Chapter Eleven- Part Two

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“Here’s your order" Coral chirped happily as she placed down the items in front of them then stood there awkwardly waiting expectantly for a tip.
“Here Coral" Claire said as she pulled out ten dollars from her wallet and handed it to the girl who smiled her thanks then skipped off happily admiring the money.
“You know it’s not policy that you have to tip her" he told her annoyed with Corals rudeness.
“It’s okay, it got rid of her" Claire chuckled as she took a chip from her plate and ate it.
“True, I’d hate to have her hanging over us on our second date" he winked at her before he picked up his burger and took a bite.
Slowly they ate and Claire took a sip of her milkshake, enjoying the chocolatey flavour.
“Mmm this is so good" she complimented as her lips formed a happy smile.
“You love milkshakes huh? That’s good to know, now I can surprise you with one every now and again" he too smiled at her.
“Would you like some? You didn’t get a drink" Claire asked him but he shook his head.
“I’m all good, thanks though" they continued to eat.
“So do you know what you want to do with the hardware store yet?” he asked her quietly, unsure if he was bringing it up at a bad time.
“I think I would like to wait to make my decision, besides Helena might still be alive and if she is I’m sure she’ll still want to run the store" she was hopeful, she knew she was but she couldn’t help it, she had to hold onto some hope after all.
“That makes perfect sense, I like that idea too” he replied nodding in agreement with her.
“But I do have to ask, what about us?” he asked suddenly and Claire froze for a moment then quickly covered it up by eating another chip.
“Us?” she asked, it was all she could say, all she could think of, she wasn’t quite sure on where he was going with this and wanted to make sure about what he was saying and not just assume and say the wrong thing.
“Well I know this is fast but I would like to seriously date you, like a partnership but if you’re going back to Adelaide then I need to know so I can stop this now before I get too committed" his voice turned serious and sad by the end of it, his shoulders tensing slightly, he didn’t like the thought of her leaving and going hundreds of miles away.
“I...uh" she didn’t know what to say, he had just thrown her into the deep end, he wanted to seriously date her? Like full on boyfriend and girlfriend? It was all so sudden but also not quite so much at the same time but to put her in the position to choose between staying here with him and going back to Adelaide where she could continue her course for her dream career and then work her way to Washington D.C. in America to become a fully qualified criminal profiler at the FBI, she was stumped.
Silence, awkward silence filled in the space around them and Claire could no longer meet his eye contact and she looked down nervously, but it didn’t help, she could feel him still watching her, waiting for an answer but that was the thing she had no answer.
She never thought she would be so happy with Coral when she came back over and asked if they were finished before she picked up the empty dishes and told them the price.
Claire handed her the money and quickly stood up to leave, hoping to avoid the awkwardness that had grew between her and Chad, however he had different plans.
“Wait you didn’t answer my question" he quickly got to his feet and blocked her path when she tried to leave but all Claire could do was awkwardly stand in front of him and stare at his chest, she couldn’t bring herself to look up at him, she already felt cornered as it was.
“Can we talk about this in the car?” she asked him quietly, at least that would give her the time it takes them to walk to the hardware store where he truck is.
“Sure" his reply was short and she could hear the frustration in his tone but thankfully he moved out of her way and followed her out of the cafe, all while Coral had been standing there awkwardly watching them with fascination.
Claire tried desperately to come up with something to say to him, something that could buy her more time that he would accept as a logical answer but she kept coming up blank.
Before she knew it they were at his car and slowly she climbed inside, gulping nervously as she clipped in the seatbelt, she knew he’d be expecting her answer now.
He was silent as he drove her back to her cabin, she kept waiting and waiting for him to ask her but nothing came from him, not even a cough, the whole car was filled with awkward silence, she had considered a couple of times just throwing the door open and ducking out, rolling onto the road just to escape the awkwardness but she knew that was stupid, she’d have to face him sooner or later.
Once at the cabin he stopped the car, took off his seatbelt and turned to look at her, slowly she knuckled herself, nervousness washing over her as she felt his eyes on her and she peeked at him through the corner of her eyes.
“Claire" it was soft, almost like a whisper when he said her name and she felt her breath catch as her heart rate quickened, the energy between them was strong, the electricity sparking feelings she had never felt before.
“Yes?” she asked as she begun to fiddle once more with her fingers but he stopped her, he reached over and took her hands in his as he scooted closer to her, so he was right next to her.
Slowly he leaned forward, so his face was right next to her cheek, his warm breath on her skin sent shivers down her spine as her body tinged from sensitivity.
Then before she knew what had happened his lips were upon her neck as he gave her a chaste kiss, it sent tingles all throughout her and caused her mind to fog, slowly she turned to look at him when he pulled away, her lips parted slightly, the electric spark between them stronger than ever.
Again she was speechless, she couldn’t form a single word to say as he watched for her reaction, hoping that he hadn’t crossed the line.
“Claire?” he asked her quietly, and she closed her eyes, took in a deep breath and slowly pushed her lips against his.
They were soft, warm and so sweet, it only took a spilt second for him to react and kiss her back, not rough, just softly, but passionately, it took her breath away.
Slowly he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him, her having to put her hand on his shoulders to balance herself as she lost herself in this kiss, in the feeling of safety being in his arms, but whilst in the mist of their passion they were completely unaware of the person who was watching them from a distance with distain.
“I should really go inside” Claire whispered softly when she pulled away from him slightly, her eyes still closed, relishing in the feeling of him holding her to him, the feeling of his lips still lingering on her.
“You never answered my question” he answered softly though, keeping hold of her so she couldn’t escape him, she would have to answer him.
“I um....” again she couldn’t think of what to tell him and she opened her eyes when he sighed at her, he was looking at her with such compassion but very serious at the same time.
“Stay with me Claire, I know this place holds bad memories but I promise I’ll make you happy again” he swore to her and she felt her heart quickening, he was so serious, so certain, unlike her, it was all too much for Claire, too much, too soon, and she had to escape, her fight or flight mode kicking in as her mind was scrambled of what to make of all these sudden feelings.
“Let go of me” she said quickly as she started to squirm suddenly, struggling to get out of his grip, he looked at her shocked by this reaction but did as she said and let her go, not a second later she was out the car, running to her cabin, leaving him there gobsmacked.
He was about to turn on his truck and leave Claire to her thoughts when suddenly he spotted a shadow creeping up on her house, quickly he grabbed his phone and called Bob to let him know and even though Bob hold ordered him to stay in his car he just couldn’t do it.
Claire was sitting on her couch, trying to collect her thoughts, her and Chad had kissed, it had been breath taking, but now he wanted her to stay here with him, to give up her dream career, she didn’t know if she could do that, if she could live with her decision if she did, it was a hard position to be in, on the other hand if she stayed they could run the store together, just like her mother and father had, they both loved the place, but could she love him enough to live with all the bad memories this place holds for her?
She was conflicted, confused, excited, scared, falling, oh yeah, she was definitely falling alright, falling in love, with Chad and she had no idea what to do about it.
She did consider calling her grandmother and asking her for advice, but what would her grandmother say? What if she pushed for Claire to stay here? What if she pleaded for Claire to come home? All these confusing questions were running through Claire’s mind and she had no idea what to do about any of them.
However she knew all her grandparents would want is what is best for her and most of the time if she found herself in a confusing situation they would be the ones to help figure out what she truly wants, so then she picked up her phone and started to dial, that was until there was a loud banging at her door.
“Claire open up!” it was Sam, he was back again, he was back for her.
“Go away Sam” she shouted as she quickly stood up, facing the door, gooseflesh appearing all over her skin as the hairs prickled on her neck.
“Claire don’t open the door” Claire gasped, she froze, that had been Chad’s voice, slowly the horror seeped in, he was outside with Sam.
She stood there, feet planted in place, face full of fearfulness, the man she was falling in love with was outside with a psychopath who is obsessed with her, and here she was frozen, unsure of what to do, of what was about to unfold, right before her.
“You stay away from her you freak” she heard Chad shout at Sam, she screamed at herself to move, to throw open the door and help him but for some reason her body would not listen, it was like it was ignoring the commands from her mind, like it had a complete mind of its own.
“I saw you kissing Claire in the car, how dare you, she is mine” she heard Sam hiss back and shivers went shooting through her at the sound of his hateful voice.
“She will never be yours, she deserves so much better than a deceitful lying bastard like you” Chad was only angering Sam more and Claire knew that if she didn’t stop it something worse was going to happen.
Finally her body listened to her and shot forward, however as soon as she grabbed the door handle she froze.
Bang, bang, bang.
Claire was stiff, her hand still clinging to the handle, as her ears rang loudly and slowly she came to realise what she had heard.
Gunshots, three of them, in a row, right outside her door.
Slowly she turned the door handle, she wasn’t even sure if she wanted to anymore but she could no longer stop herself, the dread was too much, she needed to know who it was who had been shot, as far as she knew Chad didn’t carry a gun, but then again she didn’t know if Sam did either but anything could be possible, especially with the craziness running through his mind.
For all she knew he could have been coming to kill her, for not loving him, he was capable of it and she knew it, even if it was just to protect his own ego.
Slowly she seeped the door open, closing her eyes for a moment, she wasn’t sure if she could do this, if she even wanted to, what would meet her sight?
Would it be Sam? Dead and never be able to bother her or anyone else again?
Or would it be Chad? The man she was falling in love with, the one she was slowly letting the walls she had built around her heart collapse down for?
She took in a deep breath before reopening her eyes, swinging the door fully and completely open but all that met her sight was blood.

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