Chapter Eighteen- Part One

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Chapter Eighteen.
The question only haunted her worst now that she had asked it out loud, now that it loomed over all of them as they all just stared awkwardly at one another, considering the question carefully.
What if it comes for us in the night?
What indeed, it had proven to be able to get into locked houses easily, it would have no problems with their tents, especially if it was a Phantom Attacker like most of the townsfolk believe.
“Well I suppose we’ll just have to sleep with one eye open" Bob finally spoke up, his voice quiet, uncertain, he just wanted to clear the air of the impending doom that hovered over them, it didn’t help.
“I’m liking the sound of this trip less and less" Chad spoke out frustrated, especially seeming as he wasn’t allowed to tag along, he just wanted to keep an eye on Claire, make sure she was safe and it was getting less safe by the minute.
“We’ll be alright, someone will always be on watch, we’ll take turns sleeping during the night" Bob explained but it didn’t loosen the knot that had tightened in Claire’s stomach, her appetite almost completely gone.
“Here is your food" Coral said as she came over and placed their breakfast down in front of them, smiling at Bob as he gave her the usual tip.
“Enjoy" she grinned as she bounded away, her heels smacking hard on the floor, it was amazing they didn’t break underneath her.
“So what are we going to do for the rest of the day then?” Chad asked as they began eating, Claire’s and Bob’s plans had fell through seeming as the man they wanted to question today was stuck in hospital in Sydney.
“I’m not sure" Claire replied, wracking her brain, trying to think of anything else they could do to waste time until tomorrow when they would be heading out in the forest, towards the mountains.
“Could I interest you to spend the day with me?” Chad asked her, running his fingers through his hair nervously.
“I’d like that but what will Bob do?” she asked, she didn’t want Bob to feel left out, she knows he without Helena that he gets lonely sometimes.
“No it’s alright, you two should spend some quality time together before tomorrow, it’s going to be a couple days hike there and back, you two enjoy, I’ve got to meet with the rangers, make sure the weather is going to be alright and that their all prepared" Bob told them before putting a piece of food into his mouth.
“It’s a date" Chad whispered to Claire who smiled and blushed at his words as he put his free hand on her thigh, rubbing his fingers against her smooth skin making her breath catch in her throat and she quickly shoved some food into her mouth to try and hide it.
It didn’t take long for them to finish and leave, going their separate ways as Bob left to go see the rangers while Claire and Chad decided on what they wanted to do, climbing into his truck.
Claire kept blushing as she felt him glance over to her every now and again as he drove, she didn’t even know where he was going but she knew what he had in mind, she could feel the waves coming off him, waves of lust for her, and she was feeling the same, she wanted him, it was like he had set a fire inside of her and the only way to tame it was to have him.
Have him touch her, kiss her, fuck her.
Claire looked around curiously when he parked, noticing they were at the little park where he had taken them for their first date, no one was here, it was too cold, they were all alone, sitting in the warmth of his truck.
She bit her bottom lip nervously as she saw him turn towards her from the corner of her eye, her breath already getting heavy, he hadn’t even touched her yet but her body felt so alive, so wanting of him.
Slowly she turned to look at him, his eyes dark with lust as he looked down her body then back up to her face as he scooted closer to her, grabbing her waist, pulling her over to him, it was a good thing the seat was just one big long one.
“I want you so bad" he whispered in her ear before kissing the nap of her neck, her eyes half open as she savoured his touch.
“I don’t know what your doing to me but I want you too" she replied, the way this man made her feel, she couldn’t fully understand it, if someone asked her to explain it she didn’t think she’d be able to put it into words.
“The things I want to do to you Claire" he mumbled, nipping at her throat, making her gasp.
“Like what?” she asked, curious as it send shivers through her, good shivers.
“Do you want to find out?” he asked, his voice husky, she had never seen him like this before but she liked it.
“Yes" she whispered, her chest heaving as he began pulling off her layers of clothing as she did the same to him, he kissed her passionately, their lips melting against the others, moving in perfect sync.
It didn’t take long for them both to be void of clothing and Chad took Claire’s nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it while he rubbed the other through his fingers.
Claire moaned, leaning her head back, pushing her chest closer to him and he wrapped his other hand around her back, slowly guiding her to lay down on the seat all the while he continued licking and sucking at her nipple until both were perky and hard.
She felt herself dampen from the pleasure he was sending through her, her need for him growing.
“Chad" she whispered out in pleasure as he kissed down her body, it was a bit awkward in such a small space but he still found a way to become nestled in between her legs, she had moved up a bit to help, the back of her head rested on the arm rest on the door.
She watched him as he lifted her leg up, putting it over his shoulder, he looked up at her as he slowly leaned down, closer to her, her breaths heavy with anticipation, her body aflame.
Suddenly he buried his face in between her thighs, licking up at her and she gasped as he hips thruster at the sudden pleasure, it was amazing, and he didn’t stop, he continued what he was doing with that delicious tongue of him, lapping her wetness up, pushing it slightly between her pussy lips and she moaned out as she ran her fingers through his hair, she had never felt anything like this before.
She thought it had felt amazing when he had fingered her but that was nothing in comparison with this, especially when he pushed it inside of her, thrusting it back and forth, tongue fucking her.
She couldn’t stop moaning, gripping his hair, his shoulders, anything she could grab, trying to regain her thoughts but she couldn’t, all she could feel was his tongue, the pleasure, building inside of her and suddenly she came, hard and fast as she cried out loudly, passionately and he continued to lick it all up.
“Oh god" she moaned out, gasping for her breath as he kissed his way back up her body, it trembled under every touch, reacting to him.
“You tasted so good" he whispered to her, his hot breath on her neck and she shivered, grabbing onto his shoulders, the adrenaline pumping through her.
“Wow" was all she could breath out and he chuckled as he kissed her passionately, she could taste herself on his lips but it didn’t disgust her like she thought it would, no it only lit the fire inside her once again.
“Get on your back" she said as she suddenly sat up, wanting to trade places with him.
He looked at her curiously for a moment before doing what she wanted, switching places so that he was laying down and she was above him.
Slowly she kissed him, working her way down his cheek to his neck, running the tip of her tongue down it, making him gasp, it felt so good to know she could entice the same reaction from him as he did her.
Butterfly kisses she placed all over his strong chest, working down to his stomach where she kissed his side, right where she knew he was tender, his body jolting slightly as she met his hip, placing a kiss right on it and down his bare leg slightly.
She had kept eye contact on him the entire time, watching his eyes darken with lust and hunger, a need for her, it felt great and inspired her to do whatever she could to return the pleasure he had inflicted upon her.
Finally she looked away from his gaze to look upon him, he was hard, and huge, she remembered how it felt when he had been inside her, she wanted that again, so much but for now she had something else in mind.
She took him, in her hand and pumped slowly, looking up at him as he watched her, his eyes half closed, filled with heat, passion.
She worked her way up, pumping him faster and watched as his body reacted, his hips thrusting up at her hand slightly and then she took a deep breath, preparing herself before she wrapped her lips around the tip of his hard dick.
He gasped in shock at the feeling, she continued to toss him but she also swirled her tongue around him making him moan as he grabbed the back of her head, the reaction she was getting from him only made her want to give him more, so she did.
She worked her way down him, taking as much as she could into her mouth, pouting her lips out as she sucked him, leaning her head back until only the tip was still in her mouth before taking the rest of him back in.
She felt amazed with herself, giving him head, hearing him moan as he gripped onto her hair, thrusting up into her mouth, she did gag a few times but she ignored it the best she could, wanting to give him all the pleasure she could.
“I want to fuck you" he moaned out, feeling himself coming close but he didn’t want to cum, not yet, he wanted to be inside of her when he did but she didn’t stop, she only sucked him harder, faster and soon he lost it.
He gripped the back of her head, moaning loudly as he came into her mouth, but she still didn’t stop, she road out his orgasm with her mouth before she finally lend back and swallowed all that she could.
He watched her amazed, he had never expected that from her, he had expected to be too worn out after that but no, after seeing and feeling all that he only wanted her more, he needed to have her and he quickly grabbed her hips and went to flip them but she put her hand on his chest to stop him and he looked at her confused but soon understood when she climbed on top of him.
She leaned down, kissing his neck and he grabbed her neck pulling her lips to his, he didn’t like to taste himself, no guy does but he couldn’t help himself, he wanted to kiss those perfect lips.
“How did I ever get so lucky" he whispered to her, she was still very inexperienced, he could feel that when she was giving him head but for someone so inexperienced she had done her best and it was the best, the best he’d ever had.
“Fuck me Chad" she whispered seductively in his ear as she reached down, grabbing him, it was amazing how hard he still was, he knew why though, it was her, she made him want even more of her and he was going to give her everything.
She winced slightly as she guiding him inside of her, slowly sitting down on him again, it felt like forever while she waited to relax around him.
She felt so tight, but he felt as she became more wet around him as she relaxed and he grabbed her waist.
Slowly she lifted her hips, leaving just his tip inside of her before slowly moving back down onto him, taking him fully back inside of her.
She managed to have both legs up on the seat, one on each side of him and she held his shoulders for support, her tits hanging down in front of him.
He reached up, softly kneading them and watched as pleasure filled her face, her lips slightly parted as she took in deep small breaths.
Slowly she rode him, getting used to the position, it became easier the wetter she got and soon she wanted more.
Faster she rode him, bouncing on him, moaning as he filled her up, skin slapping on skin as she angled her hips so he would hit that spot inside of her that would entice these hot little gasps from her.
She gripped his shoulder tighter as he reached down and grabbed her waist, helping to steady her as she picked up the pace, harder and harder she pounded down onto him, loud moans escaping both of them as she fucked him hard.
She felt herself building, closer and closer as she rode him and he could feel it too as she began to tighten around him, he wanted to bring her over the edge, as he thrust up at her and he reached down with his thumb and rubbed her clit, a gasp escaping her.

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