Chapter Sixteen- Part Two

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He stood up once he’d gotten the fire going and turned to see Claire watching him and he smirked at her.
“Enjoying the view?” he asked winking at her and she smiled shyly as she got busted.
“Come here” she spoke soft but firmly at the same time and he eyed her off, his eyes trailing down her own body, her neck which he had enjoyed placing small sweet kisses upon, and then down to her chest, where the small mounds of her breasts were, they weren’t too small but they weren’t overly big either, but he found himself wanting to grab them, to squeeze them, make her lean into his touch, and then his eyes trailed down further, over her smooth stomach and down her thin lean legs.
Slowly he made his way over to her, just until he was standing right in front of her and she looked up at him with heavy eyes, all these feelings were so new to her, she had never felt this way towards a guy, she was a virgin after all and all these new feelings made butterflies fly around in her stomach but she didn’t let that stop her.
Slowly she reached up, grabbing hold of his hand and pulled him towards her and he slowly leaned down and climbed on top of her, his right hand bracing himself on the arm of the couch above her head the other he placed on her hip while he put his legs in between hers, thankfully the couch was quite big, an extra large size so that helped them to fit on there.
She slowly looked over him again, taking her bottom lip in her top one as she slowly made her way to his eyes, releasing her lip and licking them slightly out of nervousness.
“Claire?” he asked her, his voice soft and smooth, barely a whisper but it sent shivers down her spine, but good ones, her whole body felt like it was alight, especially the parts where he was touching her, like his hand on her waist.
“Kiss me” she whispered back and his eyes shone with lust, even though he was trying to hide it, he wanted her, he knew she wasn’t experienced and he didn’t want to scare her or rush her into anything.
Slowly he leaned down, bringing his other arm down as he bent down on his elbows, his lips hovering just above hers.
She could feel his warm breath mixing with hers, his sweet scent filling her nose, the closeness filled the air with intense lust, she wanted to feel his lips against hers, and he was so close yet also so far away, too far, she wanted them on her.
Not able to hold back anymore she snaked her hand up around his neck and pulled his lips down onto hers, kissing him intensely, passionately, the suddenness of it spark a fire within him, she could feel it because suddenly he gripped onto her, kissing her back feverously, grabbing her thighs and pulling them upwards so she quickly wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling his body flush against hers.
Then she could feel his tongue seeking permission to enter her mouth and she granted it, pushing her own against his, moaning into his mouth passionately, which enticed a moan in reply out of him and he grinded his pelvis against her.
Flames were lit between them, she could feel him growing against her and she pulled away from his mouth and grabbed at his shirt, unbuttoning the buttons before pulling it off him, running her hands over his smooth shoulders as she did.
As soon as he put his hands onto her shirt he stopped suddenly and looked at her as if asking if he was allowed to take her shirt off, shyly she nodded and he leaned up so she could lean forward and he pulled it off of her, Claire lifting her arms so he could before she laid back down, her blue bra the other thing covering her chest.
She watched him as his eyes trailed down from her face to her chest, his eyes filled with hunger for her body and he slowly wiggled down the couch so he was hovering above her stomach.
He looked up at her while he placed soft kisses all over her stomach, making his way down to her abdomen before working his way back up until he reach just under her chest, which was heaving.
She watched him as he slid his arms under her, her lifting slightly to allow him and he unhooked her bra, which he helped her slid off, revealing her chest.
Her nipples already taunt and hard, sticking out and she gulped nervously as he looked over them which did not escape his attention.
“We can stop if you want, we don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to” he told her as he looked up into her eyes but she just smiled shyly at him.
“I don’t want you to stop” she admitted, a blush covering her whole cheeks as he smiled at her, knowing it took a lot of courage for her to admit that.
Slowly he leaned down again, still watching her as he reached up and took hold of her breasts, then suddenly he flicked his tongue out at one of her nipples and her body jerked as she gasped at the pleasure it sent through her.
He however smiled at her, enjoying the effect that he was having upon her and this time he took the whole nipple into his mouth and sucked.
A loud moan was heard from Claire as she gasped and gripped his hair, her legs tightening around him as the pleasure went shooting through her, from her nipple right down to her libido.
She felt herself become wet as the pleasure continued and found herself disappointed when he pulled away, instantly missing the pleasure he had been causing.
“Mmm” he made a noise of appreciation as he slowly shuffled back up and placed a kiss on her lips but it was too short, over too soon and Claire found herself becoming slightly frustrated which shocked her as she had never felt this way before.
“I want you Chad” she whispered as the blush reappeared back on her cheeks.
“I want you too” he told her as he licked up her neck and she gasped as she leaned up into him, she had never expected that sort of thing would entice this sort of reaction from her, suddenly her body was almost alien as she was experiencing new but exciting feelings.
Slowly Claire trailed her hands down Chad’s toned back, feeling every curve, before she got to his jeans, which then she reached around the front and undid the button on them, the whole time he was watching her, his eyes filled with fire, a want for her, which she also shared in her eyes for him.
Slowly she unzipped his jeans, nervously chewing on her bottom lip as she did to which he smiled at before he reached down, Claire thought she was going to stop her, that he had suddenly changed his mind about wanting her but instead he pulled off his jeans, kicking them off his feet.
Now Chad was only in his briefs and Claire nervously looked down and gulped when she saw the bulge, when she looked back up at him she blushed when she saw he was watching her reaction.
“You don’t need to be so shy around me Claire" Chad chuckled as he tried to make her feel more comfortable, slowly he lifted his hand and stroked her cheek before leaning in and placing a chaste kiss upon her lips.
“I’m okay" she told him, her voice quiet, it meant a lot to her that he was being so considerate of her and her feelings.
“You tell me if you want me to stop okay?” he asked her and she swallowed, trying to get rid of the lump that formed in her throat before she nodded.
Slowly then he reached down and pulled off her jeans for her, leaving her only in her panties.
She watched him with heavy eyes when he put his hand down inside them, smiling at her when he felt how wet she was.
When he first laid his fingers down on her clit and rubbed his fingers down through her lips of her pussy she gasped and her pelvis arched.
He made a noise of appreciation as he leaned down and kissed her sweetly as he continued to circle her clit, making her gasp slightly as she wiggled underneath him, the more he did it the more wet she got and it felt so good, but her body wanted more and she started pushing her pelvis up at him more as she bit her bottom lip trying to keep herself quiet.
“Don’t stop yourself babe, let out all those sweet little noises" he whispered in her ear before he kissed and nipped at her neck and she released her lip as she gasped, a small whimper escaping her as he slowly ran his fingers down through the lips of her pussy again but this time he didn’t go back up to her clit.
Instead he dipped the tip of his finger inside of her pussy, just enough to tease her, to keep her wanting more as he slipped it back out.
She let out a small whimper of frustration and he smiled down at her before kissing her softly.
Then finally after what seemed like forever he slipped one finger fully inside of her, pushing it in as far as it could go and she gasped out at the pleasure that shooter through her as she clamped her walls down around his finger at the odd new feeling.
“You need to relax babe, otherwise it’ll hurt" he told her softly, he figured out that this was her first time ever even being touched, she obviously had never done it herself and it meant a lot to him that he trusted him enough to let him be the first.
“Okay I’ll try" she whispered as she tried to steady her breathing and relax, he kept his finger still inside her while her walls slowly loosened.
“You feel so good babe" he mumbled to her as he slowly pulled his finger so just the tip was still in before he pushed it back inside of her, making her gasp and thrust up at his hand in pleasure, his words only making the fire deep inside her to burn hotter.
“Don’t stop" she whispered out as her face was beginning to flush, her lips swollen from his kisses.
“You got it babe" he said as he started to thrust his finger back and forth inside her wet tight pussy, pushing up and against her g-spot every time making her wiggle and gasp, the more he done it the more wetter she became and it only made him harder, he wanted her so bad, just as she wanted him.
He knew that she wanted him because every now and again she would blush at the naughty thoughts she was obviously having and then suddenly she shocked him.
She put her hand into his briefs.
When she first touched him she blushed deeper and her hand shyly moved away for a moment before she looked up at him to gauge his reaction.
“Go on" he encouraged her softly, it wasn’t an order, just a soft sweet nudge which is all she needed.
She shocked him when she wrapped her full hand around his shaft and started pumping it, he hadn’t expected that, he thought she would just continue to shyly touch him, he could feel the inexperience in how she was struggling to keep her grip and the awkwardness of her movements but it still felt good, her hand around him, while he finger fucked her.
“I’m ready" she told him suddenly and he stopped immediately, looking at her with slight shock.
“Are you sure? We don’t have to go any further if you don’t want to" he told her, she had taken huge steps today with how far they had gone already, especially for her first time.
“I’m sure" she told him, gulping slightly as she met his eyes.
He was slow and gentle as he slipped his finger out of her tight wetness as she pulled her hand from his briefs, slowly he stood up, pulling them down, springing himself free from the restrictions.
Claire gasped at the sight of him, licking her lips slightly before he climbed back onto the position he had just been in on top of her.
Slowly he reached down and pulled off her own panties for her, getting up on his knees as he lifted them off her legs, kissing the inside of her knee as he did.
Her breathing was heavy as she watched him, he leaned back down over her, kissing her passionately and she gripped his hair as she returned the kiss.
“It will hurt" he warned her when their kiss ended, he wanted to make sure she understood fully what she was getting herself into.
“It’s okay, I want to be with you in every way possible" she admitted to him and he smiled at her admiringly before kissing her lovingly.
“Just remember to try to relax" he reminded her as he reached down to grab himself and he positioned his tip at her entrance.
She gulped before nodding to let him know she was ready, she gasped as he pushed the tip of his dick into her, he watched her the whole time he did, looking for any signs of pain.
Claire let out a yelp and a hiss of pain when he suddenly pushed his whole shaft into her, breaking through her, she clamped her legs down hard around his waist, her bodies way of trying to stop the pain that was shooting inside of her, her eyes were squeezed shut, her mouth closed tightly.
“I’m sorry babe, it’s best to just get it over with, just relax, it’ll fade, I promise" he whispered to her as he stroked her cheek.
Slowly she breathed, relaxing herself the best she could as the pain finally subsided and she opened her eyes to look at him.
Her eyes glistened with tears and he hated that he hurt her but he promised himself that he would make it worth it.
Slowly he pulled out of her until just the tip of himself was still inside, she hissed again at the pain but tried to remain relaxed as he thrust back into her.
This time a moan escaped from her lips as pleasure went shooting through her and she watched him in shock, she had no idea what more pleasure was to come.
That moan had been an invitation to him, so he began thrusting at a slow, steady pace, pushing himself deeper into her wetness every time, her walls massaging his dick, enticing a small moan from him.
Her face was flushed, her chest heaving as he continued to thrust, she ran her hands down his back to his ass which she squeezed, trying to show him a sign that she wanted more.
He took it, thrusting a bit harder and faster and watched as her back arched, her head tipping back as a loud moan was heard from her.
It stroked the fire inside of him and soon he was thrusting into her hard and fast, every time making her cry out in bliss, She was even thrusting up at him, meeting him every time, the sound of skin slapping together and moans filling the room, he had to grip onto the arm of the couch to steady himself and then he felt her tighten around him, and he knew what it meant.
“Cum for me Claire" he moaned into her ear and she burst, a wave of pleasure shooting through her as she reached her orgasm, which in turn pushed him over the edge as he shot inside of her, filling her up.
Claire moaned louder than ever as she gripped his ass, as they rode out their orgasms together before he nearly collapsed on top of her, them both panting heavily and their eyes closed.
“I don’t want to crush you" he said as he slowly slipped out of Claire, a slight hiss of pain was heard from her but other than that she was still enjoying the bliss of pleasure that remained.
He moved them so that he was laying on the couch and she was laying on top of him, she was only small so she didn’t weigh much and he stroked her hair as he looked down at her flushed face that rested on his chest.
“You were amazing" he told her and slowly her eyes opened as she looked up at him, her breath finally returning to her.
“I want to stay with you" she admitted to him, she didn’t know why but she thought now would be the best time to fully tell him, at such a happy, loving moment.
“You will?” he asked, slightly shocked but overjoyed as she nodded, blushing up at him.
“I love you Chad" she declared and he took her cheeks in his hands, tugging slightly so she wiggled up to him.
“I love you too Claire" he replied before pulling her into a passionate, loving kiss.
Slowly Claire pulled away, laying her head down on his shoulder, she had been tired enough before but now her whole body was spent and the soothing of him stroking her back only helped her drift off to sleep on top of him.

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