Chapter Seventeen- Part One

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Chapter Seventeen.
It was night time when Claire finally stirred, slowly her eyes peeled open and she sighed happily.
She felt good, different somehow, and warm, warm because Chad had his arms wrapped around her and she looked up at him to see his eyes were closed but he had a big smile on his lips, too big for anyone that was asleep.
“We slept a long time" she mumbled to him, guzzling her face into the crook of his neck, she loved the feeling of him, his bare skin against hers, it felt so natural with him, like she could be whoever she was with him, completely.
“Well we did have a pretty good exercise” he teased as he kissed her head and she turned to look at him.
“I love you" she told him, she knew she had told him that before they had fallen asleep but she just felt the need to tell him again, to make sure he knew how much she really felt about him.
“I love you too" he said as he brought his lips to her, locking them into a passionate kiss.
“Did you really mean what you said before? About staying here with me?” he asked her, his voice full of uncertainty, he was obviously nervous about asking her, probably in case she had changed her mind.
“I meant it, you make me feel happy Chad, you make me feel like I belong here again, that together we can fight away the shadows that linger over us" she told him and he pulled her back into another lip lock.
“Oh sorry, don’t mind me" Bob said as he suddenly opened the front door and walked in, spotting them on the couch.
Claire has gasped in horror, trying to cover herself before she noticed the blanket was over them, realising Chad must have put it over her while she was asleep and she couldn’t have been more grateful for it at this stage.
Bob however quickly shut the front door and rushed into the bedroom which had become his and Claire hid her face in Chad’s chest while Chad just chuckled at her and stroked her hair.
“Why don’t you go have a shower first?” Chad asked her, knowing how badly she wanted to go and hide at the moment.
“Thank you" she said as she slowly climbed off of him, wincing slightly as aches went through her.
“Are you alright?” he asked worriedly, he understood that this was normal but he just wanted to make sure that she was okay.
“I’m alright, it was worth it" she winked at him before she rushed off into the bathroom.
It didn’t take her long in the shower, but thankfully it did help a bit with the aches and pain, and no matter how much it stung she still felt amazing, memories swimming before her eyes, his touch, his hands all over her body, hers on his, feeling every nook and cranny of his delicious body, or at least that was how she imagined it would taste.
It was decided then that the next time they had together she would discover how he tastes, she wanted to surprise him with what she wants to do to him, even with her being inexperienced.
When she came out she was dressed in a grey tank top with black shorts, her hair up in a ponytail, Chad however was sitting at the table in nothing but his jeans, his chest and back on display and Bob was rustling around the kitchen, cooking dinner.
Claire’s stomach suddenly rumbled in hunger at the smell of cooking food and she blushed when the two men looked her way, she had just realised that her and Chad hadn’t eaten anything since lunch.
“Hey babe" Chad said to her which only caused the redness of her cheeks to creep up further, he had only just recently started calling her that and now he had even said it in front of Bob, it somehow made their relationship feel so much more official.
“Hey, shower is free" she told him as she went and sat down next to him.
“Great" he said as he got up, kissed her cheek before grabbing some clothes out of his bag that was next to the small wrapped up mattress, it was more like a mattress topper that he’d slept on but he hadn’t complained, then he closed the door of the bathroom behind him.
“Here you go darling, you look like you could do with a warm drink" Bob said as he placed a hot chocolate in front of her and she smiled at him thankfully before taking a long sip, letting the warmth spread through her, warming her up.
“Thank you" she said when she swallowed it, the chocolatey taste still lingering in her mouth, it was her all time favourite drink, and Bob knew that.
“So you and Chad are official huh?” he asked as he got back to cooking but whatever it was Claire couldn’t see it behind him.
“I suppose so” she said blushing as she nervously fiddled with her cup.
“He told me you said you’d stay here with him after all this is over" Bob said, obviously wanting to hear her side, just to make sure Chad hadn’t gotten the wrong idea.
“I did" she replied, taking another sip, savouring the taste.
“I’m glad your happy hun, just make sure your going at your own pace okay?” he said as he looked over his shoulder at her, obviously meaning about how they’d jumped in the sack.
“I will" she said and thankfully that was where he left it, she really didn’t want to have that talk with her father’s oldest friend.
Her grandmother had already taken care of that many years ago, a few times actually, especially when Claire hit college and every time Claire had been horrified, promising she wasn’t that reckless to go off and sleep with random guys, and that was even if she ever went to any parties or clubs, which she never did anyway.
Dinner was just cooked when Chad exited the bathroom, now wearing shorts with a white singlet, it showed of his arms very well, also his abs and chest as it was very skin tight fabric.
“What’s for dinner?” Chad asked as he sat down, placing his hand on the back of Claire’s seat, gently stroking her shoulder blade with his thumb.
“Cheesy chorizo lasagna” he told them as he brought the pot over and placed it in the middle of the table before he smiled proudly at it while taking off the oven mittens.
It looked great, very cheesy and he had even put a few basil leaves on top of it, it smelled even better than it looked, Claire could make out a bit of sausage and onion, even a little bit of tomatoes as well but she could make out no other ingredients just by smell.
“Dig in" Bob said when he passed them each a plate with a knife and fork.
One by one they cut a piece out, placing it on their plates before digging in.
“This is so good" Claire commented after the first mouthful, she also hadn’t realised just how hungry she was but she supposed sexual intercourse built up a hardy appetite.
“Do you know how to cook Claire?” Chad asked Claire curiously, so far they had always gone out for meals and he was curious if it would have to continue throughout their relationship, he knew how to cook but he didn’t want to have to every night.
“Yes, very well actually, my grandmother taught me, I’m especially good at pastries” she replied, the fond memories sneaking up on her, one time she had accidentally spilled a whole bowl of flour, making a huge mess of the kitchen, she had been worried that she would get in trouble so she began crying, she had only been young then but instead her grandmother had laughed, saying it was almost like a puff of cloud before she laid down in it and made an angel with her arms and legs.
She had made a bad mistake into a good time and that had really meant a lot to Claire as she was still feeling very unsure and lonely in her grandparents house at that time.
“Sounds like a good woman" Bob commented raising a glass of wine to them before offering Chad the bottle with a wine glass.
“It goes wonderfully with this meal" Bob told him as Chad poured himself a glass before turning to Claire.
“No thank you, I don’t think it would sit well after my chocolate milk" she replied and he just smiled at her before handing Bob back the bottle, it was a red wine but Claire wasn’t sure what type, however she hadn’t paid much attention, she was too busy eating her delicious meal.
“I hope we can cook together some nights in the future Claire" Chad told her as he sent a quick glance her way while cutting a piece of his food.
“Me too, that would be really nice" Claire replied, butterflies flapping around in her stomach, she had never had a relationship like this before, so serious, she had only had small dates which had never really ended the way the guy wanted and she was quite nervous about it all.
“So Claire the police in Sydney have picked up Hardgrove, their transporting him in tomorrow morning, should get here around midday" Bob told her and she nodded, wondering what sorts of questions she should ask him.
“This the person that Charles came in to tell you about?” Chad asked and Claire nodded in reply.
“He was stalking the first victim, Mary Scather, Charles had seen photos Hardgrove had taken of her all over his bedroom walls, I’m just wondering why it took him so long to come forward, Why didn’t he when she first went missing?” Bob asked curiously and Claire looked at him sadly.
“Maybe it had slipped his mind" she tried offering but Bob shook his head.
“I know what it was, I was a small town cop, placed Chief way before my years, many people have never believed I should wear the badge, I guess nothing ever changes, and with more people going missing I’m surprised they haven’t declared for a change in sheriff" Bob said as he glared into his wine.
“Well that will all change in the next few days, when we go up to the mountains, I’m certain whatever we’re looking for is up there" Claire said trying to raise Bob’s spirits but it didn’t help much, however he did offer her a small smile of appreciation for the effort.
“Can we get the recipe for this please Bob?” Chad asked randomly, trying to change the subject and lighten the mood, it did seem to perk Bob up a little.
“Of course, especially with Claire staying now I’ll be able to give her lots of recipes for you both to try" he said, obviously very happy himself that Claire had decided she would stay in Meadows Ville, however there still was this voice in the back of her head, that she would have to leave her grandparents, leave her course or even if she did manage to finish it all online there wasn’t much use for it after this case, and then she’d never become a criminal profiler and go to Quantico to work for the FBI.
Chad noticed Claire become distant as she was lost in her thoughts and he reached over and took her hand in his, squeezing it comfortingly for a moment before letting go so they could continue to finish their dinners.
“You know Claire what will you be doing now that you are staying here?” Bob just had to ask and Claire sighed heavily, her heart weighing a tone in her chest at the uncertainty.
“I’m not sure" she admitted and Bob frowned slightly at her reply.
“You could always come work with me, your study in criminal psychology could really help out with some cases" he told her.
“What cases?” she asked and his smile disappeared as he remembered that there are little to no cases to work on in this town, besides the one they were already on.
“I thought you were going to run the hardware shop with me" Chad said eyeing her off, trying to gauge her reaction.
“I know, I just don’t really know yet, all my studying would be wasted in a hardware store" she admitted and it went silent for a moment.
“Well I’m buggered, think I might turn in early" Bob said to rid them of the awkward silence that hung over them.
“Okay good night, thank you so much for dinner" Claire said as Bob stood up, put his dishes in the sink before heading to the bedroom.
“Good night" he said before heading in, closing the door behind him with a click.
Chad just sat there, staring down at what little was left of his food, thinking hard.
“You’re going to give yourself a headache" Claire said as she got up, taking her dishes over to the sink too and turned on the water, placing the plug in.
“You deserve better than to be stuck in a town going nowhere" he spoke, his voice disappointed and low.
“Chad it’s alright" it was all she could think of to say but if she was honest she wasn’t sure if it was.
“You could be out there doing great things and I’d be making you give it up to live a small boring life here with me running a hardware store" he groaned, he had always loved his life here, had never seen anything wrong with it, at least until now anyway.
“Chad if I didn’t want to stay here I wouldn’t, everyone gives up some things in life and I think it would be worth it to have a life here with you" she told him as she scrubbed he dishes clean and put them in the rack.

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