag and they were out the door.
“What did they find?” she asked once they were seated in the car and headed out to the takeaway place that Chad had taken her too.
“Some evidence, apparently they found a possible murder weapon” he replied and her breath caught in her throat.
Some part of her had known they were probably dead but to hear now that there might be an actual murder weapon that could confirm it, it just made it harder, deep down she had hoped somehow that they had survived.
“Here we are” Bob said as they pulled up in front of the takeaway joint and they both exited the car.
Tony Esgot, the park ranger was waiting for them.
“Here’s the evidence” he said as he handed him the evidence bag and then handed some photo's to Claire.
“It was that far in the woods it would have taken you all day to hike out there so we took pictures of the setting and where it was an such and I wore gloves when I put it into the evidence bag” he told them and Claire looked down at the pictures.
It was a Phillips head screwdriver, it had dried blood all over it, it had been discarded on the side of the trail, just thrown into the dirt from the looks of it.
“Lets get it tested, see who’s blood it is and if there are any fingerprints” Claire said as they thanked Tony before heading to the station.
“Do you really think someone was killed with this?” Bob asked her and she nodded in reply.
“Well that is a lot of blood, but depending on where they were stabbed and how long ago it all depends, and if they were patched up, if not there is little chance of survival, especially if it gets infected” she replied as she looked down at the photo’s again that were in her hands.
Once they reached the police station they went straight inside to where Officer Peter Lewis was at the front desk.
“Sir the test results came back from the samples on that book" Officer Peter Lewis told them as he handed Bob a piece of paper, it only took Bob a few minutes to read it before he looked straight at Claire.
“It’s the same soil as what was found outside your cabin" he told her and they both knew what the other was thinking.
“The kidnapper" they said it exactly at the same time.
“Any luck on finding this Sam fella?” Bob asked Officer Peter Lewis who looked sadly at Claire before shaking his head.
“Sorry, I’ve alerted the business owners in the area, faxed out pictures of him so if anyone sees him they can call us" he replied but it didn’t provide Claire with much reassurance.
“Okay well can you send off samples of this blood and dust it for prints please?” Bob asked him as he handed over the evidence bag with the bloody Phillips head screwdriver.
“Yeah sure thing” he replied as he grabbed the bag, looked at what was inside before walking out to the back area.
“I’m just going to catalogue these photo’s” Bob said as he grabbed hold of them before she let go and he went around the desk to begin logging them into the evidence lock up.
Claire however headed outside for some fresh air, also she wanted a minute alone, she hadn’t been able to have that much lately and that was when she spotted Chad coming over to the station.
“I thought you might be here” he said awkwardly to her as he stopped in front of her and looked down at his feet.
“I’m really not dating anyone Chad, I promise” she told him instantly, just trying to clear the air and get rid of the awkwardness that lingered between them.
“Who is he Claire?” he asked her, his voice tight from him being so tense about the subject.
“His a guy from Adelaide, I met him at the bookstore and we only went on a few dates before I saw what kind of guy he truly is and I told him I wasn’t interested, somehow he got it in his head that I belong to him and he has began stalking me” she explained to him and he looked at her sadly.
“You’re really not his girlfriend?” he asked feeling guilty for misunderstanding and judging her so quickly.
“No never, I would never do that, I’m not a liar and I would never cheat on someone” she promised him.
“I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you last night, and I’m sorry I left you alone with him, he could have really hurt you and it would have been my fault” he looked down in shame and Claire felt her chest tighten in sadness.
“But I wasn’t, I don’t blame you Chad, can we just forget it happened?” she asked hopeful, she didn’t want it to ruin their relationship that they had been building.
“Only if you can forgive me” he told her as he looked into her eyes with pleading.
“You’re forgiven” she replied and he quickly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into an embrace, burying his head into her neck, his warm breath sending shivers down her spine.
“I promise I will listen to you from now on and not just assume” he said as she returned the embrace by wrapping her arms around his shoulders, feeling safe and warm inside his arms.
“So can we have another shot at that date?” she managed to pucker up the courage to ask him, butterflies felt like they were flapping about in her stomach from nerves which made her feel a bit queasy and nervous.
“Sure, when would you like to?” he asked as he pulled away from her.
“Well it’s going to be a while for the test results to come back so I’m free now” she told him and he smiled happily.
“That would be good, we can get some lunch” he suggested.
“I’ll just go tell Bob and I’ll be back” she told him as she walked back into the police station, he was still at the desk typing on the computer.
“Chad and I are going for lunch, I’ll text you later?” she asked and he looked up at her with a big grin.
“That’s great, yeah text me later” he replied and she smiled shyly before walking back out to Chad, Bob was way too happy that her and Chad had made up, he was rooting for them to get together.
“All ready?” Chad asked her and she nodded.
“I was thinking we could get lunch at the cafe if that is okay with you?” he asked her as they begun walking down the street.
“Yeah that sounds fine” she replied and blushed slightly when he reached over and took hold of her small hand in his big warm one.
The walk to the cafe was done in a comfortable silence, people on the street would turn and stare at them, especially their hands entwined with each other, a few even begun gossiping but Claire and Chad tried to pay them no mind.
Once at the cafe as soon as they sat down Coral bounced over happily, today she wore a bright pink knee length dress and a big white pearl necklace that tripled three times around her neck as well as big pink pumps, how she could bounce around in such big heels Claire had no idea.
“Chad and Claire huh? What are you two doing together?” Coral asked them being nosy, they had sat down in one of the booths, Claire on one side with her facing the entrance and Chad on the other with his back to it so he is facing Claire.
“We’re here talking about what to do with the hardware store" Chad was quick and smart to come up with a boring answer for her, not that it was any of her business or anyone’s for that matter but he knew how people lived for gossip in this town and even though people had seen them holding hands and knew it would get back to Coral eventually he didn’t feel like 20 questions right now.
“So what would you like to eat?” Coral asked lifting her notepad and pen.
“I’d like a cheese burger and fries please" Chad replied then he looked at Claire for her order while Coral scribbled it down.
“I’d like a chicken schnitzel burger and fries please, also a chocolate milkshake" she told Coral who smiled as she nodded and wrote it down before skipping away, just watching her have so much energy just made Claire feel more tired.
“So what happened after I left last night?” he couldn’t help but ask, his curiosity too much to hold back and Claire looked down at her hands that were on the table as she fiddled her fingers.
“I told him to leave, he didn’t, I quickly rushed inside and locked the door, straight away I called Bob, then Sam began yelling at me as he started to bang on the door, demanding I let him in, thankfully Bob showed up quickly and Sam ran off, Bob isn’t leaving me alone anymore, especially after Sam came back in the night but Bob had been in the other room and heard my scream and quickly came out, Sam had ran off again” she explained to him and he reached over, took hold of her hands and stroked them with his thumb.
“I promise I won’t leave you on your own either" he swore to her and she shyly looked up at him as the blush crept across her cheeks.
Suddenly Coral came pouncing over and Claire gasped and quickly pulled her hands from Chad’s and put them on her lap under the table, looking away embarrassed but he just smiled at her, finding it cute.

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