Chapter Eighteen- Part Two

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He rubbed her clit harder and faster as she too picked up the pace until she was fucking him as fast as she could, and then all it took was one hard thrust from him, up into her before they both reached their climax, cumming hard and fast.
She fell down onto his lap as she continued riding him, riding out their orgasms together and soon they were nothing but a panting mess on the seat of his truck.
“I can never get enough of you now" he said when finally he regained some of his breath as he slipped out of her but continued to hold her on top of him, her cheek resting on his chest.
“I know how you feel" she replied, she could never get enough of him either and the more they had of one another the more they wanted.
“You were amazing babe" he told her as he stroked the hair from her face as she looked up at him.
“So were you" she told him, blushing slightly.
Slowly he sat up, pulling her up with him and she wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him close as he placed kisses all over her shoulder and collarbone.
She moaned softly in appreciation but she knew she had to stop him, otherwise she’d want another round.
“We better get going” she said and he sighed softly before looking at her tenderly.
“Your right" he said as he took her cheeks in his hands and kissed her sweetly.
Slowly she climbed off of him and they grabbed their clothes that had been flung all over the place, her panties were on the seating wheel, his pants up on the dashboard, most of it had landed on the floor.
Once they were dressed he started up the car and Claire chuckled.
“What’s so funny?” he asked as he glanced over at her.
“We fogged up the windows" she mumbled as she started drawing on them and he smiled as he watched her draw a heart with C and C written above it, cute, typical girl but it still made him feel proud, proud that she was his.
He started up the truck and soon they were back on the road.
“You know I’ve always wanted to fuck in a vehicle” she suddenly admitted to him and he gasped slightly in shock, not expecting that at all.
“So naughty miss Claire" he teased her as they pulled up out front of the cabin, Bob’s car already here.
“I’m just being honest" she smiled at him, a slight blush creeping up her cheeks.
“I don’t want you going tomorrow Claire, it’s just too dangerous, I’m scared something might happen out there, I don’t want you getting hurt" he stated, running his fingers through his hair, down to his neck while looking awkward.
“I know but it’s just something that I need to do, I need to know, it might be my only chance at finding out what happened to my parents and to Helena" she explained to him.
“I know, I just want to protect you" he told her, looking down slightly disappointed, he knew it wasn’t going to happen but he had hoped deep down that she would have agreed to stay here and not go up the mountains.
“I know and that means a lot to me but I still have to go" she said, reaching over and taking his hand and he looked back up at her as she leaned forward, kissing him passionately.
He grabbed her waist, pulling her close as he returned the kiss and she moaned against his lips, trailing her fingers up his chest, over his shoulders, up his neck and into his hair, she loved touching every part of him, it sent a warmth through her, a feeling of love and passion, she was going to miss that over the next few days so she tried to make the most of it as much as she could now.
“You take my breath away" she whispered to him when she pulled away, leaving her eyes closed as she put her head down on his shoulder, enjoying their embrace.
“I love you Claire” he said as he stroked his fingers up and down the small of her back and she sighed in content at the soothing touch.
“I love you too" she replied, not wanting to leave this moment but she knew they wouldn’t be able to stay like this forever.
Slowly she pulled away, opening her door and climbed out as Chad did the same, locking the car behind him as they began making their way over to the little cabin.
Claire unlocked the door and headed inside, Chad following behind her, as soon as she shut the door she relocked it and turned to see Bob at his usual chair at the table, reading the paper with a frown on his face.
“Not a good read?” she asked as she began working her way around the small kitchen, making her and Chad a cup of hot chocolate.
“No, no it is not" Bob replied grumpy, folding the newspaper up roughly before flopping it down on the table.
“Are you alright?” she asked concerned, sending curious glances at him.
“I’ll be alright, a journalist has just posted a article about a incompetent chief of police" he poured, obvious that the chief they were complaining about was him.
“Don’t worry, we’re heading up to the mountains tomorrow to try and see if any answers lie up there, they can’t say that your not trying" she tried to comfort him but he just frowned more as she sat down next to Chad, handing him his drink and taking a sip of her own.
“No but they are saying about the only reason anything is happening now is because your here, that your the one who should be chief with all your ideas, like going up to the mountains” he sighed sadly.
“Their writing about me?” Claire asked grabbing the paper and reading the article, typical stuff like she would expect.
Young daughter comes back to town years later to solve missing parents and godmother case, police chief having no leads for years, until now that young Claire has come to town with her own theories and ideas, the only reason anything is happening now.
Claire scrunched up her nose in disapproval before crunching up the paper and throwing it in the fireplace for it to burn, Bob must have started the fire when he got back.
“Don’t listen to them, they’ll say anything to get a juicy story" Claire told Bob who nodded but she could tell he didn’t really listen all that much.
“I’m going to cook us some food" Claire said as she got up, walking to the cupboards, opening the up and having a look.
She decided on jerk pork chops with grilled pineapple.
“I’ll help you" Chad said as he got up too, making his way over and begun helping her, it didn’t take long until they had lunch all ready and served up.
Chad and Claire all enjoyed theirs greatly, Bob just mostly poked at it.
“I’m going to lay down for a bit, I don’t feel too well" Bob said out of nowhere, getting up and walking out the room, closing the bedroom door behind him.
Claire sighed sadly, she hated seeing him this way, his spirit was broken enough and the people of this town weren’t making it any better, until now the case had had no leads, that wasn’t Bob’s fault but they didn’t seem to care or even notice how worn down Bob had become because of it.
Claire put the dishes in the sink, wrapping Bob’s up and put it in the fridge so he could have it later, she then turned on the water, slowly filling the sink.
“You go sit down, let me handle the dishes" Chad said as he placed a hand comfortingly on her shoulder.
He could see how upset Claire had become about what the journalist had said about Bob and how it was effecting him, she cared greatly for her friends and loved ones but he knew that she needed to take care of herself too.
“Thanks" she sighed as she smiled softly up at him before making her way over to the couch, pulling the blanket over her lap as she watched the flames flicker from the fire.
“I don’t know what to say to him that can help him" Claire admitted, even though they weren’t looking at each other she knew he was listening.
“I know babe and there probably isn’t anything you can say, you’ve just got to wait it out, be there for him when he does" Chad told her but it didn’t provide her much comfort on the situation.
When he finished the dishes he came over and sat down next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as he pulled her back against his chest, holding her.
“I want you to move in with me" Chad said suddenly and Claire gasped, turning her head slightly to look at him the best she could.
“What?” she asked in shock, her breath catching in her throat, her heart skipping a beat and then it was beating so hard she thought it would burst from her chest.
“When this is all over, when we know we’re not being watched anymore, I want you to move in with me” he told her, watching her with nervous eyes, she saw him take a deep breath as he waited for her reply.
“Isn’t that a huge step?” she asked and he smiled at her lovingly.
“We’re basically already living together, and I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you so why don’t we just start on forever now?” he asked and she blushed at his words.
“Okay" she mumbled quietly.
“What was that?” he asked, trying to make sure that he heard her right.
“Okay I’ll move in with you" she said, a grin appearing on her face and he chuckled at her.
She then turned around in his arms and hugged him, his arms wrapping tightly around her waist.
She knew she would have to tell her grandparents and get all of her things sent down, she had no idea on what they would say or how they would even take it, she meant a lot to them and vice versa but this was a step in her life that she simply had to take.
“I’m going to call my grandparents right now and tell them" Claire said excitedly as she jumped up off the couch and went to her handbag and pulled out her phone dialling them up, all while Chad watched her with affection, he knew she was the woman he could settle down with and the fact that she was so excited about it too just made him all that more happier.
Claire told her grandparents all about the things that had been happening, of course she left out the part about her no longer being a virgin, she did not want to have that talk again, at first they were reluctant about her staying down there but after hearing about how happy she is with Chad they accepted it, telling her that they would handle getting a moving truck to bring down her stuff for her.
She spent a few good hours on the phone with them, asking them how they had been going, if they will be alright with her not being there anymore, she made sure to promise that she would keep in contact and try to visit them often.
Chad had even started cooking dinner while she sat on the couch talking to them, watching him, admiring how easily he moved around the small kitchen, she found it hot watching him cook.

When Claire got off the phone she felt more happy and more relaxed after talking to her grandparents, it was probably because of hearing that they were doing well and happy for her to move here with Chad, even with everything that has been happening but only because they knew Claire wouldn’t stop until she solved the case.
“It’s nice seeing you so happy and bubbly babe, normally your tense and serious" Chad complimented her as she got up and walked over to him and he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind as she began helping him cut up the potatoes he had peeled.
“It was really good to talk to them, I hadn’t realised just how much I’ve been missing them" she replied as he placed a kiss on her cheek and she melted in his embrace, leaning her back against his chest, her head on his shoulder.
“So what are we making anyway?” she asked him curiously.
“French onion chicken meatballs with potatoes and veggies" he told her unwrapping himself from her and returned to the stove where he was cooking the meatballs.
“Sounds good to me" Claire jumped when she heard Bob’s voice from behind them and turned to see him sitting down at the table, he looked a bit better now, not so pale or tired, he must have really needed a rest and he didn’t look so depressed either which Claire was glad for.
Soon the food was all cooked and they were sitting down to eat.
“Bob your lunch is still in the fridge if you get hungry through the night or even tomorrow if you want it" Claire told him as they ate.
“Thank you, yes I might take it for lunch tomorrow, we’ll need our energy out there on that trail" Bob replied, Claire had nearly forgotten how they were heading out with the rangers tomorrow.
“Right yes, I better pack a lunch too, how much more food will we need?” Claire asked wanting to be prepared.
“I’m packing a bag of food for us to take, canned soups mostly, nut mixes, bottled water, that sort of thing, the rangers are prepared for them so you just need to bring clothes, the rangers have the tents and blankets and such, survival supplies and whatever else we’ll need" he said.
Suddenly there was a bang at the front door, they all gasped and jumped to their feet, Chad instantly grabbed Claire and pulled her behind him and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, peeking up over one as Bob grabbed his gun and made his way towards the door.
“Who’s there?” Bob asked loudly but no reply came.
“I’m warning you I’m armed, now identify yourself" he shouted, again nothing and he took hold of the doorknob.
He looked towards Claire and Chad to make sure they were prepared for what might be behind that door.
Chad nodded and Claire saw Bob take in a deep breath, she was holding hers and then Bob turned the door handle and threw it open.

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