Chapter Six- Part Two

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“This is Claire Handerson, she’s assisting me on the case" Bob explained and Hayden smiled a big white teething smile at her, thinking his more charming then he appears.
“So what can I do for you?” he asked putting his wrist up on the wall, trying to look attractive as he looked down at Claire, making her feel like an ant in comparison but she wasn’t going to let that intimidate her.
“Do you know a Katherine Pearl?” she inquired and she saw Bob look at her confused because they already knew the answer but then in a split second he realised her game, she wanted to hear it from him, whether he would try to deny it and cover it up or whether he would be honest and upfront about it, get a gauge on what type of person he is a bit more.
“She works at the library right? I heard she got kidnapped last night, it’s all around town" he stated looking a little uneasy but tried to hide it.
“We have a witness who claims that you were having an affair with this woman" Claire stated and he looked shocked, then angry and lastly got defensive.
“How dare you" he growled at her and started to stand up straight, trying to stand over her more than he already was to intimidate her so Bob stepped in.
“You’re going to have to come to the station with us and answer some questions" Bob spoke loud and clearly, hinting to Hayden not to try any crap with him.
“I need to go home first, I need to tell my wife what I am being accused of" he snapped back, eyes flaring in anger, anger that his gotten caught.
“Why so you can scare her into backing up your side of the story? Sorry not happening, we have already spoken to her and she has told us that she already suspected you of cheating" Claire threw back at him, she saw what kind of man he was, the one who intimates to get his way, who uses his size and power over those who are smaller and weaker then him to do whatever he wants.
“You did what?” Hayden shouted, his face going red from anger, his fists tightening up into balls and his chest heaving from the big breaths of air he was taking in.
“Hayden come with us please" Bob said as he held out his hand towards where the car was, implying for Hayden to walk.
He grumbled, stomping his way out to the car, opening the back door, sitting where his wife had sat only moments ago and he slammed the door shut.
“We’re going to have a fun time with that one" Claire spoke sarcastically as she exchanged a look of annoyance with Bob.
“Yes well mostly we’re going to just have to deal with his big arrogant ego" Bob replied before they got into the car and started off to the police station, the whole way driven in awkward silence from Hayden fuming from anger in the backseat.
“I guess I better read him his Miranda Rights" Bob said as he got Hayden and led him into the station, Claire remained outside, breathing in the fresh air while she lost herself inside of her thoughts.
Could this really be the one doing all this? Could he really be behind all these kidnappings? The first kidnapping had been Mary Scather and that had been 17 years ago and Bob told her that Hayden is 41 so he would have been 24 at the time so he could have started it back then.
But what if he was? What if he was the one who had kidnapped her parents all those years ago? Could she handle going in there and finding out?
“Claire are you alright?” Claire jumped startled, being pulled from her thoughts and she turned to see Officer Peter looking at her with concern.
“Yeah I’m alright...” She mumbled looking down at the ground, he was a kind boy but she didn’t feel comfortable speaking to him about her parents, she barely even opened up to her grandparents about it half the time.
“Bob’s waiting inside for you" he told her, she could tell he wasn’t all that convinced that she was fine.
“Okay, thanks, I’ll head in there now" she said as she scurried off into the building, rushing quickly to the interrogation room where Bob waiting standing out in front of the door waiting for her.
“Does he want a lawyer?” Claire asked and to her surprise Bob shook his head.
“I think deep down he already knows his busted so the best thing for him to do right now is to cooperate” Bob explained and Claire nodded.
“Are you ready to go in?” he asked and she looked at him confused.
“Aren’t we going to let him sweat first?” she asked, she had learned that leaving the suspects alone in the interrogation room with the heating on would make them sweat and uncomfortable so then when they do finally go into question them their more likely to slip up and reveal something.
“No, to be quite honest with you, I don’t think he done it, his an egotistical man-whore, what could he possibly get over kidnapping people?” Bob asked and Claire was shocked that he couldn’t see all the possible puzzle pieces of motive.
“Well men like him like to prove their dominance over people, that’s sure one way to do it, and one of the victims he was having an affair with, what if he kidnapped her to shut her up if she wanted to come clean? Also he could have kidnapped her so we would find out that he was having an affair so then we would think that’s all, nothing more and clear him of being a suspect?” she threw out into the open and Bob looked at her impressed.
“You have quite a mind there" he complimented her and she smiled awkwardly, she wasn’t really in the mood for compliments right now, she just wanted to find out whether this man was involved or not.
“Are we going in?” she asked and Bob nodded before opening the door and they both stepped in.
“Are you certain you don’t want a lawyer?” Claire asked while he and Bob sat down in front of the table, Hayden sitting on the other side of it.
“I’m sure, I haven’t done anything wrong" he declared, his face stern and eyes unemotional.
“You truly believe that don’t you?” Claire asked, her disgust for this man growing with every word he spoke.
“So you believe cheating on your wife is nothing wrong?” she asked and he just looked at her sorely.
“What’s the matter? Jealous?” he asked and Claire gagged.
“Where were you all last night?” she questioned him and he turned his head so he was looking away from them.
“I was at home, I slept on the couch, my wife and I had an argument and I didn’t want to be near her" he claimed and Claire looked at Bob, wondering if he was telling the truth.
“I’ll call Lucy, ask if she can confirm this, you going to be okay in here?” Bob asked her.
“Yeah I’ll be fine" she replied and he looked sceptical , then grabbed the handcuff that was attached to his belt and cuffed Hayden's wrists to the hooks on the table.
“I’ll be back in a minute" he promised Claire before he walked out, closing the door behind him.
“So what was the argument about?” Claire asked, double checking that the tape recorder Bob had placed on the table was working, very old fashioned it was.
“My wife wanted me to spend more time with her and the kid, said I spent too much time going out or online as a personal trainer" he replied coolly, no emotion in his voice whatsoever.
“Why don’t you call her by her name? You always call her your wife, like having her as a wife is like a trophy" Claire asked, as he continued to avoid eye contact as he spoke.
“Because she is a trophy, a trophy wife, she was the hottest girl in school, all the men wanted her but I was the one to win her" he spoke proudly and Claire sneered at his smug face.
“She’s not some prize to be won, she’s the mother of your child" Claire spoke, trying to make him feel something, anything.
“The kid means nothing to me" he replied and Claire gasped horrified.
“What? But his your own flesh and blood" Claire declared and he just shrugged.
“I never wanted the kid but my wife did, he was just a means to keep up appearances for me, to be the perfect husband and father, so then I could hide what was really going on when I’d meet up with Katherine" he replied, finally admitting his arrogance.
“So you did cheat on Lucy with Katherine?” Claire asked, wanting him to actually fully say it, admit to his wrong.
“Katherine was easy, pathetic, nearly all women are, you just give them the slightest bit of attention and they come crawling back for more" he smirked.
“Is that why you kidnapped her? She was too easy and pathetic? Did she threaten to come clean?” Claire questioned and instantly confusion appeared on Hayden’s face and for the first time since being in here he looked at her.
“Kidnapped her? You think I had something to do with that?” he asked, actually sounding hurt for a moment.
“Did you?” she pushed for an answer.
“No, she liked sneaking around with me, she didn’t want it to end and neither did I, as clingy as the woman was she knew how to have a good time in the sack, she’d do anything to please me" he was boasting again but Claire could also tell he was telling the truth.
“I just got off the phone with Lucy, his telling the truth, she went down stairs to feed the baby a few times in the night and he was on the couch every time" Bob told Claire as he suddenly opened the door and walked back in.
“I know, I believe him, I don’t think he had anything to do with these kidnappings” Claire stated and visibly saw Hayden sigh with relief.
“So can I go?” he snapped, looking up to Bob.
“Just don’t leave town, you do you’re getting 25 to life" Bob warned as he uncuffed Hayden’s wrists and stopped the tape recorder.
“You know doll now that Katherine is gone I need another girl who can please me, you up for the offer?” Hayden winked at her.
“Not even in your dreams, I’m serious, you dream about me and I’ll kicked you in the.....” She didn’t get a chance to finish her sentence before Bob cut in.
“Okay well let’s get you out of here Hayden" Bob quickly interjected and led Hayden out of the room but before Bob left he sent her a quick smile, even he had to admit he liked how tough Claire was, that she wouldn’t let herself be intimidated by someone as ‘charming’ as Hayden.
Once Hayden had gone Claire went out to the front of the station where Bob was standing, he looked almost disappointed.
“So our only lead was a dead end, where to now?” he asked once Claire had walked up to his side.
“I don’t know" she sighed.

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